Triunic lake

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Enuuk Followers

{ReligiousDescription|religion=enuuk_followers|description=Enuuk is the goddess of production and the youngest Goddess of the lakes. Her most ardent followers are the Khamgunai, whose forges and workshops she blesses to produce the finest works in the Federation.}
All Enuuk Followers countries receive:

Kalyin Worshippers

{ReligiousDescription|religion=kalyin_worshippers|description=Kalyin is the all powerful union of the Three Goddesses, embodying each of their domains and powers equally in a single figure, just as the Federation embodies the power of every city in the islands. She represents the ideal for our people, united in purpose and strength.}
All Kalyin Worshippers countries receive:

Kodave Followers

{ReligiousDescription|religion=kodave_followers|description=Kodave is the warrior goddess of the Triunic Lakes, primarily worshipped by the hardy Metsamics and soldiers across the Federation. She is believed to protect the islands from invasion, raising champions to project her might into the material world.}
All Kodave Followers countries receive:


{ReligiousDescription|religion=kukatodic_religion|description=The Kukatodic peoples of Yyl Möitsa believe that the great forests they live in are home to an uncountable number of local spirits. Every tree, every rock, every waterfall has a spirit, and they live and die, just as humans would, in their invisible world. The beliefs of Möitsäliusko, meaning "spirits of the forest", are varied, and they differ from tribe to tribe. One thing they have in common is reverence of wise crones, generally the oldest women in the village, who serve as a spiritual medium between the material world and the world of the spirits.}
All Möitsäliusko countries receive:


{ReligiousDescription|religion=yudunyovi|description=The Yudunyovi (or Worldy Gods) are a pantheon of gods rediscovered by Triunic settlers on the mainland. Led by the sun god Taqoshur and revealed by the dream god Soiti, the followers of this faith seek to reclaim their ancient legacy within the context of the modern world.}
All Yudunyovi countries receive:

Yukel Followers

{ReligiousDescription|religion=yukel_followers|description=Yukel is the trade goddess of the lakes and the mother of the other Triunic Goddesses. Primarily worshipped by the Zabatlari, she represents a figure of peace and prosperity, calming storms for merchants that praise her name and granting otherworldly eloquence to her followers.}
All Yukel Followers countries receive: