Asra Bank Ideas

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+15 Global Settler Increase
-0.5 Interest Per Annum

Aelantir Branch of the Asra BankAsraport was founded by an ambitious proposal in the Asra Bank by Runmar Goldstone in 1502 as an extension of their banking services overseas. With the arrival of adventurers, colonisers, and conquerors to Aelantir, the need for loans for ventures and settlements has never been greater. Runmar himself, with the approval of the board, acquired a large sum of bullion to use to finance a colony of their own for the Bank. The Asra Bank has many connections in Cannor, and with an established presence in Aelantir their services and contacts increases evermore.
+1 Possible Advisors
+15% Improve Relations

Columnar Basalt ConstructionTo Dwarves, Aelantir seems almost inhospitable, with bone-numbing storming seas, baking jungles where even the plants are hostile, and more. But Asraport remains, for Runmar's expedition found an island full of familiarity: columnar basalt pillars. Although not the easiest to work with and build into, these basalt pillars proved to ease homesickness and even made the island a new dwarven holding for the new generations.
-10% Development Cost

Asraport Harbor Lifts and PulleysAsraport itself is carved into the rock cliffs of the island, with towers reaching up into the sky above and mines reaching far underground. But most prominent of all is their port: the island has no traditional locations for ports, with the coastline dominated by wave-crashed cliffs. The port itself was created as a series of scaffolds far above the reaches of the waters, where goods and people are lifted above by pulley systems. For those who can pay for it, even vessels could be lifted up into the port and placed in sheltered docks.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Alloy DwarvesDwarves are not traditionally an ocean-faring people, but in Asraport there are those who are: the Alloy Dwarves. A fusion of cultures from different holds, Alloy Dwarves bring a more varied set of skills than the traditional mining and banking of the Silver Dwarves. In particular, the Copper Dwarves are known for being experienced sailors, and the Agate Dwarves as diplomats used to interact with varied peoples. While our origin is primarily Silver, these other contributions cannot be forgotten -- Indeed, these impurities defines us, just as for an alloy.
+20% National Sailors Modifier
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

Axes and JunglesOn Endralliande, the Ravenous Isle, and all of Soruin are dense jungles full of timber. The problem however is that these woods are often full of monsters, man-eating plants, and hostile fauna. As Dwarves we possess a great advantage: our axes are the best in the world! We will clear the jungle and provide ourselves a rich store of ship-worthy timber!
-15% Ship Costs

Silver City of the Ruinous SeaAsraport became one of the most prominent ports of the Ruinous Sea by the mid 17th century, being situated at the mouth of the Gate Sea. Trade entering and leaving Aelantir flowed through Asraport, as well as hopeful individuals and mighty companies seeking loans to stimulate their business. As befitting the founders of the city, Asraport roads and roofs are said to be paved with silver. While untrue literally, it is true in that it has been built on its great wealth.
-15% Center of Trade Upgrade Cost
+10% Domestic Trade Power

Bounty PostsThe wealth of Asraport and the growth of trade on the Ruinous Sea has also attracted vile privateers, pirates who prey upon the hard labour of others! Their thievery is an affront to our tenets of hard, honest work, and the murder they bring bespoils the peace of our port. There is even word of a port of dastardly Gnoll pirates, known as Mykx.\n\nThe Asra Bank has almost endless wealth, even a small portion can be used to hire mercenaries to root out this filth! And with the their loyalty via our coin, we can be certain that they will not resort to piracy themselves.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
+25% Mercenary Manpower

+1 Yearly Navy Tradition