Bianfang Ideas

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-10% Infantry Cost
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Junbiao Standards LawThe only way mere humans can overcome the strength of the savage races is with intense physical regimen and military discipline to match. The soldiers that pass our stringent standards of fitness and proficiency will earn an exemption from taxation and corvee labour - if love and duty to our glorious state cannot inspire them, perhaps a monetary incentive will.
+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Stormcloud of the WestTo the squabbling Yan city states downstream, we are the stormcloud looming from the West - but we know the true threat. A great horde of subhuman monsters threatens to engulf us. Unlike the hated Sun Elves, we know these invaders from the mountains to be ravenous and unyielding. The only way to survive is for us to sweep over divided Yanshen and forge a singular state - rigid and powerful like the hobgoblins who threaten us. Without unity, Yanshen will fall to outsiders once again.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

Bianfang CorridorPincered between the Phokhao mountains and the Oni infested hills to the north, the upper reaches of the Yanhe form a natural corridor between Yanshen and the rest of Haless. Our experience in the logistics of organising an army lends itself naturally to trading caravans and convoys.
+20% Caravan Power

Ruled by the Three WeaponsThe renowned poet Li Bai once remarked that Xianjie was a land ruled not by states or governments, but by The Three Weapons - the jian, the bow, and the spear. Almost two centuries later, this adage still rings true. The lawless frontier of bandit kings and self-proclaimed heroes chafes and seethes under our righteous governance. Disloyalty cannot be tolerated. We shall instruct our soldiers to remind our seditious subjects of the Three Weapons.
-20% Harsh Treatment Cost
-25% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion

Huangpo Academy of Logistics and War SciencesFounded in 1632, the Huangpo Academy of Logistics and War Sciences is the greatest collection of military minds in all of Haless. Huangpo exists to train the next generation of officers against all threats, foreign and near. With practically unlimited funding from the state treasury, Huangpo Academy pays handsomely for strange technologies and military expertise from foreign lands - we cannot defeat what we do not understand.
-10% General Cost
-5% Military Technology Cost

Jadeite CrossguardsOur Marshals are more than just leaders in war - they are administrators of newly conquered territories, arbitrators in civil disputes, and scholars who contribute to the growing collection of treatises in the libraries of the Huangpo Academy. They are no ordinary men, and we shall honor their status with ceremonial jade crossguards for their swords. It is the ultimate symbol of status that no amount of money or heritage can buy.
-1% Prestige Decay

Kowtow DecreeThe Kowtow - a kneeling bow with the head pressed to the ground - is the ultimate expression of submission and reverence in Yanshen. Under the Kowtow Decree, our marshals and senior state officials may demand that their lessers demonstrate their subservience with a kowtow. A refusal is a crime of the highest order - death is the usual punishment, but some of the crueler officials have been known to break the legs of offenders and exile them as crippled beggars, so that they may spend the rest of their lives kowtowing to peasants and animals to atone for their dishonor.
+10 Maximum Absolutism

+5% Discipline