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Black Doctrine

{ReligiousDescription|religion=black_doctrine|description=The Black Doctrine rejects the legitimacy of all gods, casting them as evil demiurges who created this world to keep us ignorant and oppressed. They are opposed by the Black Demesne's Sorcerer-King and Acolytes, who have reshaped the fundamental chaos of the world into a new order that all can participate in.}
All Black Doctrine countries receive:


{ReligiousDescription|religion=godlost|description=The Godlost have denounced the shamanic ways of the goblin cults, instead they have forged their society into a rigid structure. They value family and country over religious practices and cosmic powers. A disciplined and loyal attitude is revered and any disobedience is harshly punished. They have structured this in a series of teachings that all are expected to adhere to, but some may put greater emphasis on one over the other.}
All Godlost countries receive:


{ReligiousDescription|religion=kheionism|description=Kheionism is the predominant philosophical and ideological tradition among the Kheionai peoples. The philosophy focuses upon the role of the republican city-state as the most civilized form of governance, and the city-state as the basis of all civilization. Kheionism does not innately recognize any belief in a higher power, for it is a uniquely atheist doctrine, lacking in any kind of spirituality. Instead, Kheionists place their faith in their elected leaders to defend them and lead them into the future.}
All Kheionism countries receive:

The Thought

{ReligiousDescription|religion=the_thought|description=The Thought is the name given to the traditional gnomish philosophy, which emphasize sentience and intelligence as the most vital qualities a being can possess. Followers of this philosophy are uninterested by spirituality; instead focusing on creating and refining a "Theory of Everything" that explains exactly how reality works. Members are driven to observe and analyse the material world, in the hopes of being able to incorporate their discoveries to the doctrine in an act known as "Being touched by The Thought". This drive towards material analysis and innovation leads to followers of the Thought being well-suited to the pursuit of scientific advancement and the development of artifice; gnomish believers in the Thought were the first to combine magic and science into the art now known as artificery. Those who follow The Thought are usually very tolerant to other ways of thinking, as they both hold the product of other people’s intelligence in high regard, and take advantage of the opportunity to research into other cultures.}
All The Thought countries receive: