Besolaki Ideas

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+1 Colonists
-20% Institution Embracement Cost

Radical ExilesBeginning as a small hunting outpost on the edge of a much larger forest, Besolakí was merely a town for much of its existence. Its parent city, Lokemeion, payed little attention to it, until the philosophers found a good use for the settlement. A growing movement in Lokemeion, led by the radical philosopher Varamelas Dranikes, called for true democracy, direct elections, guarenteed rights for all, and reforms the ruling class of Lokemeion found objectionable. These "Dranikites" where causing chaos and division within the city, and in a desperate bid to retain power and avoid internal conflict, Lokemeion exiled these radical philosophers and their followers, with the kylakas at the time, Eledas Akropolites stating "They can build their so called paradise, but not here. In Besolakí they will go." The exiling of the Dranikites started a long standing trend in Lokemeion, where those that disagreed with the established order would be sent to Besolakí, which resulted in a population boom. These exiles and their descendants led to Besolakí being far more willing to embrace new ideas than the other Kheionai.
+10% Reform Progress Growth

The Reforms of GelondikosWhen Cannorians came and brought with them guns, many initially still overlooked their usefulness. This was also true in Besolakí until a fateful summer in 1590.\n\n While discussing trade deals with the representatives of the distant island of Eborthíl, kylakas Gelondikos and his entourage were ambushed by barbarians from the forests and dragged deep inland close to a massive lake. The Cannorians, who so recently had been clashing with him on a daily basis, were among the first to propose an expedition to save them, bringing along a number of mercenaries they had awaiting by the docks. Slaughter. That is the only word that could describe the result of the Cannorian incursion, the barbarians who did not expect to fight at such a long range were utterly and completely crushed, so much so that the lake by which they stood was named Mteídhan - the lake of Death. Soon after, Gelondikos became one of the first among the kheionai to begin hiring Cannorian advisors and adding musketeers to his armies, to a devastating effect.
+10% Land Fire Damage

Foundation of the NékheisWhen the Kheions of Alecand outgrew their wind-warded walls, they looked beyond the storm-ravaged island for expansion opportunities. They founded our ‘New Cities' – nékheis, to both enrich themselves and to keep those riches out of the hands of their rivals. We are the children of the nékheis, and we shall come to hold these riches ourselves.
+15 Global Settler Increase
-1 National Unrest

Great Works of South AelantirBe it the Grand Library of Lokemeion, the Goliath of Degakheion, the Wondrous Harbour of Ormam, or simply the vast amphitheatres and lifelike statues present in any Kheionai city, it is undeniable by any who have seen our work that we have mastered the art of architecture.
-10% Construction Cost
-1% Prestige Decay

Modernize the Kheionai SchoolsWhile for many centuries education has been a privately funded endeavour, our most prestigious and influential philosophers have come to the conclusion that education, both physical and intellectual, is essential for the continued thriving of our nation and our culture. Henceforth all citizens shall receive publicly funded education during their childhood.
-10% Idea Cost

The Forest OutpostOwing to the large forest nearby, many Besolakí would take to the woods to supplement their mostly agrarian diet. A hunting tradition would emerge among the Besolakí, where every child was expected to know how to hunt in the forest on their own and much of the population were expert hunters. Realizing this, the army did away with the baggage trains that so often followed other Kheionai armies, opting to instead live off the land, something the Besolakí soldiers were already so accustomed to.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

The Akeionid"Thanid taimoík paraidár\nNe laidene thámas skápos\nOreiztas kamos ne lápos\nOteik Emdar un naraidár"\n\nWhen looking for paradise\nTake to the sea by boat\nThe horizon holds what you seek\nBut always at a distance and away\n\n"The final verse of the Akeionid, known throughout Andeios for the tragedy of its hero forever searching for a land of his own"
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+1 Yearly Devotion+1 Yearly Horde Unity+1 Yearly Legitimacy+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition