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Primary Culture

+10% National Tax Modifier
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Masters of the BamdivyWhile the use of large dogs as a cavalry force is a common practice throughout the Vyzemby tribes, it is Bamdikizy's unique breed of the beasts that are known to be stronger, faster, and better adapted to the hilly jungles of Fahvanosy than any other. Said to have originated in the hills of Havombo, the Bamdivy have come to be known and feared throughout the Summer Isles.
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability

Integrated AdvisoryWhen the Anànoma cities fell, great waves of Amazetany refugees fell upon the shores of Fahvanosy with the swells of the sea. Most landed in the north, but several ships of scholars and intellectuals found themselves on the coast of Bamdikizy. Welcomed in by the tribe's people, these migrants would settle in Onymapo and go on to form an advisory body dedicated to guiding the chieftesses of Bamdikizy. Through the centuries, the presence of the Amazetany would provide not only capable minds but also aid in sourcing innovations and technological advancements from the urbanised north of Fahvanosy.
+1 Possible Advisors
-3% Technology Cost

Mercenary Turned MonarchPerhaps the lowest point for Bamdikizy was when they found themselves not only subjugated by their rival Tibokbo, but beset by pirates from the black port of Oronsinoma. Having received no support from their overlord, the chieftess of Bamdikizy, Tsiomeko Jungleraised, scrounged all that the tribe could afford and hired a famed Mazava naval mercenary company to defend the coast - the Ranmaro company.\n\nThe steep price proved itself when the mercenaries swiftly brought the pirates to heel, despite facing fierce resistance and innumerable offers to turncoat. These repeated showings of valour and loyalty soon became the talk of the tribe. In particular, the company’s captain, Volana, was soon elevated to local hero for reportedly spitting on a chest of riches offered as a bribe before kicking it off her ship’s deck.\n\nYet one problem would be replaced by another when chieftess Tsiomeko Jungleraised passed away suddenly in 1412. The resulting power vacuum and chaos quickly caught the attention of Tibokbo, who saw an opportunity to end their vassal’s quasi-independence. Desperate for a new leader, the fractured Bamdikizy turned to the now loved Ranmaro company once more. This time they offered the mercenaries not coin but a place in the tribe with Volana as chieftess. Stirred by their pleas, Volana accepted. What followed was an independent Bamdikizy led by Volana Ranmaro, first of the Ranmaro dynasty. Together with her former mercenaries, Volana would raise Bamdikizy and her fleets to new heights.
-1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay
+50% Prestige from Naval battles

The Ranmaro SystemWhen Volana Ranmaro rose to the throne of Bamdikizy she brought with her the great shipbuilding traditions of the Mazava. This tradition centred around training numerous artisans on one or two specific aspects of shipbuilding, creating a large group of highly experienced and specialised craftsmen. These craftsmen then would utilise their experience to create their aspect of a ship as efficiently and expertly as possible, allowing each piece to be brought together and assembled faster than any team could build a ship from scratch.\n\nVolana, however, sought to apply Mazava ways not to build new seafaring vessels, but to restore the crumbled remains of Bamdikizy’s towns and infrastructure. By bringing together Bamdikizy’s craftsmen and workers, then organising them in the same manner but tasked with rebuilding homes and other constructions damaged in the recent civil strife, Volana was able to reinvigorate the tribe’s infrastructure and lay down a precedent for a new, efficient system for construction.
-5% Construction Cost
-10% Construction Time

FombarifisaIn the latter half of the 15th century, a unique political philosophy arose among the court and government of Bamdikizy, known as Fombarifisa. The main principle of Fombarifisa was that to truly unite Fahvanosy a state would require aspects of all three Vyzemby cultures within its functions and upper echelons (key to this idea was the denial of the Fomarati as a separate culture from the Mboala). The prevalence of belief in Fombarifisa within the government meant that the state was more effectively able to integrate new lands.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

Specialisation of CavalryWhile Bamdikizy would never come to rule Fahvanosy, it would make multiple attempts. To support those efforts, they began to breed and train new strains of war-dog, all from the original Bamdivy. These different breeds specialised to be better suited to new terrain the warriors of Bamdikizy found themselves fighting on, such as the vast savannahs of the west coast, or serve different field roles in battle, such as seeking out the injured and carrying them back to Bamdikizy medics. With all these new uses for dogs, cavalry began to compose an even greater proportion of the nation’s armies.
+25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio

Specialisation of CultureShould Bamdikizy have come to rule all of Fahvanosy, they would have sought to do similarly to the halfling cultures what was done to the Bamdivy - specialisation into general roles in society. The Mboala would have served as warriors and rulers, also taking on the bardic aspects of the Fomarati, as the government would consider them Mboala. The Amazetany would have remained traders and innovators, while the Mazava farmed cloves and worked to produce and maintain a navy powerful enough to exert influence across Sarhal. By utilising the different traditions and perceived strengths of each culture most effectively, a Bamdikizy led Fahvanosy would no doubt have been more than the sum of the three peoples.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

+10% Goods Produced Modifier


