Bellacairey Ideas

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-15% Fort Maintenance
+10% Production Efficiency

Bellac's RockThe most unique and storied structure of Bellacaire is the looming fortress of Bellac's Rock, first built by the King of Verne, Bellac Vernid, in 587 AA as a border fortress against Dameria. For centuries it stood against the ambitions of the north, up until it was seized from the Vernids in 917 AA, acting as a bastion against her original owners until it came under siege and occupation during the War of the Sorcerer-King. Despite its long and tumultuous history, Bellac's Rock is as sturdy as ever, a mighty citadel that continues to guard the lands around it.
+20% Fort Defence

Free City ConfederationWhen the winds of war blew across the Upper Luna, Bellacaire organized a neutrality pact with her fellow Free Cities of the river. Though it was ultimately short lived, the brief moment of unity along the Luna is a goal every Bellacairey hopes to replicate, to forge a realm strong enough to protect itself from being pulled into the conflicts of others.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Battle of the Salt and LanceDespite our city's declared neutrality in the Lilac Wars, in the final days of the conflict she became the site of a brutal, yet inspiring, battle. The treacherous Cestiranders, recently supporters of the Rose Party, charged towards the city while the Galéinni did the same, both powers seeking to seize Bellacaire for their own ambitions. They met outside our gates, clashing in bloody melee while our own warriors took the field to defend the city. After four days and three nights, the invading forces were both forced to withdraw, for the guard of Bellacaire had ensured she would continue to stand free.
+10% Morale of Armies
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

LunawalkRunning along the Luna River, the Lunawalk is where most Damerians settled after the fall of Bellac's Rock, establishing a patrician district along the gentle and serene banks. Far from reach of the great shadow cast by the Rock and gently lit by the moon at night, it is the most prestigious neighborhood in the city.
-1% Prestige Decay

The DrabsburdOn the other side of the city, far from the opulent abodes of the Lunawalk, the workshops and laboratories of the Drabsburd buzz and churn night and day. The strange gadgets and trinkets produced by the gnomes of the district are awe-inspiring to the populace, and the city government largely leaves the gnomes to innovate and invent at will, so long as they enforce safe practices and procedures.
-10% Idea Cost
+50% Innovativeness Gain

Impartial in Heavens and HalannIn the end, it truly doesn't matter who rests upon the throne of the Regent Court, for all of us shall know for sure when we pass from this world. Here one can find Adeanics and Corinites living in peace, free from the dogmatic hatred that drives their religious compatriots to battle outside the city.
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

Pink StripeThe horrors of the war between the Corinite and Adeanic Leagues has left countless refugees and orphans in its wake, and the majority of the Empire is content to let them suffer in silence. This will not stand for us. The Pink Stripe is an organization based in Bellacaire to assist and nurture those devastated by war and disaster, regardless of creed, allegiance, race, or otherwise. Already they've established charters across Anbennar, looking after those that have been left behind.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

+30% Garrison Size