Boar Command Ideas

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-20% Culture Conversion Cost
+15% Infantry Combat Ability

Rotating OfficersIn a stratocracy, the relentless pursuit of military rank forms the base of its structure. Ascending the mountain of success means displacing others who are also fighting for the same positions. Yet this ruthless competition, while fostering excellence, can also sow seeds of resentment among those left behind—posing a threat to our nation's integrity.\n\nTo preempt such risks, our commander wields the authority to shuffle subordinates at will. This prophylactic measure not only incentivizes aspiring officers to excel, knowing that opportunities for advancement are plentiful, but it also prevents any overly ambitious individual from amassing undue power and challenging our commander's authority.\n\nLieutenant General Zau Boarborn exemplified this approach, ensuring the equilibrium of power within his troops by regularly rotating officers. By infusing fresh talent and preventing stagnation, he safeguarded against the emergence of ambitious rivals.
+1 Yearly Absolutism
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Anyone a SoldierThe ethos of the Boar Command is that warfare is not just a profession but a calling, and every member of society is considered a potential asset on the battlefield.\n\nCentral to this philosophy is our meticulous process of recruitment. Boarborn recruiters are revered for their discerning eye and their ability to identify the traits that make for effective warriors. Once identified, recruits undergo a rigorous series of tests and evaluations to determine their suitability for military service. These assessments encompass everything from physical fitness and combat skill to psychological resilience and adaptability. Those who pass are immediately integrated into the reserves, where they undergo further training and preparation for the inevitable conflicts that lie ahead.\n\nThese reserves serve as a pool of talent and manpower, ensuring that the Boar hobgoblins are always prepared for the challenges of war.
+10% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Law of the SwordThe other two Commands may think that there are worthwhile individuals among the Gerunanin, but we know better. The Gerunanin understand nothing of honor and duty, and to grant them freedom within our borders will inevitably result in chaos and betrayal. Thus, we must adopt a stance of unwavering vigilance, exerting firm control over all non-hobgoblins under our dominion. \n\nAny whispers of dissent or defiance must be swiftly and decisively quashed, lest they devolve into full-blown rebellion. While such measures may seem severe, they are the only way to keep the dishonorable in check. By maintaining a firm grip on dissent and suppressing any attempts at subversion, we ensure the integrity and order of our nation.
-2 National Unrest
-10% Harsh Treatment Cost

Death or DishonorOur infantry are the jewel of our nation and the key to our battlefield victories. They are unwavering in their resolve, equipped with the finest gear, honed through rigorous training regimens, and hail from the most esteemed ranks of our kind: Boar hobgoblins, the most superior of all races. However, what truly distinguishes them is the fact that they never leave their position or retreat from battle, for they know the punishment that awaits them if they do. \n\nAny soldier who dares to retreat from combat or falter in their duty is punished by having the mark of the dishonored burned onto their face, forever branding them as outcasts and removing their status as Boar hobgoblins. After this, these traitors are left with a choice: to toil as slaves or to seek solace in death by commiting suicide.
-10% Morale Damage Received

The Place of a SlaveA slave’s place is in the fields and the factories, doing the hard jobs for us and providing the resources that our armies need. To allow such rabble to fight alongside us, even as cannon fodder, would only weaken our performance in battle. However, as our military grows in scale to meet the demands of expanding conflicts, so too do their requirements.\n\nTo amend this situation, we shall increase both the scale of our slave operations and the size of their population by extending the institution of slavery to encompass all non-Boar hobgoblins, including other members of our own kind. This strategic expansion of our labor force not only guarantees the seamless continuation of our military expansion but also reinforces the hierarchical order upon which our society is structured. With the burdens of labor and provision delegated to the subordinate masses, our elite can devote their undivided attention to the only thing that matters: war.
+15% Production Efficiency

Legacy of ZauVery few in hobgoblin history are as infamous as Zau Boarborn. Rumored to only have achieved his position as a lieutenant general after the assassination of his uncle Lü Boarborn, he enforced draconian punishments and rigorous drills upon his troops. On the battlefield, no act of cruelty was too much for him: from burning forests and crops to poisoning rivers or executing prisoners in front of enemy armies before combat, he participated in many of the Command’s early victories.\n\nThough some may decry his methods as dishonorable, none dispute his efficacy; Zau Boarborn stands as the epitome of the ideal Boar hobgoblin. Thus, to lead the Boar Command is to embrace his legacy, to wield violence and authority without hesitation, for this is the only language that the world speaks.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

Unwavering ResilianceThe boar—an unassuming animal at first glance—boasts a resilience that matches any armor. Its robust hide serves as a formidable barrier against both the biting cold of winter and the teeth of the wolfpack. The boar knows what the lion does not: that the power to withstand harm outlives the power to inflict it.\n\nIn the same way, it doesn't matter how efficient a system is—if it is vulnerable to internal corruption or external manipulation, it is doomed to failure. Our structure, our Command, must not have such pitfalls. It will remain orderly, resilient to any attempt of change or revolution. Any changes that may arise will be deliberate and carefully orchestrated under the supervision of our commander, ensuring stability and continuity in an ever-changing and chaotic world. This way, our Command will stand as an eternal beacon of strength and prosperity, unwavering in its resolve to endure the trials of time.
+15% Foreign Spy Detection
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

+10 Maximum Absolutism