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Tier 1: Tribal Administration

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Steppe Nomads
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "steppe_horde",
    "culture_group": [
    "primary_culture": "altaic_new"
  "has_reform": "steppe_horde",
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "great_mongol_state_reform"
  • +25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -15% Institution Spread
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +50% Looting Speed
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • -50% Reinforce Cost
  • -5 Years of Separatism
A governmental form where a sovereign or military ruler rule a tribal chiefdom, with constant Casus Bellis on all their neighbors and troops who fight better on the plains.
Tribal Federation
  "has_reform": "tribal_federation"
  • -5 Years of Separatism
A governmental form where a confederation of tribes rule with a certain degree of internal autonomy but are nationally governed by a central authority.
Tribal Despotism
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • -10% Core-Creation Cost
A political system where a tribe is controlled by an individual ruler with unlimited power and the ability to exercise any action without consequence or retribution, often ruling through fear.
Tribal Monarchy
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • +20% Income from Vassals
A political system where a large tribal society has formed a kingdom, with one strong ruler who rules through law.
Siberian Native Council
  "has_reform": "siberian_tribe"
  • -20% Institution Spread
  • -33% Stability Cost Modifier
The Siberian Council is as an assembly of elders that is led by a joint chief.
Great Mongol State
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "great_mongol_state_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "great_mongol_state_reform"
  • +50% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +1 Yearly Horde Unity
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +50% Looting Speed
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • -50% Reinforce Cost
  • -5 Years of Separatism
The Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan has been restored under our leadership. We are rebuilding the systems of government established by the Great Khan while avoiding the mistakes of his unworthy successors.
Stateless Society
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "ai": true
  • +75% Fort Defence
  • -99% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +15% Morale of Armies
Our people have consciously chosen not to organize into a state, preferring simple lives free from the oppressive hierarchies prevalent in the lowland realm.
Polynesian Kingdom
  "culture_group": "pacific",
  "has_reform": "polynesian_kingdom"
  • -50% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +20% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • +20% Colonial Range
  • -20% Liberty Desire in Subjects
  • +20% Income from Vassals
A Polynesian Kingdom is the form of government where a polynesian monarch manages to unite the usually competing tribes under their rule and act as a united nation.
Polynesian Tribe
  "culture_group": "pacific",
  "has_reform": "polynesian_tribe"
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
A Polynesian Tribe is the form of government where a leader manages to hold authority over a tribe or group of tribes but the nation does not act as a unified one.
Greentide Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "greentide_horde",
    "AND": {
      "capital_scope": {
        "OR": {
          "region": [
          "area": [
      "NOT": {
        "culture": "gray_orc"
      "OR": {
        "culture_group": [
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +40% National Manpower Modifier
  • +30% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -20% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • +50% Prestige from Land battles
  • +500% Province War Score Cost
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -10% Reinforce Cost
Living primarily in Escann, these tribes of orcs and goblins are the result of and successors to Korgus Dookanson's invasion of Escann, also known as the Greentide.
Deepwood Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "deepwoods_horde",
    "AND": {
      "capital_scope": {
        "superregion": "deepwoods_superregion"
      "OR": {
        "culture_group": [
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "greentide_horde"
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +40% National Manpower Modifier
  • +30% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -20% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • +50% Prestige from Land battles
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -10% Reinforce Cost
During Korgus Dookanson's invasion of Escann a great host of orcs and goblins invaded the Deepwoods. While initially unified, news of Dookanson's death lead to this host splitting into a series of tribes.
Brown Orc Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "brown_orc_horde",
    "culture": "brown_orc"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "greentide_horde"
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +40% National Manpower Modifier
  • +30% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -20% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • +50% Prestige from Land battles
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -10% Reinforce Cost
One of the orc tribes that invaded Rahen under the Command.
Settled Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "settled_horde",
    "culture_group": [
  • +25% Fort Defence
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -15% Fort Maintenance
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +30% National Manpower Modifier
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -30% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • -25% Reform Progress Growth
  • -35% Reinforce Cost
Some hordes of monsters make their homes in well defended lairs, with much of their effort spent on the maintenance and improvement of their settlements, and of course... keeping unwanted visitors out!
