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Primary Culture

-15% Stability Cost Modifier
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Youngest SonIn his youth, Ayralgaz, the youngest of three brothers, had never questioned his role in the bigger picture of an inevitable empire. At nine years old, he had seen Sykar crowned chieftain of the River Tribes by the naga, and had sworn allegiance to his new brother-liege. At twelve, he had sat on the council in Rayazas – an unusual position for a child his age – representing the interests of his brothers whilst they played war in Zerat. And at sixteen, his loyalty had been rewarded; he was given a land of his own, a home nestled between the larger lands of his kin, safe as could be, confined to the internal affairs of a tribe waiting to be absorbed by an empire.\n\nAnd then all changed. Katyradz, the middle child, declared his independence, spurred on by the desire for recognition that all second sons possess. For the first time in his life, Ayralgaz was presented with a crossroads, a choice free from the destiny prescribed to him; which brother would he side with? In the end, he chose to uphold his allegiance to Sykar. But, in time, his actions became more his own. His talent for courtly life, combined with his new role as brotherly liaison, gave him the power not only to influence his own destiny, but the destiny of a people on the brink of a new dawn.
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

Sweet ToothThere is no dispute that cannot be softened by the allure of Arazinik sugar, a taste reserved for the refined, its rich saccharine notes cheerfully mimicked at every politically significant gathering. No matter the season, every dish served at these high-society banquets is sprinkled with crystalline delight: fresh Draktfish, caramelised crickets, seared hippo meat, all washed down with sweetened reed root tea.\n\nWhenever tensions rise and allegiances waver, a spoonful of this treasured sweetener is all it takes to placate and charm. With Arazinik sugar at the ready, diplomacy is always a delectably sweet affair.
+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium

Walk The LineThough Sykar of Rayaz was ever wary of his brother Ayralgaz of Arazin's cunning, the promised prince had never anticipated the depths of his deception. For Ayralgaz had been secretly corresponding with Katyradz of Asarta, the treacherous middle child of the three, claiming Rayaz's imminent victory in the Last Anzara War. Katyradz, already preoccupied with internal skirmishes from his newly conquered fragments of the Karrakas Empire, was not in favour. The looming threat of fraternal confrontation was palpable, and thus it was only natural that Katyradz send his troops northward to defend the border.\n\nThe story Sykar heard, of course, was different. Ayralgaz painted a grim picture of a re-energized Asarta force advancing on Rayazas, emphasising the dire need for reinforcements in the still bustling capital. Yet in the same hiss, Ayralgaz offered his solution—a garrison of Arazin lizardfolk—if only some territorial compensation, and gold to cover its administration, could be arranged for his people's sacrifices. For Sykar, ceding a province to safeguard an entire kingdom, a soon-to-be empire, was an offer too tempting to resist.
-25% Cost to fabricate claims
-25% State Maintenance

Mined Over MatterOn wet days, when the peaks defy entry with slurried mud, one can always hear the echo of tribal pride throughout the central valley of Thusk Nith; a worker’s song, bellowed by those who have dedicated their youth to the stalwart defence of their homeland. Here, at the foot of the mountains, barracks teem with camaraderie as officers and recruits mingle in shared respite.\n\nFor come the sun, both will bake in the mines above the clouds. Copper will pour from the many mouths that dot the rocky terrain, as the sinews of scaled arms complete their dutiful harvest. Swing by swing in a rhythm untimed, amid the background of huffed breath, every soldier bears their lot – preparing for the battles ahead and for the rain to come again.
-10% Morale Damage Received

River Reed FlotillaIn the tranquil wetlands along the Thusk Nith tributary, there grows a marvel of natural engineering: tall and resilient reeds. For centuries, these golden-stalked plants have been vital to the Arazin tribal community, providing shelter, sustenance, and a means of trade; fashioned into buoyant vessels, the reed boats gracefully navigated the Adzalaz river, providing access to the South Sarhal Sea without the ordinary expenses of wooden canoes or caravans.\n\nAyralgaz, however, recognized a deeper potential in the reed boats and saw an opportunity that extended beyond mere trade. Their organic design and near-silent movement amid the river's ambient sounds allowed these merchant vessels to double as invaluable spies, undetected by adversaries. Under the guise of trade the reed boats’ construction boomed, a flotilla now found at every significant outpost, carrying goods and secrets for sale.
+1 Merchants
+20% Spy Network Construction

Kui, When The Spire AwokeIn the furthest reaches of Arazin's western territories, where the border between lizards and their would-be-skinners lies, the diligent excavation of Noukahi Pantheon relics had once consumed the attention of naga scholars and priests alike. But among the myriad artefacts they found, one image resonated more than others – that of Kui, whose silhouette atop the spire at Lake Kuiziva was etched not just in stone but in the hearts of the Noukahi devout.\n\nOver the ages, as tales passed from elder to youth, a unique fusion of mythologies occurred. The Arazin of Anzalkatsa faith, who held deep reverence for the spires' mystery, began to weave the story of Kui into their religious canon. The common interpretation proclaimed Kui as a divine union of human and lizard or, to some believers, an embodiment of the pure lizard form. Only such a divine entity, they say, could have awakened the spires, illuminating them with a radiance that rivals the stars.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Ab-AtatsaFor time immemorial, marriage has been used as a political tool. Yet in the sprawling, diversely populated lands of Sarhal - where scales meet skin and snouts meet smiles - traditional matrimony between outward looking lizardfolk and their neighbours presented a complex, biological conundrum. To bridge this divide, the Arazin birthed the system of Ab-Atatsa, or "Fathers' Family."\n\nRooted not just in strategy but also in genuine affection, the philosophy transcends mere alliance. It is a collective embrace, where the patriarchs of diverse clans unite in a union reminiscent of matrimonial pledges – pledging not just loyalty but familial love and respect. As part of the enduring tradition, when a son reaches the cusp of adolescence, the joined patriarchs journey forth, bearing tokens of their culture and commitment. In a solemn ceremony, these gifts are presented to the young, and the most thoughtful among them is chosen. The bearer of this chosen gift is then honoured with a sacred duty: to guide and educate the youth until he steps into the world as a grown adult, knowledgeable not just in his own heritage, but in the interconnected stories that pulse with life across Sarhal's vast expanse.
+1 Diplomatic Relations


