Bim Lau Ideas

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+20% Fort Defence
-10% Fort Maintenance

Spirit Guarded FortsSince ancient times Bim Lau has been a land of forts. However the designs of Sri Ang Rang, Witch-King of Bim Lau at the dawn of time, have left them with defenses beyond those of the mundane and mortal. The battlements and towers the kingdom's forts are manned with both men and spirits. The inhabitants of the Great Necropolis and the old soldiers long since passed away, preserved in the memory of the land. These defenses faltered when Jaher conquered Bim Lau and delved into the Necropolis, but after multiple centuries they are starting to return.
+50% Garrison Size

The Phtau TelerengBim Lau stretches between two major rivers of Haless, the Kharunyana and the Telebei. The kingdom grew wealthy on the trade moving across the fertile plains between the two rivers, especially along its main road, the Phtau Telereng. During the 300s that the first tolling stations were placed along it, with one caveat: Tolls would be lighter for those who traded specific wares in the locations where the kings wanted them, regardless of profits. In time there came to be many roads, but the royal tolls kept the name of the first connection between the rivers.
+25% Trade Steering

The Eternal DutyThe people of Bim Lau are tied to their land body and soul. They know their obligation is to protect their great necropolis, so that it can protect their people from threats both physical and spiritual. This is a task they are fed from childhood and it is not something they can be swayed from through neither death nor defeat.
+5% Morale of Armies
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

Wisdom in Stone and PlasterThe Great Necropolis is the tomb and palace of Sri Ang Rang and the many great people that were added to the complex. The people of Bim Lau know that there is great strength in the spirits of the great ones and they must be properly tended in their death. In turn the great share with them their knowledge of the world. Their memories are carved in stone and sculpted in plaster, and their epitaphs serve to guide the younger kings of Bim Lau in their statecraft.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Perpetual ConstructionThe masons, carpenters, tilemakers, painters and plasterers of Bim Lau are perpetually busy. If there is no work to be found in any cities in the remoter reaches of the kingdom, there is always some to be found in the capital. The Necropolis is forever in need of new extensions for the previous king, or a succesful general. Foreign leaders fallen on its soil must also be housed, that their disturbed spirits may not cause harm among the people.
-10% Construction Cost

Tai MiosConstruction is not cheap, even when the infrastructure is there, and the kingdom is always expanding the Necropolis. So many centuries ago the king instituted the Tai Mios. The tax for the king. But not the current king. It was a tax for the previous kings and those others that were buried in the Necropolis, to fund the construction and maintenance of its great halls.
+10% National Tax Modifier

The Legacy of Natahas of the Rapid ClawDuring the chaos that ensued after Jaher's death, many warlords moved between Rahen, Yanshen and the rest of Haless. In this time a weakened Bim Lau was invaded and conquered by a harimari, Natahas of the Rapid Claw. While a violent conqueror, he did oversee the reconstruction of many of the kingdom's defenses. Furthermore, he brought along with him many administrative institutions from Rahen that had previously been unknown to the people of Bomdan. His dynasty, renamed to the Gleaming Tomb, continued to rule Bim Lau for many years.
+1 Administrative Free Policies

-1 National Unrest