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Primary Culture

+1 Colonists
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Development of the City-StateFor as far back as our records go, the city-state (the kheion) has always been at the center of the Kheionai life. Many attempts to unify the region have happened in the past, but the deadly Kaydhano sandstorm would periodically kill those caught in its winds and destroy much infrastructure outside of the cities making effective communication impossible. As such we have learned to best utilize all the space we have available.
-10% Development Cost

The Bottom of SocietyThe first of Apikhoxí’s settlers came from Ormam, a miserable lot of debt slaves and the impoverished. Once the plutocrats of Ormam saw that the settlement survived, more settlers and supplies were sent. While the area around Apikhoxí was a prime location for a city, it was even better suited to agriculture, which the Ormam state saw as an opportunity, a cheap and permanent end to their food supply issues. The open door policy was put in place, where anyone that wanted to could enter Apikhoxí, grab a small plot of farmland for themselves, and as long as they protected it and stayed on it for 5 years, it would be theirs. As a consequence, many immigrants from across the Kheionai world, almost always of the lower classes, came to Apikhoxí hoping to build a better life for themselves. Most elves in Apikhoxí descended from other cities, and so the Apikhoxí state cares little for where its citizen's origins may be.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Foundation of the NékheisWhen the Kheions of Alecand outgrew their wind-warded walls, they looked beyond the storm-ravaged island for expansion opportunities. They founded our ‘New Cities' – nékheis, to both enrich themselves and to keep those riches out of the hands of their rivals. We are the children of the nékheis, and we shall come to hold these riches ourselves.
+15 Global Settler Increase
-1 National Unrest

The Calm KheionUnlike other Kheionai, who prefer to live in dense cities, the elves of Apikhoxí preferred to instead live in small villages that dotted the countryside. Even Apikhoxí itself wasn’t that big, only considered a mere large port town by the Kheionai of Alecand. The land was rural and peaceful, and the place gained a reputation among the Kheionai as "the calm kheion".
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Modernize the Kheionai SchoolsWhile for many centuries education has been a privately funded endeavour, our most prestigious and influential philosophers have come to the conclusion that education, both physical and intellectual, is essential for the continued thriving of our nation and our culture. Henceforth all citizens shall receive publicly funded education during their childhood.
-10% Idea Cost

All Along the RiverThe city of Apikhoxí sits at the end of the Xiktheam river, a major river running straight from lake Mteidhan in The Devandi highlands towards the coast. Plentiful farmland was found along its banks and its tributaries, and Apikhoxí settlers would sail up its the river and found towns along the entire river basin. This made Apikhoxí a very cohesive state, for all a government official needed to reach a town was a boat and a map.
-20% State Maintenance

The Breadbasket of the KheionaiAs Apikhoxí steadily developed itself and more farms were established, the amount of food it exported to Ormam exploded. The merchants of Ormam then exported the food to the rest of the Kheionai, bringing vast wealth to both Apikhoxí and Ormam. When in the mid 1700s a massive kaydhano swept Alecand, Apikhoxí began directly exporting food to the Kheionai, cutting out the Ormami middlemen. And by the end of the 1700s, a third of all grain consumed by the Kheionai came from Apikhoxí.
+10% Production Efficiency

+10% Morale of Armies


