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Primary Culture

+10% Governing Capacity Modifier
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

The Amtujsaat ViziersWhen Ramapalar II, The Azure Falcon of Dhenijansar, died campaigning against the Alliance of the Southern Coast in 1333, he left the throne of the newly reformed Harimraj to his two-year old son Shurapalar. Though many feared that the newborn and still fragile Raj would be torn asunder without a capable hand guiding the ship of state, such fears proved to be unfounded. The late Raja’s principle advisor, Goshar of the Golden Paw, Prabhi of Amtujsaat, stepped in as regent to the infant prince and served as de-facto ruler of the Raj for 23 years, raising the prince to be a capable ruler and handing power to him when Shurapalar turned 25.\n\nIn his stewardship of the state, Grand Vizier Goshar was known for his masterful and gentle hand, convincing many to follow the throne with perfectly selected arguments and, when those failed, political assassinations, rather than open warfare. Since the days of Goshar’s stewardship, the lords of Amtujsaat have sat at the right hand of the Raja as their most trusted lords and advisors, a unique position for a Prabhi to hold.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Seat of the Ministerial ExamsThe vast bureaucracy that is responsible for handling the day-to-day affairs of the Raj is perhaps the single most important institution in Rahen, for without an army of skilled ministers the governance of the subcontinent would grind to a halt and dissolve into chaos. To earn oneself a prestigious position in the Ministries is the goal of many ambitious youths, for such positions lead to great wealth and power.\n\nEntrance and advancement in the Ministries is dependent on one's performance at the Ministerial Exams, a series of tests given once a year at the Temple of Assessment in Rhamirta. The location of the Temple, the traditional site of the exams since ancient times, within Amtujsaat has ensured a close relationship with the Ministries, and this cooperation has long ensured that their ministers are among the most capable and effective in the Raj.
+2 Possible Advisors
+10% Raj Ministries Loyalty Equilibrium

Wars of the VizierateThe elevation of Manava of the Bloody Claw, Senapti of Rabhidaraj, to Grand Vizier of the Raj in 1438 was received coldly by the lords of Amtujsaat, who viewed the elevation as a slight against their family. The confirmation of his younger brother Naranyar in 1448 added further insult to injury, and finally upon the death Grand Vizier Naranyar died in 1478, his daughter Indira succeeded him in an unprecedented elevation of a woman to Grand Vizier, and the passive hostility between the two lordships began to boil towards open conflict.\n\nThe Wars of the Vizierate, which raged intermittently from 1481 to 1505 and began with the death of the Raja Indrapalar I, were a disaster for the Harimraj. It is estimated that 100,000 soldiers and a quarter million civilians died over the course of the struggle, and the legitimacy of the throne in Dhenijansar was badly degraded. Worse still, 25 years of civil war had allowed the armies of the Jaddari to gain a foothold on the Southwestern Coast, The Command to cross the Kharunyana and seize Pordhatti and Sarnavan, and Bhuvauri to invade the Ascension Peninsula and topple the Senapti of Rabaghekhur. Rebuilding the power of the Raj would be an uphill battle, and the resentment between victorious Amtujsaat and the defeated Rabhidaraj would continue to strain the state in the following decades.
+100% Army Tradition From Battles

Cotton Plantations of the AristocracyCotton is one of the great trade goods of Rahen, the fluffy fibers of the plant spun into fabrics of far greater durability than beautiful but fragile silk. The well-irrigated flatlands of Amtujsaat are perfect for growing cotton, and huge cotton plantations owned by wealthy nobles and ministers are a regular sight.\n\nOnly rivaled by the Cotton Lords of the Setar to the north, Amtujsaat is the primary producer of cotton in Rahen, and the growth and production of this good dominates the economy of the Rhamirta and Ghamakrit plain.
+10% Production Efficiency

Envoys of the Status QuoThe power of Amtujsaat derived not from their material wealth or unique geographic position, but their entrenched place within the existing power structures of the Raj, a position that made them particularly invested in maintaining the status quo of decentralized rule from Dhenijansar.\n\nIn the pursuit of stabilizing the Harimraj and perpetuating their own power, Amtujsaat maintained regular emissaries to all of the senapti and the influential prabhi, reminding them of their obligations, ensuring cooperation with the ministries, and ensuring good relations between the Raja and their subjects.
+15% Improve Relations

Ministerial Circle of Theory and DoctrineWhile the average Raheni might view the ministries as little more than a vast collection of mid-level bureaucrats or clerks, the higher tiers of the Raj Ministries were filled with brilliant philosophers, orators, and economists, all of whom had fought their way up through the ranks and proved themselves in progressively more complex examinations. At the highest ranks of the ministries sits the Circle of Theory and Doctrine, an association of the greatest minds that serve the Raja.\n\nHere, the most skilled of the ministers sculpt the policies that the ministries will take and discuss the best ways to carry out the mandates of the Raj. The Ministerial Circle, based at the Examination Hall of Rhamirta, is surrounded by bustling scholars working with a deluge of data the produce the reports that sculpt the Raj’s executive policy - and Amtujsaat’s proximity to this collection of brilliant thinkers and information has ensured that they are always able to access their advice, often for next to no cost.
-10% Advisor Cost

The Union of UmdajIn the aftermath of the disastrous Betrayal at Ghamakrit, when our ancient enemy Rabhidaraj abandoned the Raja to be slaughtered by the Jaddari cavalry, Dhenijansar itself fell into the hands of the Desert Elves. The loss of the capital and its centralized bureaucracy facilitated a general collapse of order as the regional governors and lords lost the ties that bound them together. As the Jaddari armies advanced, many of the prabhi surrendered and swore fealty to the Desert Elves directly, and soon a large swathe of lower Rahen was controlled by the invaders.\n\nAfter failing to halt the advance of the Jaddite Army at Rhamirta, the reeling lords of Amtujsaat turned to their southern neighbor, the Senapti of Tujgal, for protection. Offering their fealty to the White Tiger of the Jungles in exchange for protection, Amtujsaat and their fellow prabhi of Umdaj and Parus Panasur became vassals of Tujgal, who proclaimed the formation of a new realm, separate from the old Raj and based in the unified and centralized jungles of the Ascension Peninsula - the Kingdom of Vanrahar.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

+10% Infantry Combat Ability


