Arrtukerr ideas

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-10% Naval Morale Damage Received
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Sandfang Kingdom of HarrabadArrtukerr has remained an oddity in the shifting sands of the Salahad, relying neither on zealotry nor brutality to grow and flourish, but instead the greatest motivator: coin. Arrtukerr was born as a rump state of the venerable Kingdom of Harrabad, one of the few organised states formed by the disparate Sandfang gnolls, a kingdom sustained not by the strength of a packmistress, but by raw business acumen. Following the dramatic fall of the Phoenix Empire, the gnolls near Harra’s Oasis would be united into a cohesive state, the sudden disintegration of the empire showing the need for a unified state to protect Sandfang interests, monetary and otherwise. Harrabad, the capital of the Kingdom of Harrabad, grew rich from the tolls it extracted from trade coming through the crucial desert passes it sat upon, providing any kind of service to those who passed through its gates, so long as they could pay.
+15% National Tax Modifier

Quartz CothonThe Quartz Cothon, hidden amidst the shifting sands of the Salahad, stands as a testament to a forgotten era. Its creators remain unknown, but their unparalleled craftsmanship speaks volumes. Whether djinn, god-king, or other, the cothon's beauty and scale reign supreme. Shipyards stretch along its circular harbour, seamlessly integrated into the desert landscape. Towering marble columns support massive structures, while a grand tower overlooks all, commanding trade with precision.\n\nYet, this awe-inspiring work nearly succumbed to time and the harsh wilderness. Only through fate and the determination of one gnoll did the Quartz Cothon endure.\n\nZagmarrk Coin-Blessed, raised amidst the harsh realities of Harra Oasis, thrived as a slave trader. During a fateful journey, a violent sandstorm scattered Zagmarrk's caravan. Lost and dehydrated, he stumbled upon the ancient cothon, miraculously preserved beneath the shifting sands. Providing shelter and sustenance, it became his salvation. Returning home, Zagmarrk rallied resources, marshalled slave labourers, and hired craftsmen to restore the cothon. Through his efforts, the once-forgotten ruin became a symbol of ancient splendour and gnollish ingenuity—a fusion of old and new, resilient amidst the desert's challenges.
+20% Ship Trade Power
+10% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Land of the SpearThe great mountain of Kograrzo has served as a vital source of iron for all Harra Oasis-based kingdoms, fueling their engines of war with plentiful materials for high-quality weaponry and armour, the bountiful supply of iron from the mountain creating a surplus of weaponry to be sold. In recent years, the krah lords of Arrtukerr have sold their weaponry to a myriad of players in the Salahad, from the sun elves of Sareyand to the desert legionnaires of the Jaddari to the Xhazobine-obsessed Zokka pack. If a buyer is unwilling to pay the premium prices of these premium metals, Arrtukerr’s long-time allies in the harpy flock of Kograrzo are more than willing to throw uncooperative customers onto the sharp rocks of the foothills of Kograrzo, bringing a quick resolution to their complaints.
-10% Infantry Cost

Keep Your Enemies CloseIn sands as ancient as the Salahad, the lines between gnollish and human tribes break down to a point that their relationship is seen as a strange harmony, driven by their mutual reliance on the eastern trade routes for survival and prosperity. Both parties routinely exchange noble hostages as a means of fostering good relations and preventing the outbreak of war sparked by misunderstandings or hostile intentions. Through these exchanges, the gnolls of Arrtukerr have come to learn about the Mašnsih way of life, leading to a positive shift in their perception of their erstwhile 'enemies'.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Corsairs of the EastWhile the dunes and mountains of Arrtukerr have yielded little to no arable land since time immemorial, its shores have served as an unexpected boon, with the great merchant vessels of Rahen and Sarhal holding both unparalleled loot and the promise of danger and honour upon a successful raid. Thanks to this, Arrtukerr developed a strong naval tradition, adopting smaller, more manoeuvrable vessels that could quickly attack a merchant vessel and just as quickly retreat in the event the winds of favour turned against the pirates. Subsequent Cannorian narratives chronicling the Gulf region recount encounters with the notorious corsair fleets of the Jadd. Predominantly manned by gnolls hailing from the bustling port of Arrtukerr, these seafaring brigands earned the moniker 'Corsairs of the East,' owing to a penchant for privateering and maritime exploits akin to their Viakkoca and Mykxic counterparts.
+15% Galley Combat Ability

Saffron ScarvesUpon the desolate, rocky shoreline of Arzaxgorax, wild saffron grows in between great boulders, the sweet hay, honey-like scent suffusing into the air. Gnolls have found a unique use for the spice, making it into vermillion dyes for the wealthy krah lords of Arrtukerr and the great captains of the Quartz Cothon, where clothing, jewellery, and baubles all serve to assert dominance over rivals. In Arzaxgorax’s innumerable bazaars, gnolls utilise this saffron dye to craft scarves that they decorate with beautiful shells they gather from the coast, coveted as the pinnacle of attire among Arrtukerr's gnolls. These scarves are rumoured to fetch prices nearing the value of entire stolen treasure hauls, often demanding exorbitant sums.
+10% Production Efficiency

Kryt the Sunspear of SuraelKryt Skullchomper's journey from a humble captain to a legendary privateer on Halann's shores began with audacious raids on Rahani and Cannorian ships amidst the rise of Ravelianism in the 1700s. As the threat of Busilari fleets loomed, the Jaddari Empire issued decrees targeting both Busilari and Ravelian vessels.\n\nWith unwavering dedication, Kryt terrorised ships in the gulf with his nimble fleet, establishing Krytkerr, a formidable stronghold, after seizing a Cannorian outpost. However, his bold manoeuvres drew a decisive response from Busilari and Ravelian forces, culminating in a final, epic battle where Kryt perished, though not before inflicting significant losses.\n\nWhile Ravelians remember him with infamy, the Jaddari faithful honour him as the Sunspear of Surael, immortalising his fearless exploits and indomitable spirit on the high seas. Kryt's legacy lives on as a symbol of gnollish courage and defiance against the odds.
-1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay

+1 Coastal Raiding Range