Ayaralleni Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Legacy of the First QueendomThe first harpy state to appear in Bulwar was established all the way back in 1159 BA by the first Harpy Queen, Firanya. It quickly became one of the dominant forces in Bulwar, controlling much of Northern Bulwar and establishing tributaries on many human city-states in the south. However, with the death of the first Harpy Queen Firanya, her bickering daughters established their own flocks, splitting the once unified Queendom into petty squabbling.\n\nSince then, many have tried to reestablish the once great realm but it was the flock of Ayara that has unified us for the final time against the now weakened Kingdom of Birzartanšes. Only as we unified under the true heir of Firanya could the flocks work together and establish dominance over the Harpy Hills once again.
+100% Vassal Force Limit Contribution

Council of MatriarchsDue to the fractured nature of the flocks, separate cultures arose among the harpies who tried to claim the Queendom. As Mišqa reunited the flocks in 1342, she invited the Matriarchs to become advisors, diplomats and generals in her new order to both appease her new subjects and to use each flock’s strength to their best advantage.\n\nWith this, the Council of Matriarchs was established, a congregation of the wisest and strongest harpies who would be entrusted in the administration of the newly reclaimed lands.
-2 National Unrest

Ištara SwoopThe Ištara Swoop is a special technique used by the Ayaralleni to utilise the cliffs and valleys of the Harpy Hills to descend on their enemies below, shattering formations and crushing morale. It was first utilised by Ayarallen during their clash with the state of Varamhar, where they issued a false retreat into a nearby valley to lure the pursuing eager soldiers into a narrow point.\n\nOnce the human army was at the end of the valley, harpy reinforcements appeared from atop the ledges of the canyon and swooped down with talons at the front, slaughtering many of the soldiers there. This one-sided battle deterred many future conquerors from travelling through the Harpy Hills unprepared, as one never knows when they'll be attacked from all fronts.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Tolerant RulersWhile first seen as saviours to the Bulwari people, living under sun elf rule proved to be unlike the freedom the Bulwari people yearned for, and multiple restrictions were set in place from the people first seen as heroes. The Harpy method of governance, meanwhile, was a very loose concept and hardly impacted the Bulwari. Harpies did not impose significant taxes nor did they install governors.\n\nInstead they preferred taking some of the men for mates and leaving those exchange villages as functionally independent with their own elected leaders, businesses and customs. These villages were free to continue practising their religion of choice.
-20% Liberty Desire in Subjects

Elegant EmissariesLong have harpies been stigmatised and reduced to being seen as barbaric man-snatchers by both elves and humans. While there may have been a grain of truth in this, we cannot tolerate this reputation any longer. We shall strive to correct our previous grievances and present our new Queendom in a new light.\n\nHarpy emissaries trained in the arts of negotiation and clothed in the finest silks shall be sent to dazzle the various courts with the presence of the most charming diplomats. In time, our emissaries shall reach every corner of the world and bring the greater the respect our Queendom deserves.
+1 Diplomats
+10% Improve Relations

Plumed WeavingsInspired by the Gelkar weavers, many harpies have developed a unique form of art called feather tapestries. Skilled artisans meticulously weave together vibrant and colourful feathers of both rare birds from northern Bulwar and harpies to create intricate tapestries that depict mythological stories, historical events, and scenes from everyday life. Often used to educate young harpies and impress foreign dignitaries, they offered a tactile experience of Firanya’s legacy.\n\nThese feather tapestries would eventually become a cultural pillar of Harpylen and serve as a way to preserve the cultural heritage of each flock individually, depicting their unique cultures they had developed along with the mixes of elven and human ideas as they further got integrated in Harpyleni society.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Skyward ConstructionsOur traditional roosts on the highest peaks of the Harpy Hills have long been the centres of our flock’s populations, where the old have settled and where the young took their first flights. Now, as our queendom expands and riches grow, new roosts may join the old.\n\nEach one with grander constructions built by both our harpies and their mates. Atop every mountain harbours the potential for its own settlement, with grand markets and dwellings reaching towards the sky as our great civilisation grows to new heights.
-10% Construction Cost

+1 Diplomatic Reputation