Roaming Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "roaming_horde",
    "culture_group": [
    "AND": {
      "culture_group": "goblin",
      "capital_scope": {
        "OR": {
          "superregion": "bulwar_superregion",
          "region": [
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +30% National Manpower Modifier
  • -15% Land Attrition
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -35% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +20% Looting Speed
  • +35% Movement Speed
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -35% Reinforce Cost
While not quite nomadic, some monsters are known to roam large territories, forming societies centred around frequent travel and looting the lands they cross.
Desert Legion
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "desert_legion",
    "tag": "F46"
  • +50% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -50% Cavalry Cost
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • -25% National Tax Modifier
  • -25% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +30% Movement Speed
  • -200% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • -25% Production Efficiency
  • +10% Technology Cost
The legions that returned from Jaher's campaign settled in the eastern Salahad. Their military experience shaped the state that they formed into a structured military society of roaming bands. They adopted a nomadic lifestyle that allowed them to survive in the desert. While scattered, when unified they recall the glory of the legions of yore.
Dwarovar Squatter
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "dwarovar_squatter",
    "AND": {
      "capital_scope": {
        "continent": "serpentspine",
        "OR": {
          "has_terrain": [
      "OR": {
        "culture_group": [
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • +10% Garrison Size
  • -25% Institution Spread
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • -10% Land Attrition
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -10% Reinforce Cost
  • -50% War Taxes Cost
These tribes of orcs and goblins occupy ancient dwarven holds within the Dwarovar.
Dwarovar Warband
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "dwarovar_warband",
    "AND": {
      "capital_scope": {
        "continent": "serpentspine"
      "OR": {
        "culture_group": [
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -25% Institution Spread
  • +33% National Supply Limit Modifier
  • +10% Movement Speed
  • +50% Prestige from Land battles
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -20% Reinforce Cost
These roaming warbands of orcs and goblins wander the Dwarovar looking for plunder.
Emerald Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "emerald_horde",
    "tag": "I46"
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_flag": "magic_artificery_artificery_only"
  • -1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • +50% Institution Embracement Cost
  • -45% Institution Spread
  • +40% National Manpower Modifier
  • -50% Improve Relations
  • +30% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -20% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • -75% Reform Progress Growth
  • +15% Technology Cost
  • -0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion
An orcish horde imbued by the mysterious powers of fey hellbent on reviving the world tree.
Graytide Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "graytide_horde",
    "primary_culture": "gray_orc"
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • -30% Reform Progress Growth
"Graytide" is a term referring to the orcish invasion of Vrorenmarch, which happened four years earlier than the Greentide. This country contains orcish tribes and subjects of other races united under the rule of a Gray King.
Centaur Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "centaur_horde",
    "culture_group": "centaur"
  • +50% Looting Speed
  • -20% Production Efficiency
  • -40% Reform Progress Growth
A Centaur Horde
Settled Centaur Horde
  "always": false
  • +33% Looting Speed
  • -15% Production Efficiency
  • -33% Reform Progress Growth
A Settled Centaur Horde
Ogre Horde
  "has_reform": "ogre_horde"
  • +1 Colonists
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -33% Institution Spread
  • +15% National Manpower Modifier
  • +1 Attrition for Enemies
  • +15% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -10% Reinforce Cost
A horde of rampaging Ogres, united under a single purpose; to devour anything that fits between their titanic jaws and to rend apart anything that doesn't until it will.
Great Centaur Horde
  "has_reform": "great_centaur_horde"
  • +10% Settler Chance
  • +1 Colonists
  • -50% Institution Spread
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +200% National Supply Limit Modifier
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -25% Reform Progress Growth
The Great Centaur Horde
Gnoll Pack
  "culture_group": "gnollish"
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • -15% Land Attrition
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +20% Looting Speed
  • +15% Movement Speed
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -35% Reinforce Cost
Similar to Hyenas, their bestial counterparts, traditional gnollish societies are organized in the structure of a pack, typically led by the strongest or most vicious among their number.
Infernal Autocracy
  "has_reform": "infernal_autocracy"
  • -10% Establish Local Organization Cost
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
Fully commited to the goals of the secret societies, the Infernal Autocracy marches in lockstep with the legions of Hell to conquer Cannor.
Great Convoy
  "tag": "H91",
  "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
  • -50 Colonists
  • -1 Diplomats
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +33% National Supply Limit Modifier
  • -99% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • -200% Native Uprising Chance
  • +50% Prestige from Land battles
  • -55% Reform Progress Growth
  • -20% Reinforce Cost
The rumble of wheels and steel, the acrid smell of black smoke that can be tasted on the air for miles around, the rumbling of ancient engines... This band of raiders barges through on an unholy amalgamation of looted transportation, now used to pillage and plunder their way through the mountains, taking with them anything they find of value.

Can only have §T1 province§!, conquering additional provinces gives ¤ §Tloot§! and £adm£ §Tmonarch points§! based on the province's development.
Your convoy can be §Gupgraded§! through the §TUpgrade the Great Convoy§! decision.
Harpy Matriarchy
  "ruler_is_harpy": true
  • +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
Traditional harpy society is composed of minor flocks ruled by familial matriarchs, who are in turn ruled by one foremost matriarch and considered part of a larger flock. Males do not have power in this social structure.
Harpy Matriarchy
  "ruler_is_harpy": true
  • +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
Traditional harpy society is composed of minor flocks ruled by familial matriarchs, who are in turn ruled by one foremost matriarch and considered part of a larger flock. Males do not have power in this social structure.
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "namasoguziza_reform",
    "culture_group": "inyaswarosa"
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +15% Vassal Force Limit Contribution
Meaning 'matriarch tribe' a Namasoguziza is a democratic confederation of Tanizu tribes lead by one powerful tribe that holds a preeminent position in the tribal democracy.

Bound by kinship and a religious respect for the elected Ingo, the confederation sustains itself off irregular gifts and tribute from the villages and roving bands that make up its population. Tanizu social and political hierarchies are extremely fluid, with any member of the confederation being eligible to run in the elctions that occur every 8 years.

The Ingo is traditionally a woman, but highly respected men sometimes also occupy the position.
Pilgrims Of Effelai
  "religion_group": "effelai",
  "has_reform": "pilgrims_of_effelai"
  • -15% Infantry Cost
  • +10% Movement Speed
Although we make an effort to maintain the fruit trees, berry bushes, and other edible plants everywhere we settle, they all need time to grow after having been harvested. To this end, we follow Effelai's calling: we always have to keep moving, but we know that wherever we go, the jungle will provide us with plenty of food to hunt and gather.
Vyzemby Tribe
  "is_vyzemby_primary_culture": true
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • -1 National Unrest
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
Lacking an established ruling family, vyzemby tribes represent tribal confederacies where the power is shared between all tribes equally. Rulers are elected in a vote of all tribes present, which must be unanimous.
Haraagtsedi Pack League
  "tag": "F72"
  • -1 Diplomatic Relations
  • -15% Institution Spread
  • +15% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +15% Movement Speed
  • -20% Reinforce Cost
Our packs are loosely organised into a tribal league, allied against outside invaders but largely maintaining their autonomy from each other.
Taychendi Tribe
  "OR": {
    "religion": [
  • +50% Army Tradition From Battles
  • -10% Development Cost in Primary Culture
  • -1 Diplomatic Relations
  • -0.2 Monthly Heir Claim Increase
A scarcely organized polity in Taychend, clinging onto a receding past.
The Great Salla
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
  • -15% Institution Spread
  • +15% Foreign Spy Detection
  • -30% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
Descending from a regiment of a lost Moon Elven army, the Great Salla is a collection of close knit Wood Elf salla (clans) who defer to a ceann (clan leader). This ceann relies on personal connections and archaic military traditions to wield power.
Traveling Cheqh'anate
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "traveling_cheqhanate_reform",
    "culture_group": "khudi"
  • +25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -15% Institution Spread
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +50% Looting Speed
  • +25% Movement Speed
  • -50% Reinforce Cost
  • -5 Years of Separatism
Due to the wide expanse the Oinukhudi rule over as well as its relative inhospitability, the Cheqh'an resides in a mobile court known as the Qh'an Flowing Palace, hauled by the prestigious Hill Troll caravan guards known as the Sasarai Tasuzidavi. The Cheqh'an thus travels the wastes, reining in the myriad of disloyal taishi bannerlords to maintain the unity of the realm.
  "OR": {
    "primary_culture": "arraskay_lizardfolk",
    "tag": [
  • +2 Tolerance of the True Faith
  • -20% Unjustified Demands
Outside of the ancient cities of the lizardfolk lies acres and acres of dense jungle, divided by deep rivers and swamps. This harsh terrain houses many tribal lizardfolk clans. Each one is led by a royal family, usually guided by a council of powerful naga on matters of faith and philosophy.