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Primary Culture

+10% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Toughest of the FahvanosyTo ensure our warriors are simply the best, long ago the stone trail was established. Each recruit is tasked with carrying a single stone slab on their back, all the way from Ofavi port through the jungles of Trumbataze and the Mitsahela highlands to the Afokata peninsula, which can take several weeks. \n\nEvery single halfling who joins the army must pass this trial, and most of them take pride in participating.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

MasenyTeramzadai, the so called Sweetport, is the biggest port of Fahvanosy. For decades we tried to keep up and even overwhelm the port, but it was all for nothing. We needed a different solution, and one day our shipbuilders offered us an innovative ship. By changing construction of the hull and limiting the space for the crew, we were able to construct a ship that was both lighter and could carry more. It was our key to avoid falling into the shadow of a lizardfolk port. We use a modified version of the ship to this day.
+10% Galley Combat Ability
+15% Ship Trade Power

Legacy of Haingo SeagazeHaingo, son of an Ofavi merchant, is one of the greatest sailors that Fahvanosy ever gave to the world. In the year 1117 he sailed with his father and two brothers to the city of Qars, not knowing he was not to see his home for a decade. From that city he sailed to the coffee coast, taking only his loyal crew and 2 ships, and then further to the city of Arawkelin, finally arriving in the great city of Tianlou - the longest recorded voyage in all of Fahvanosy history. \n\nWhat is even more fascinating is the knowledge he brought back; of tiger-folk, elves and even golden lizardfolk of his own height.
+15% Institution Spread
+15% Trade Range

Devotion to TuroziAmong the endless fields and villages of Ofavi there is a great shrine to Turozi. It is said that he is the greatest warrior among the Gods, for no one can escape his vengeance and no battle is beyond his reach, and yet he uses his strength for the most noble task imaginable, the protection of his family. Our warriors strive to be like him and always want to prove themselves in battle for the sake of him and their families.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Stonehearts CodesAlthough we have no established ruling family and elected chiefs may come from any tribe, one family has been chosen very often, the Stonehearts. These clanfolk are renowned for their administrative skills, the finest culmination of which are the Stoneheart Codes - advanced tax laws, covering not only population but also various taxes on production and trade.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Herbs of OfaviWhile our island is known for our trade in herbs and spices, we have many different local uses for them too - one of these is combat potion making. Through the ages the nations of Mazava have developed dozens of different recipes for their warriors. In our region the most popular is Masafo, developed by the Ataturozi priesthood a couple hundred years ago. After consuming the mix, often followed by traditional prayer to Turozi, warriors feel a warmth from within, followed by a surge of energy and significant pain resistance. This potion has become so popular that in recent years we have integrated it into our battalions.
-10% Morale Damage Received

Neverending ServiceMany would say that living and working on a ship is hard and rough, but few would ever hear that from an Ataturozi sailor. \n\nHere sailing is a praised job, no matter if it is for the navy or as a merchant. Often, instead of retiring, common soldiers stay on the ships as navigators, boatswains or even captains, prized for their experience. Many stay there for the rest of their lives. This very old custom leaves us with plenty of experienced crew and many more willing to join them.
+20% National Sailors Modifier

+20% Trade Steering


