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High Philosophy

{subst: ReligiousDescription |religion=high_philosophy|description=High Philosophy is a religion that centres around the replication of the life of the ancient High Gods as the harimari found in the ancient temples scattered throughout Haless. They use the reliefs in these ancient temples as the backbone of how society should be structured and how one should live their life. However different philosophers had different impressions of what the reliefs meant, and so different schools of thought arose. Often these revolve around some sort of caste system, which has been a part of Raheni society since ancient times. } All High Philosophy countries receive:

  • +10% Reform Progress Growth
  • -20% Stability Cost Modifier

Suhan's Praxis

{subst: ReligiousDescription |religion=suhans_praxis|description=Established by Guru Suhan in the late 1400s, Suhan's Praxis is a variant on traditional High Philosophy. While it still strives to discover the wisdom of the high gods so as to bring its practicioners to a more enlightened state of being, the Praxis rejects the notion there are multiple paths to wisdom, or that debates will yield wisdom for all involved parties. Instead, Suhan's teachings espouse the belief that true wisdom, and thus the path of the High Gods, is found in pulling moral teachings from all of the major philosophies, while denouncing the social and political structures, such as the Raheni Castes and the Patriarchal family structure, that those philosophies have been used to justify in the past.} All Suhan's Praxis countries receive:

  • +2% Missionary Strength vs Heretics
  • +10% Infantry Combat Ability