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Primary Culture

+20% Fort Defence
+10% Trade Steering

Imperial ConnectionsBeepeck has always served as a major connection between Lencenor and the imperial mainland to the east. Without these imperial connections, Beepeck won't survive.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Beepeck SwarmWe must use our numbers to overwhelm the enemy. Despite our size on the map we are numerous and strong. Let us use that to our advantage.
+10% Land Force Limit Modifier
+10% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Gatekeepers of the DamesheadThe city's position at the entrance of Dameshead proper allows us to determine who can or cannot pass.
+33% Embargo Efficiency

The Halfling ElectorateEver since the creation of the Empire of Anbennar, Beepeck has always been part of the electorate. We are the traditional halfling electors, responsible for representing the interests of an entire people.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Busy Bees of BeepeckOur people have always been industrious, and many materials come into our city and exit as new wonders of the world.
+15% Production Efficiency

Hive of ActivityBeepeck has always been a rival to Anbenncóst in sheer population and industrial might. Beepeck must overtake that mantle and lead the world into the next age!
-10% Development Cost

National ServiceTo ensure our Republic's safety we must ensure that all its citizens are able to fight. Let us create a national service in which all citizens must serve in our army for a time, all in the glory of the Republic!
+15% National Manpower Modifier

+10% Infantry Combat Ability


