Appletoner Ideas

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+5% Discipline
+10% National Manpower Modifier

Push Trade to the Small CountryAppleton touches 2 of the 3 rivers that flow through and from the Small Country. To enrich the country's trade we must work to offer incentives and deals to draw riches to the halfling homeland.
+10% Caravan Power

An Apple a Day"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" was originally a halfling proverb to teach our young to eat our bountiful apples to become big, healthy and strong!
+20% Manpower Recovery Speed

Portroy Border RaidersAt war, the whole of the Small Country bleeds red and blue. At peace, the border raiders silently cross the river and ransack those pesky Pearviewers... more often than not starting another war.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Apple lords of AppletonIt's in our namesake. It's in our blood. There is no doubt in the entirety of the known world that Appleton Apples is the best a man can get.
+10% Production Efficiency

Reverian MercenariesAppleton's close proximity to the Reaver-blooded Reverians to the west has always been a positive, offering a rapid and dependable influx of farmhands, labourers and soldiers.
+50% Mercenary Manpower

Appleton BankFearing the words of the halfling seer Matilda Fruitsbane, the Appletoner government opened the first halfling bank in 1696 as an alternative source of income offering generous interest rates to those under 4 feet.
-0.5 Interest Per Annum

Finding Rotten ApplesThe Rotten-Apple Finders Institution was created in 1780 as Appleton's premier spy agency, famously uncovering a conspiracy by Gawed to manipulate the Appletoner voting system.
-1 National Unrest

+20% Trade Steering