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Primary Culture

+20% Garrison Size
+50% Prestige from Land battles

Bulwark Against the Cursed OnesTo our east lies the massive dark Forest of the Cursed Ones. The many ruined villages and scorched earth marks you will find if you venture within are a dour testament to the raw ferocity of those beasts. Yet, our castles still stand, a testament to the spirit of our people, and whenever invaders banded into hordes, we let them crash against our walls, repelling them every time.
+15% Fort Defence

Amethyst KnightsKnights are the pride of Ynnic society, and no knights are as skilled or valiant as the amethyst-clad knights hailing from Amacimst. Named after their bright purple cloaks and bardings, they trace their roots to the invasion of 1154, in the aftermath of which a small band of veterans seized the keep of Amacimst and turned it into their base of operations. These veterans guarded the east and led punitive expeditions into Cursed One territory, soon making a name for themselves as the bane of any would-be future invader.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Never Another TorvareThe invasion of 1154 left a massive stretch of ruins and destruction, the city of Torvare being completely erased from history and its population slaughtered by the Cursed Ones. Survivors from all across the Ynn soon made their way to Amacimst, yearning to join the knights so they could get revenge and prevent a similar catastrophe from happening again, working tirelessly to arm the knights and upgrade Amacimst into a castle. Even today, when the soldiers of Amacimst are about to enter battle, it is common to hear them shout "Never another Torvare!"
+10% Morale of Armies

Show Trials for MonstersOne thing that separates us from beasts, is that we have justice. After particularly big and bloody campaigns against the Cursed Ones, the most fearsome and brutish of them would be brought back to our towns, chained and in massive cages, where huge crowds would gather around them and judges would read the list of their crimes. As far as history tells us, none of those monsters have been able to provide any moral justification or explanation for their cruelty, and thus all have been met with the harshest punishments.
-2 National Unrest

Adventurer HotspotEvery year, bands of adventurers stop by Amacimst, looking to venture east into the ruined colonies of the old Ynnic Empire, or even further into the heartland of the Cursed Ones. Naturally, while we have no use for their services, as we already have our valiant knights, adventurers could be the ones enjoying our innkeeping and hospitality industry… which has existed for centuries now, allowing us to reap the rewards.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Grandiose JoustsWhen they aren't busy fighting for the safety of everything west of Amacimst, our knights love nothing more than to hone their prowess by jousting. We shall fund great tournaments, and invite knights from neighbouring realms to attend. Naturally, foreign knights will be ashamed seeing the elegance of our bardings and the shine of our armours, but we are gracious enough to concede foreign, poorer knights a fighting chance.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Ban Subversive IdeasIt seems that waves of physical invaders are not the only thing we have to fight off now. New, dangerous ideas are coming from the world below the Ynn River, brought by pioneers and adventurers who have settled on our frontier, calling for the abolition of feudal order and the institution of mob rule. Let it be known henceforth, that sharing any idea or even mentioning any of the forms of government or customs used by Cannorian barbarians, even just for academical purposes, is a subversive maneuver that calls for the most severe punishments.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier


