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Primary Culture

+1 Attrition for Enemies
+50% Looting Speed

Arvezl, the NorthkeepFounded in 900 After Flood along with Fadhevych and Arverynn by the Ynnic Empire to keep watch on the Veykodan tribes, Arvezl has long ago fallen into irrelevance due to their stubborn refusal to engage in games of politics like the other lordships of the Ynn, and also due to their relative isolation. But the Northern Garrison still diligently maintain the walls of Arvezl, and it remains a imposing bastion even today.
-15% Fort Maintenance

Ever VigilantThe Northern Garrison. People call them sworn defenders of all Sarda, sacrificing all their lives in defence of the Ynnic people, led by a lord who cares naught for politics, only for the safety of his people. None of this is true.\n\nThe Northern Garrison might have been an order of gallant warriors long ago, but it is now only a glorified haven for the scum of society, due to an ancient law stating that whoever pledges their allegiance to the Garrison will be pardoned for any crime they have ever did.\n\nThe Lords of Arvezl used to play the games of politics, but after many disasters caused by turning away their forces from the eternal watch, they have finally learned that there is no use in attempting to claim dominion over all of Sarda if it means letting in a gigantic host of barbarians none can ever defeat, so they turn their attention to whipping the bandits into an actual force. Somehow, they have actually had success, and the Northern Garrison still repel Veykodan raiders.
-25% Military Advisor Cost

Strike FirstThe barbarians are disorganized and spend as much time fighting themselves as they fight us, but should a single warlord ever bring all of the tribes under his rule then the Ynn is truly doomed, for no force can ever hope to triumph against the armies of a united Veykoda. Even more dangerous are dissidents to both ours and our neighbors' rule, plotting to cast down the walls of our castles from inside, oblivious that doing so would only invite destruction in a scale never seen before.\n\nAnd so, like the underwater lynx that flies from our banners, we must take refuge in our impenetrable domain, but we must also bring the storm of destruction to any enemy who may roam the land. Uncounted amounts of threats that could have shattered the Empire, and the petty lordships that have emerged out of its carcass, have been cut down by dashing Buykonyr clad in orange, or struck by hundreds of arrows from forest rangers with near-legendary aim.
+10% Shock Damage

Positioned on the ForksWhen the strange short-eared men and their Netherfolk guides first scaled the Cliffs, not a single soul in Arvezl cared. But then more of them came, bringing with them small, bearded men. And even more came, settling just beyond our walls and waging war or making alliances with the Veykodans. At first, we expected them to just be another threat for us to face eventually. But then their envoys came to our gates, and offered us their knowledge and goods in exchange for ours. And with this, our silence, which had lasted for hundreds of years, was shattered.\n\nSince we were the easternmost Sarda settlement on the Veykodan tributaries of the Ynn we became the main entry point for Cannorian goods, and merchants, Cannorian and Ynnic alike flocked to our lands, turning little isolated villages into prosperous towns and clearing out thousand-year old forests to make space for new settlements
+10% Global Trade Power

Home of the BuykonyrWe saw how the brave riders of Thromshana, without the supposedly superior noble blood or the armor of the knights, cleared the Tromseloc Way of bandits and wendigos, showing that with the correct training, even commonners could go face-to-face with a wendigo and win. Though many lords have their own contingents of light cavalry, we shall take this one step further, by organizing them into the Buykonyr, or as the Cannorians call them, hussars.\n\nThey would be raised from not only members of the Northern Garrison, but also the local mounted rangers, their duties being primarily to keep trade routes to the Cannorian homesteads safe from Veykodan raiders. Eventually, the Buykonyr would be adopted by other lordships, but Arvezl's would always be the best of them.
+0.25 Cavalry Shock

Second Coming of RhovynucThe Buykonyr and other forest rangers speak of Rhovynuc, a folk hero believed by most to be nothing more than a myth. They speak of how he evaded entire Imperial armies sent into the woods to capture him, of how his closest comrade betrayed him to the crown, and finally, of how he, accompanied by only twenty rangers slew ninety knights in their last stand before being forced to surrender.\n\nFor most people, the story ends with Rhovynuc's execution, but the Buykonyr firmly believe he had actually escaped into Veykoda and the Emperor had a similar-looking elf executed to avoid humiliation. They also believe that one day, a heir of Rhovynuc will ride from Veykoda at the head of a great host of dashing rogues, and with that host he will shatter the nobility and bring liberty to all Ynnics.\n\nThe only reason why the Buykonyr were never punished for this belief is that such a story coming true was, in the eyes of nearly every Ynnic, simply impossible. But then King Jahanon of New Havoral did descend from the mountains at the head of an army of bandits, and thousands of rangers and hussars flocked to join his host, believing that despite being a human, Jahanon is Rhovynuc's heir.\n\nDue to the influence of the Buykonyr, who by this point owned Arvezl in all but name, we peacefully submitted to Jahanon, who renamed the place New Havorton and chose it as his capital, which Arvezl's riders boast about at every possible opportunity, even though Jahanon's kingdom eventually fell.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
+5% Morale of Armies

Where Cannor meets the YnnDue to our close contact with Cannorians, both through trade and because of Jahanon's occupation, Cannorian philosophy, architecture and religion spread throughout Arvezl, with a large amount of the population being Ravelians. The city of Arvezl itself has expanded far beyond its original walls, and parts of the newer districts are built using Cannorian methods causing Arvezl to look like a Cannorian city crashed into a Ynnic one.\n\nThough Jahanon's kingdom did not last long, he did invest sizable resources into turning Arvezl into a city worthy of being a capital of a mighty empire, though most of the projects that he has ordered were finished by the Lords of Arvezl after High Havoral's fall, with Sarda aid and money that Jahanon had left in Arvezl. Most famous of these is Castle Twin Spears, a Balgabaric-style keep which was meant to be Jahanon's seat of power and occupies nearly the entirety of Old Arvezl, and the Arvezl Academy of Economics and Trade, one of the first universities in the Ynn, built in the shape of a traditional Ynnic temple.
+1 Administrative Free Policies

+2 Tolerance of Heathens


