Beeraggan Ideas

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+10% Global Trade Power
+10% Morale of Armies

Live And LearnAn incompetent king led his country into an aimless war that resulted in nothing but failures. While the army managed to hold off the Ashamadi and Weggabiga from entering their heartlands, the Beeraggans experienced a widespread famine and a rebellion in the south which Qabiika Baddabi had to devote their military to, resulting in less troops on the frontline. Ultimately, the war had to be ended by Sadealdhahk the Wise killing his own father and negotiating peace with his rivals.\n\nSadealdhahk was a competent ruler, and thus he was able with help from the merfolk to bring the Dhebiji peoples back from the depths of decadence by finding peace with the Ashamadi through conference rather than violence. Yet, a scar remained even after Sadealdhahk was gone, which united all who followed him: Beeragga was to never stoop to such levels of incompetence again. They will not repeat the mistakes of their predecessors.
+15% Reinforce Speed

Those Who Sit Atop The Jasiir JadidBeeragga is the nation amongst the Baashidi with the most potential. Their position in the Isthmus of the Jasiir Jadid has granted them vast wealth and influence over their neighbors. Any time the Beeraggans have been knocked down, whether it has been the Droughtsmore, or the Dagafita, and even the War of Culture, they bounced back. They gained all this power, when the Baashidi were young and the Djinnakah Vizierate still reigned over the lands, through conquest and unification. They claim to represent the unification of the Dhebiji peoples, working under one banner. No other Baashidi kingdom could do what they have done.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

No Tarnished NamesBeeraggan families have held a tradition since the reign of Sadealdhahk.\n\nTo avoid decadence, only the firstborn son is given a right to premade marriage. Those who come after are forced to earn respect and ultimately their right to marriage. It was said that after seeing the pains of the Dagafita, and what became of their ruler at the time, parents were scared of that same incompetence occuring in their own children.\n\nNow, they train their young to be honorable, and that not everything comes easy. Whether it be fighting in battle, bringing riches and prestige to their family, or finding a bride, they will do it on their own. It instills values of self determination and diligence. This has assured the people of the Baashidi that they have the capable men needed to not only run their nation, but to understand the plight of the downtrodden as well.
-10% Regiment Costs

The IsthmusThe region known as the Jasiir Jadid contains a diverse landscape. In the north live the Ashamadi and Weggabigans in their mountainous jungles, bordering the Lizardfolk and Tanizu. As one travels down south from the mountains, the bush changes into fertile lands, which closes in around highlands and clouded plateaus. While in the far south, the kingdom of Badabbi lies in drylands and deserts, forced to defend against Qeyikul and Native attacks alike.\n\nAt the center of the region, sits the lands of Beeragga—stretched thin along the coast, yet fruitful and fortified. The people of Beeragga enjoy vast amounts of grain and fish, protected from the dangers of their brethren. Their long coastline is filled with ports for the trade of the many treasures of Sarhal, not only for those under the sun, but also for those who dwell below—the merfolks of the undersea. All trade routes lead to the canal of Jashar located at the heart of the Beeraggan isthmus. The door to Sarhal, and its endless riches.
+25% Trade Steering

Citizens Of Both WorldsQasri Maroodiqya is the most beautiful city in all of Sarhal, with its highest towers and lowest alleys telling the thousand years of history of the Baashidi people throughout various eras of art and design. Hundreds of travelers pass through the city half on land and half on water. Canals run through the entire city, in an intrinsic web that is kept pristinely blue. It is not unlikely for a bystander to see merfolk swimming in their clear waters, before diving down into the depths.\n\nWhile most Baashidi cities have canals for the Merfolk, Qasri Maroodiqya has always hosted the largest amount of them. Collaboration between Merfolk Civilization and the kings of Qabiika Beeragga allowed for canals deep as trenches, enabling the merfolk to build a grandiose city of their own underneath the Baashidi canals. Markets line the waters below, where merfolk swim about their lives.\n\nIf the people above are in need, they can count on the city below to help them. Whether it be the struggle against floods or storms, the merfolk have kept an eye out for the Baashidi. This unique cooperation between two civilizations has made Qasri Maroodiqya the shining diamond of the Baashidi.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Ships Of NecessityFrom the Lizardfolk to the Busilar to the Deep Devils before them, Beeragga has always needed a fleet to defend itself. Its long coast may be an advantage, but at times it has also proven itself to be a disability. This was shown when the Baashidi fought the War Of Culture, and Kabilu Gawakhiza inflicted a heavy naval defeat upon Uwakila Baashi and Qabiika Beeragga. Before them, the Lizardfolk exploited the long coastline of the isthmus to take control of the Beeragga and cause The Great Scorching, where all the Beeraggan lands were torched and reduced to fields of ash and cinder. This has taught every king thereafter to keep an eye on their coastlines. The navy is seen as a prestigious honor to be a part of, as the defending of their shores from any threats like the ones of old is promoted as the noblest of cause. Thousands of honorable men are sent far from shore to guard the ports and destroy any pirate fleets that might enter the Canal.
+15% Sailor Recovery Speed
+5% Ship Durability

Swimming Amongst ThemThe first proper diving gear sets were invented in Qabiika Beeragga, and with their invention came a period of great national joy, as humans delved underwater to fully bear witness to the grandioseness of Mpiya Mahala, the merfolk civilization. With huge cities of titanic buildings and colorful markets at every corner, the merfolk were just as advanced as the Baashidi, if not more. Merfolk swam around with ease across their cities, as they dragged their human accomplices along to show them the greatness of the people underwater.\n\nSoon after, the merfolk managed to create a device to keep their skin moist on land. As both civilizations explored each other's world, the relationship between Beeragga and Mpiya Mahala grew ever closer, melding and merging into one. Commoners now do not mind the merfolk who pass by in the streets, and merfolk are glad to see human merchants diving underwater to sell their goods. Each is more interested in the other than ever, as they have become one.
+1 Merchants

-10% Core-Creation Cost