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Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Legacy of BanniBanni brought down the 2nd Fangaulan Empire. He did so because of the Empire's harsh tithes, because of its theft of tribal land, because of its abduction of planetouched children like himself - all to enrich itself. He did so because the Empire abandoned the tribes to die when the gnolls marched south protecting only its heartlands. He did so because his dear friend, Diakarida, who saved the Empire from the gnolls, was executed for trying to improve his peoples' lives. In a grand display of his planetouched might Banni buried the imperial palace with an earthquake, killing the entire royal family and collapsing the Empire with it.\n\nWe, his descendants, uphold Banni's memory. We, too, will not sit quietly while injustice is wrought upon our people. We, too, will not lay idle if another tyrant comes to hegemonise these lands. Should another Fangaulan Empire attempt to rise, this time the Bokiya people will be the earthquake that buries it!
-15% Province War Score Cost

Penance to KanhatiBy joining with the lich, Kaino, and his undead hordes in his war against the first Fangaulan Empire, we betrayed both humanity and our patron deity, Kanhati. As punishment siding with Kaino, the emperor, Aro, stole our lands and banished us into the jungles, branding our people with a new name "Kaino" to memorialise our sin. Bearing more kindness than we deserve, Kanhati granted us both a second chance and an opportunity to atone, rescuing us from a fate of wasting away in the Dao Nako. It is our duty to make ourselves worthy of his faith in us and to ensure the follies of the past are never repeated.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition
-0.05 Yearly Corruption

Kaino Palm ProduceThe many raffia palm trees of our lands provide us with bounteous materials and every part has its uses. From the wood, we can build our homes. From the sap, we can ferment our famously sweet palm wine. From the leaves, we can roll ropes and weave cloth to craft clothes, mats, and baskets. Whilst we have traditionally made our raffia products for our own use, our burgeoning friendship with the Taafi people has led to them becoming popular exports.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Defenders of the Dao GardenWhen we first ventured into the Dao Nako, we were at our lowest point, having been taken from our homes and exiled from our lands. However, we refused to find our end in these jungles, either at the end of halfling spears or in the maws of beasts. Our pact with Kanhati granted us the knowledge we needed to thrive here and now we are the masters of this domain. First we drove out the halflings, then we overcame the savage fauna. The Tamajoba claim that they became rulers over the jungle when they defeated us. Can they harvest the ironwood or the gem fruits within it? No, only the Kaino possess bravery to fight the hydras and the hook-footed Asanbosams, the wiles to avoid the deadly gaze of the Ninki Nanka, and the wisdom to trick the gluttonous kaddas, swallowers of men, who would devour the whole forest if not for our efforts.
-15% Land Attrition

MforoekpenOnce Banni killed the royal family, leading to the collapse of the second Fangaulan Empire, a devastating civil war commenced, as warlords rose up to fight over its remains. During this time the Mforoekpen was created, an organisation of Kaino assassins who would attempt assassinations of rival warlords and their planetouched. So skilled were the Mforoekpen, swift, agile, and deadly beyond reckoning, that rumours claimed they were composed of a tribe of were-leopards recruited by Banni. The Kaino are no longer united like they were, but the Mforoekpen continue their work in the shadows to protect Kaino interests to this day, as if bound to the service.
+20% Spy Network Construction

Proscription of AnimalsOur patron Kanhati came to us in our moment of need, taking pity on us, and offered us salvation when we had no right to ask for it. In the form of an old man, he offered us a pact: that should we swear never again to make use of the corpses of animals, he would teach us how to survive in the Dao Nako. It has been a harsh restriction. We cannot clothe ourselves with wool, fur, or leather so what clothes we wear, we make from woven palm fibres. The only animals we keep are for milk, honey, and labour. These practices mark us apart from our neighbours, but they remind us of our shared burden and our shared faith.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Harrowing the InvadersOnce we held bountiful grazing lands, but our neighbours coveted our lands and we were driven from them into the undesirable jungle of Dao Nako. When we learned how to harvest the riches of the jungle, the other tribes came to covet these lands also. After driving back many invasions at the hands of the second Fangaulan Empire, we were finally overcome by the Dendugma siblings, Kantun and Jagu, and subjugated under the Tamajoba. Whilst we could hold these jungles against any force of numbers, their potent magical weapons and many planetouched posed an insurmountable threat.\n\nNow more Tamajoba invade our lands, fleeing their erupting volcano. Let us repay in kind their subjugation of our people! We shall kill their men, but the rest can serve us as we once served them.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

+20% Improve Relations


