Anbenlander Ideas

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+25% Institution Spread
+2 Merchants

Haven for RefugeesIronically, the land that was once known for the Greentide is now a haven for refugees from Cannor abroad. While there still are orcish raids, they have lessened to the point that our Anbenland is one of the safest nations from the Divenhal Sea to the Drowned Giant Sea. These refugees come in all shapes and sizes, with customs as different as the sun and moon. We must do our best to accept them to our lands.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Gateway of EscannAnbenland is the one of the most popular entry points to Escann, enough so that while some may move on, many of them will stay in our fair land. It will be easy to find extra hands willing to work in the fields, or skilled craftsmen looking for a new start.
-10% Development Cost

Urban FrontierLike our cousins from Anbenncóst, we have grown used to everyday life in urban centers. Anbenland is known for its curious densely packed cities, out of place for an area that should be largely rural.
-10% Construction Cost

Eternal Vigilance on the HorizonLife on the remains of ancient Castanor is difficult, with constant threat from barbaric orcs or greedy adventurers. Through forest and plains our land has been outfitted with countless watchtowers, linked with special scrying magic, able to keep eternal vigilance.
+15% Fort Defence

The Dule LegionFor many decades, the poor and downtrodden of Cannor left their old homes and lives behind to seek a better one in Anbenland. Historically, refugees were always welcomed with open arms, but in 1588 the policy known as The Great Sorrow was enforced on the recommendation of adventurer Renaud of Freetower. As the Crimson Deluge and the League Wars ravaged Cannor, hundreds of thousands fled their homes to the shining, peaceful beacon called Anbenland. Faced becoming a nation filled with hungry peasantry lacking skills or crafts, the government enacted a quota on refugees entering the country. Later known as the Great Sorrow, it prioritized those refugees with useful skills and established a new service that those without skills could join to earn access to the safety of Anbenland. These skill-less but motivated souls were organized into The Dule Legion, named after a flock of doves and in honour of their selfless service to the state and her people. These exiles served for 3 years, somberly risking their lives for the defense of Anbenland so that they might one day bask in her prosperity too.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Extending an Olive BranchAn olive branch extended is a symbolic offer of peace and reconciliation. However, in recent times it has taken a more literal meaning. The Olive Guild, once a humble importer of luxury foods, has become a state sponsored merchants guild focused on building close trading partnerships. It has achieved this by leveraging the skilled traders and merchants from across Cannor who have arrived in Anbenland. These merchants brought with them knowledge of their local customs and rich connections and economic ties with the people of their old homes. It is now said that there is no city in Cannor where one cannot find a branch of the Olive Guild.
+15% Trade Efficiency

Order of the DoveEscann has long been at war, divided between kingdoms, orc tribes, adventurers and the nations that they have formed. If this chaos is to end, we must act to promote agreement between nations. The Order of the Dove will award trophies and honorific titles to leaders who bring great peace to our time.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+10% Production Efficiency