Ananiltra Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
-10% Development Cost

Legacy of Queen Felana"We shall feel the winds of the Nakazy, moving gracefully yet carefully with the breeze of time." \n\nFelana I Stormcrowned \n\nUntil the reign of Felana I, the Mboala of Anàniltra were known for their resistance to change. When the Amezatany fled to the Summer Isles, Anàniltrans were, as a rule, content to leave these so-called strange-folk to their northern cities. They were more than glad to continue to live as they always have: free to roam the rolling hills of the south, unshackled by great fortifications.
-15% Institution Embracement Cost

The Hill KingdomAnàniltra is unique among the Mboala for its hilly terrain. One rarely thinks of a halfling when they imagine a skilled tracker traversing mighty hills, but Anàniltran scouts have proven that short legs do not preclude a steady gait. Renowned throughout the isles as indefatigable roamers of the hills, their penchant for hill climbing serves to vex their fellow Vyzemby during athletics contests.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+5% Movement Speed

Mazava ConnectionsThe Mazava of the south are renowned merchants. While many Anàniltrans would like very much to be left alone to their business, the allure of the spice trade nonetheless regularly tempts more adventurous merchants into venturing south for profit. With the southern shores well in view from our coastline, the call of coin continues to charm their people.
+10% Global Trade Power

Iltran Hill DogsThe Iltran Hill Dog is a breed native to the lands of Anàniltra. While those who value speed deride it as a sluggish beast, the hill-dwelling Mboala know better. These dogs are deceptively strong, packing a powerful punch when egged on by their trainers. Iltran Hill Dogs can be seen accompanying many an Anàniltran warrior, treasured and respected for their strength.
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability
+0.05 Cavalry Shock

The Sacred CliffWhile all Vyzemby of the Isles would be remiss to miss the chance to leap from the sacred cliff at the southernmost tip of Anàniltran territory, to the Anàniltrans, the cliff represents something greater than a mere tradition. To truly call oneself an Anàniltran, one must jump from the cliff as a rite of passage. As a result, a great number of Anàniltrans are respected for their skill as divers as much as they are for their stewardship of the cliff.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Storm LodgesYuye, the great storm-god, has many servants among the Anàniltrans. Venerable lodges of martial artists and mihipha practice and sing in Yuye's name during the strongest storms, seeking to compete for the honor of being the last halfling to be knocked down. These Hondrivatra, or "Storm-Fists," have brought many physically strong recruits, more than capable of handling the rigors of military life.
-10% Infantry Cost

Islands for IslandersAnàniltrans remember a time before the Vyzemby of the coast were driven to the shores of the Summer Isles. While they have never been utterly hostile to their cousins, most would agree that it would be better for all if the Amezatany were able to return to their homes so that the Mboala may live in peace. As a result, most wholeheartedly support the idea of reclaiming the old Vyzemby coast so that their ancestral land may again be theirs.
-15% Culture Conversion Cost

+5% Discipline