Eltibhen religion

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{ReligiousDescription|religion=gotiriei|description=It is said of the origins of the Gotiriei religion that the first thing that should be known is that the Kings of All Heavens govern everything. When they were created in the Great Imbalance, they fought off the evil of Oblivion and diced it into a thousand pieces. They then created a universe without Oblivion in it, and created a perfect world to inhabit themselves. Ultimately they felt satisfied, and prepared to leave for the next plane. They each shed a tear; blood, flesh, mind, and soul. This gave birth to the first forms of life. Throughout the eons they’d evolve into species, including the elf.\n\nIt was with the elves where Oblivion returned. Their kings were not divine, and spewed corruption to the lands. This caused the Eye of Oblivion to set course for the world, to cause another Great Imbalance. Atop the most serene peak of the world, the Rigoti, a lone shepherd prayed for intervention from the Kings. The kings came through a rift in the sky and burst to the scene. All but one died shielding this plane from another Great Imbalance. The last True King remained with the elves, protecting the righteous of this world and letting the corruption turn to ash.\n\nThe Last True King thus gave a crown to the lone shepherd, as he became the Blessed King, and first of the Fasíri, marking his place with a white stone slab atop the peak. To be a true Fasíri king means receiving the same blessing as the lone shepherd, and taking the voyage to the top of Rigoti to receive the same spiritual blessing from the Last True King.}
All Gotiriei countries receive: