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Primary Culture

+30% Female Advisor Chance
+10% Infantry Combat Ability
yes May Recruit Female Generals

Legacy Of The Great MigrationUnlike other Mengi kingdoms, we do not have a great and storied legacy, for our great nation is barely 3 centuries old. In 1104, a great migration out of Tanizuland came, heading north to the lands of kings and cities, a place far more prosperous than their homeland. The swamp-dwelling Sitewosi rejected the migrants, and eventually forced them away. Still, the Tanizu were not deterred, and continued onwards, eventually crossing the Yet River and settling in the lands of Layinret. Though the king of the land was welcoming at first, he sent his soldiers upon our camps, and were it not for the shifters, our ancestors would’ve met their end upon that night. We fought back, and surrounded that king’s palace, burning it to the ground. We then headed north, taking all that we saw fit, founding a kingdom of our own in the heart of Amilak’s domain, Averilibet, the kingdom of the beast marked.
-15% Province War Score Cost

Charge of the Therianthropes"Under the bright afternoon sky, two armies stood across a grassy field; their banners flying high and proudly. Neither side dared move, both waiting to see what the other would do. Then the Queen's shout came, and the army under the golden banner of the winged leopard started to change. The other army watched in astonishment as in front of their very eyes, the foe they had come to face was no longer human; for they had become beasts. And not even a moment later, they charged at ferocious speed. The enemy fled in terror, and were ripped to shreds…"\n\n-An excerpt from the book "Tales From East Sarhal", by Jadu Uditanarayan Upendranayaran, 1512
+10% Morale Damage

Beast SyncretismWhen we first came to this land, we did not understand it or the god that ruled it. Amilak, the God that considers this land his domain, would eventually reveal this truth to our first queen.\n\nEven though we adopted the traditions of the Sky Domain, we continue to perform the ancient rituals of Tanizuland. While others may call this merely ‘syncretism’, in reality we just know more about the true nature of the world than they do.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Holiday TournamentsWe take great pains to uphold the military traditions of our ancestors. Every Averilibeti is trained from a young age in martial arts, able to fight with or without a weapon. Our third queen, Desta Inyaswarosa, had the brilliant idea of showing off our martial abilities to others in tournaments, reminiscent of show-battles in the coliseum of far-away Fangaul.\n\nOn every important holiday we host great tournaments, inviting both Averilibeti and foreign warriors from abroad to fight. Large crowds from afar gather to see great warriors, most notably our locally-famous shifters, clash against one another.\n\nWhile the payouts to the winners of these tournaments are substantial, we more than recuperate the cost at every event, bringing our kingdom a great sum of wealth throughout the year.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Shifter MercenariesDuring times of peace, our young shifter-warriors leave their homes, fighting abroad as mercenaries. They gain fame, glory, wealth, and connections. And when they eventually return to their homeland, they bring with them vital personal connections abroad that make the work of our diplomats far easier.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Improve Relations

Family BooksAs our ancestors settled into this new land, they married local Mengi villages, creating a new sub-culture. However, our warrior-nobility declined to inter-mix with the Mengi, instead marrying among themselves, only choosing to bring in new blood to avoid inbreeding.\n\nAmong our nobility, whoever holds the most Tanizu blood is the most prestigious. Due to this, they have developed so called ‘Family Books’, records of the lineages of every single member of every noble house.
-1% Prestige Decay

Little TanizulandThe unification of Amilak’s domain under Melakmengi brought with it several benefits for Averilibet. Due to internal peace, it would not be difficult for a Tanizu to migrate to Averilibet. And because of the chaotic situation of Tanizuland at the time, many Tanizu would migrate to Melakmengi. These Tanizu migrants would eventually find their way to Averilibet. Soon a large, Tanizu dominated city grew in the heart of Amilak’s domain, Little Tanizuland.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition


