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Primary Culture

-20% Light Ship Cost
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Custodian of the Great RiverAlthough the Kharunyana flows through many nations, it is the great city of Sramaya that has, since its founding, controlled its mouth. With its stranglehold on the river which makes up the very lifeblood of Rahen, it, and the cities sworn to it became some of the richest in the world, with massive amounts of currency, silks, porcelain, and ivory flowing through them every single day.
+15% Global Trade Power

Myths of BrassA century ago, the people of Bhuvauri served harimari masters, until they finally managed to throw off their chains. It is said, however, that they did not do it alone; old folks tell of a great brass dragon who took to the sky to free our people, the legendary Jyntas. True or not, their stories still inspire vigor and hope within the hearts of our soldiers
+15% Morale of Armies

Purchase New SlavesWhether free or still serving masters, Bhuvauri is a nation of slaves. Thus, even when our manpower reserves seem to run low, new shipments of slaves from Rahen and beyond can always fill the gaps in our ranks.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Of all Races and ReligionsWhilst the rest of the world squabbles over petty disagreements of theology, those of the Bhuvauri understand that difference of faith, or even difference of race, need not divide us. In our great cities, those of all faiths and races, from the Godlost to the Jadd, from Harpies to Dwarves, can be found living in relative peace.\n
yes Heretic and heathen provinces do not give any penalties

Craftsmen of SramayaSramaya, capital of Bhuvauri, is by no small factor the largest city in Rahen. Combined with the massive amounts of fine materials flowing through the city each day, Sramaya has become a hub for some of, if not the greatest craftsmen in Rahen, and the world.
+10% Production Efficiency

Reformed Slave ArmyAlthough often seen as unruly and undisciplined by the rest of Halann, our slave army has become one of the most formidable fighting forces in the world. For, unlike the armies of other nations, who fight merely for nobles or sorcerers, our soldiers know that they fight for themselves, and have the ability to rise through the ranks on their own merit.
+3% Discipline
-5% Regiment Costs

Gates of HalessWhen the Cannorians first arrived on Raheni shores, they sought a partner through which they could access the vast riches of the Raj. Of course, the Bhuvauri merchants were eager to fill that position. Thus, Bhuvauri ports became the main destination for Cannorian merchants, who brought with them strange goods and magic, and stranger still ideas.
+15% Caravan Power
+25% Institution Spread


