Black Castanor

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Black Castanor

Primary Culture

+5% Administrative Efficiency
+5% Discipline

Conqueror of EscannCastan Ebonfrost was the legendary conqueror of Castanor, hailing from the cold lands of Urviksten. In his youth he was a lowborn Reaver who rose the ranks after many years of raiding. Word of his exploits spread across the lands, and in 865 he was awarded the dominion of Vrorenmarch as a ploy by Castanor.\n\nA year later he smashed through Castanor with his armies and killed Castan XLVIII, and crowned himself as the new Castan of Castanor. He did so by sacking the temple of Castellos on the Trialmount, which guards and administers the trials which decide the leader of Castanor, known as Castan. Afterwards, the only individuals allowed to take the trials were descendents of the Ebonfrost dynasty, maintained by the Ebon Guard.
-5 Years of Separatism

Ebon GuardThe Ebon Guard were the elite military force of Black Castanor, answering only to Castan Ebonfrost and his successors. Outfitted with Ebonsteel armor and weaponry, they were feared throughout the world. The Ebon Guard was primarily made up of strong Gerudians of Ebonmarck, although some of the native Escanni that proved worthy were given the privilege of joining the Guard. Most famous for guarding the Trialmount, the Ebon Guard also served in military maneuvers that required only the best of the best.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+10% Morale of Armies

Ebonfrost's FistA legendary artifact, Ebonfrost's Fist was a magical gauntlet infused with the strength of golems. Famous for his explosive anger, Castan Ebonfrost wore this gauntlet to smash tables to make his point clear, or to make his point even more clear by beating his opposition into submission.
+1 Yearly Absolutism

Successor of CastanorBlack Castanor conquered far and wide, from the Serpentspine Mountains to Vertesk on the Dameshead Sea. No empire had boasted such a claim since the glory days of old Castanor. Although these lands have gone astray after the disintegration of Black Castanor following the War of the Sorcerer-King, none can deny the ancient bounds of our empire. With Black Castanor restored, we should utilize these extensive claims to restore our realm beyond Escann!
-20% Core-Creation Cost

Ebonsteel FoundriesOne of the most important innovations of Black Castanor, Ebonsteel paved the way for the extensive conquest and pacification of lands by Black Castanor. A special steel-like black alloy, lighter and stronger than already-rare steel, can be found in the Black Frost mountains of Urviksten, but can also be created with a special combination of metals and minerals. With this art reborn, the armies of Black Castanor will once more conquer the lands bearing this superior steel.
+10% Production Efficiency
-10% Shock Damage Received

Black Reaver AcademyBlack Castanor was founded by Reavers, both in the past and in the new restoration of the realm. These legendary warriors formed the first generation of soldiers that conquered the land, and in order to preserve this advantage Castan Ebonfrost established the Black Reaver Academy. This Academy trained the officers of the realm in the art of war, in the Gerudian way that is unique and strange to the Escanni. Although it was ransacked and razed by the League of so-called Free Realms at the end of the War of the Sorcerer-King, we have rebuilt this magnificent institution to ensure that our martial heritage may never be lost!
+1 Yearly Army Tradition

Military Renewal ActOne of the staples of warfare is a constant supply of manpower. Castanor in the days of the Ebonfrost were plagued by treasonous lords who thwarted our rightful rule both openly and behind closed doors. Even centuries later, even after the destruction of the Escanni by the Greentide, the land still harbors traitors. In order to subdue the pretenders and retake our rightful lands, an act must be passed to make sure that our reserves are always full by enforcing conscription. The lords and nobility will no longer be able to hamper our efforts any more.
+20% Manpower Recovery Speed

+15% Global Trade Power


