Fey religion

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Ashentree Pact

{ReligiousDescription|religion=ashentree_pact|description=The Ashentree Pact is a group of Fey, united by common desire to avenge humans for burning World Ashen Tree, the last remnant of Halanna, ancient Goddess of Earth. Members of the Ashentree Pact believe that Fey should reclaim lost lands and plant a new World Tree to save both the Prime Material plane and the Feyrealm from the Severance, complete separation of both worlds and loss of all magic in Halann.}
All Ashentree Pact countries receive:

Autumn Court

{ReligiousDescription|religion=autumn_court|description=The Tuathak favor Autumn above all else. The last season before the desolation of Winter, Autumn celebrates the good tidings of the harvest before.}
All Autumn Court countries receive:


{ReligiousDescription|religion=eordellon|description=Originally based around tenets taught by the Fey of the Domandrod shortly after the Day of Ashen Skies, the Eordan peoples have made their own adjustments to these teachings throughout the years. The faithful of Eordellon are to uphold the values of each season and to faithfully serve the Domandrod Fey. Over the years the peoples have been splintered into favouring one season over the other, and few remain obedient to the Fey.}
All Eordellon countries receive:

Fey Court

{ReligiousDescription|religion=fey_court|description=The Fey Court is not a religion in the classical sense, as those who practice it do not consider the Fey consider divine or objects of worship. Rather, it is a collection of stories, traditions, rituals, and rites employed to avoid angering the Fey, and, ideally, coexist with them.}
All Fey Court countries receive:


{ReligiousDescription|religion=pactseeker|description=Pactseekers are warlocks, who go out of their way to make contact with powerful archfeys, rendering their services to them in return for powerful magic. It is a generally accepted fact that all of these warlocks have dual loyalties, to both their clan and their fey patrons. The problems that this sometimes causes are generally offset by the tremendous power they can provide.}
All Pactseeker countries receive:

Spring Court

{ReligiousDescription|religion=spring_court|description=Focused on the season of Spring, the Selpheregi are attuned with the spirit of regrowth that permeates throughout Eordand.}
All Spring Court countries receive:

Summer Court

{ReligiousDescription|religion=summer_court|description=The Summer Court is centred around the Sarmadfar and Elarbarc, the warm waters of the south. Its worshippers are attuned to the call of the sea.}
All Summer Court countries receive:


{ReligiousDescription|religion=vechnogejzn|description=A religion of the Old Rzentur elves, Vechnogejzn is a ritualistic worship of an everlasting fire, created with Fey magics. Old Rzentur claim that long ago their people fought against the Frost King, who was determined to make their lands his domain of permanent winter. The other habitants of the forest, Fey of North Aelantir, had been a mix of help and hindrance to the elves, until one day the Changeling Prince came and gave Old Rzentur the gift of Vechnogejzn, the eternal flame. With it, the Old Rzentur defeated the Frost King, pushing his spawn far north.\n\nEach Old Rzentur tribe have their own Vechnogejzn, which they meticulously maintain to this day. The flame symbolises the tribe's unity, and is said to protect them from evil spirits and harm.}
All Vechnogejzn countries receive:

Winter Court

{ReligiousDescription|religion=winter_court|description=Forced into the backwoods, the Winter Court must fight for its survival through the shared loyalty of the Snecboth.}
All Winter Court countries receive: