Ae'n Saldayno Ideas

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+2% Missionary Strength
+10% Morale of Armies

Ancestral VenerationWe celebrate the trials and triumphs of our ancestors, both to celebrate the history of our people, and to learn from their tragedies. Songs range from those recounting great feats of crafting and valor, to devastating failures; These are the lessons we draw our knowledge from, and must emulate in order to thrive amidst such a hostile environment.\n\nParticularly heroic stories are not only recited more often, but are given form through plays staged during our great festivals. While songs are shared throughout the day, great festivals are held once a week taking up the entirety of the day for celebration, and are themed after a particular heroic ancestor. Work is forbidden during these times, and the entire tribe comes together to watch or partake in the festivities. When food is plentiful, great feasts are prepared; otherwise, more focus is put on displaying the great work of our craftsmen. Every great festival ends with reenactments of their great deeds, either recounting their great victories in combat, or even tragic sacrifices.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Retracing Ancient StepsWhile our festivals help maintain our history, we must go a step further. Emulating the actions of our ancestors is the next stage of our lessons. Young tribesmen often partake in great hunts, which take place in various ancestral grounds, usually the site where great battles took place. These great adventures are also often a time for creating new legends to celebrate, though even our most recent song spans multiple generations back. If we are to live up to our ancestors expectations, we must continue to reach even greater heights with our achievements.
+50% Army Tradition From Battles
+10% Movement Speed

Emulation Of TragedyCountless generations of our people have suffered through hardship. While the jungle is a horrible place filled with misfortune now, our songs tell of times where the trials were even harsher, and the suffering of our people was even worse. These tragedies are the lessons that now give us the knowledge to survive, and even thrive within our environment. Great as they were, the sacrifices our ancestors have made, are what now pave a path for our future triumphs. Within the suffering we have endured, a people filled with perseverance and ambition were born.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Emulation Of TriumphFor every great tragedy we share amongst our people, a great tale of our ancestors' many triumphs is soon to follow. Great beasts and savage fanatics make for more than just obstacles on our adventures, they also represent opportunities for us to accomplish feats of bravery and strength. Just as our warriors see the horrors of this jungle as a chance to achieve greatness, our craftsmen seek to create art from even the most obscure and difficult materials. We craft towering pillars from the remains of trees, bark as hard as rock, and often covered in menacingly sharp branches. Even our cooks seek to make elaborate dishes from the most mundane and flavorless ingredients. Tragedy has only made us a more adaptive and cunning people; never again shall we hide in the shadows, afraid of the great heights we could reach.
-10% Culture Conversion Cost
+1 Land Leader Shock

Festival FoodWith new legends come new songs, and with new songs come new festivals, and with each new festival, there must come food. For our people that is simply the way of things. As the bonfires burn and our songs resonate throughout the land, and as new songs and verses are composed around the comforting flame, our delicious and flavorful food completes the timeless set that is a Soruinic festival. We are skilled chefs, always innovating, and chief among the dishes served are piles of warm cassava cakes, mashed plantains served alongside without exception. The feel of a fresh cake in hand and the taste as a bite of cake and sweet plantain enters the mouth is irreplaceable. The comforting and familiar flavor is a balm for the spirit of all who consume it. This is something all Soruinic have consumed, trusting that it will be there after every tribulation, tragedy, and triumph. We know with certainty that in the future, throughout all of time, as long as we remain, there will be another legend, another festival, another song, and another beloved serving of cassava cakes and mashed plantains to go with it.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

Familiar Faith Future FamilyWhen we first struck up our alliance with the Orcs, it was made in desperation and necessity. Our leaders, concerned that they were merely more invaders coming to harm our people, looked at them with distrust. Yet with time those feelings dissipated, as the ozgar orcs proved themselves staunch allies. With cries of ‘’Vakar Ashgaran ‘’ from our allies, our courageous warriors and equally brave orc comrades drove the Cannorians back from our land. In the aftermath of the conflict and what would become one of our greatest legends, Soruinic and Orc rejoiced as one. Our ever innovative and skilled cooks eagerly exchanged recipes, Soruinic cuisine continuing to grow from the addition of orcish cooking to ours. Orc and Soruinic sang of our triumph together, for it was only with our united efforts that this day did not end with a bitter tragedy. they adapted our faith to their own, our long held traditions and practices becoming a core part of theirs as we grew ever closer. This would be further cemented by the marriage of our beloved queen Amarana with the Shaman Bramash Clouded Eye. For it was the hope and dream of the celebrated couple that we would remain unshakeable allies, and no matter the tribulations undergone to get there, would someday stand triumphant together as family.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Tolerance of Heathens

Information On The InvadersWhile the Cannorian weapons in of themselves did not give our enemy an overwhelming edge against our warriors due to the jungle environment we often battled them in, when combined with their unfamiliar tactics and formations it left us unable to repel them. Many of our people fell to the onslaught, and we were left barely standing, knowing that a more organized and larger scale attempt to claim our lands would annihilate us for sure. Then the orcs came, and together we reclaimed Soruin from the invaders. Our eventual victory gave us access to more comprehensive knowledge on how they fought. Our orc allies may have a ferocious spirit for combat, but if we are to defend Soruin from the Cannorians when they inevitably come again, we must ensure that our military remains sharp and our tactics the latest.
-10% Military Technology Cost

+10% Trade Efficiency