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Primary Culture

-15% Administrative Advisor Cost
+15% Improve Relations

Ivan Cobalt-SwornIvan Cobalt-Sworn was a Gerudian Skald and skilled practitioner of frost magic, who fled from Gerudia during the Great Winter of 1139, after he was accused of betraying skaldic traditions and trying to wake up Elkaesal the White. Crossing the deeply frozen Giant’s Grave Sea, Ivan reached Rivsby seeking shelter. He was allowed to live in Rivsby, and taken under Lord’s protection, after his spell broke the sheet of ice that covered the Bay of Rivsby allowing fishermen to venture into the sea and provide food for the struggling city. \n\nIn 1176 a group of students of Ivan Cobalt-Sworn petitioned the King of Vrorenmarch to allow the creation of a mage guild. Called the ‘Conclave of the Northern Wind’, it quickly gathered popularity in all of the Kingdom of Vrorenmarch and became one of the most important magical organizations of it. Scholars ascribe the name of the Conclave to be connected with a powerful ice elemental Drema, the Northern Wind, who is said to have been the patron of Ivan Cobalt-Sworn.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

Fish Frozen yet FreshThough Rivsby’s soil is surprisingly good for the area it is located in and allows for crops to be grown, it is the sea that truly sustains the town. What allowed Rivsby fish market to particularly prosper was their unique method of fish storage. When leaving the port, every boat was equipped with boxes of enchanted ice shards that don't melt for a long time and keep fish cool through the trip. This allowed for longer excursions into the sea, and therefore higher yields per journey.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Privilege of RivsbyIn 1225 Lord Acromar II Selwyn, whose son had prematurely died from consumption, drew his last breath. Realizing he may die heirless, he summoned a council of Rivsbian nobles to choose his successor. After one year of deliberation, the council has chosen Lord Harald Alcarsson, a powerful noble and a prince of neighboring Eskerborg, who was a son-in-law of the late lord. His candidature was supported after he agreed to grant a privilege to Rivsby that granted a great deal of autonomy to the city and surrounding fiefs. Though Alcarssons tried to wrestle the control back from Rivsbian nobles, it was exceedingly hard as kings of Vrorenmarch involved themselves in the conflict and enforcing the privilege, not wanting Alcarssons to gain more power in Vrorenmarch and especially to control the Conclave of the Northern Wind.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

To Gently Tip the ScalesPlaced in a precarious position, just on the border between king’s domain and terrains governed by Alcarssons, Rivsby always had to be one step ahead of its political enemies, lest it would fall into hands of one or the other. Rivsbian nobles learned to use this precarious position to support their own projects, siding once with the king, just to quickly change their gaze to powerful lords of the West, when autonomy of Rivsby was threatened. After the Graytide, Rivsby has pursued the politics of reluctant submission, always willing to cooperate with the Gray Kings, but requiring just a little bit of incentive from their orcish overlords.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Order of the Frozen ArrowAn old tradition found in Gerudia and Alenic Reach was utilizing skis during hunts to quickly travel through snow-covered forests. Impressed by stories, flowing north from Escann, Lord Alen I Selwyn decided to found the Order of the Frozen Arrow. Combining the chivalric culture of Escann, especially their love of hunting, with Gerudian traditions, it was natural that knights of the order utilized skis instead of horses and bows instead of lances. Though the Order of the Frozen Arrow were competent fighters, they were masters of endurance above all else. Ready to travel many miles, with heavy equipment in frigid winters of Vrorenmarch, these knights often created routes through which the rest of troops could follow, a key advantage in the colds of the north.
+5% Infantry Combat Ability
-10% Land Attrition

A Boy That Killed The Kraken“A Boy That Killed The Kraken” is a popular folktale in Eastern Alenic Reach, which tells a story of a young boy from Rivsby, whose father had sailed to the Land of Bears. Longing for him, the boy snuck onto a fisherman’s boat and sailed out to the sea in hope of meeting him quickly. After an arduous journey, during which he helped fishermen overcome various obstacles, he finally saw his father's boat, which had been attacked by a kraken. Using only a sling, the boy shot the kraken in the eye, killing the beast and freeing the boy's father. Rivsbians like to believe that the little boy symbolizes their city - though small, always ready to fight to protect the Vrorenmarch from whatever may face it.
+10% Morale of Armies

Pillars of RivsbySmall Bay of Rivsby, part of bigger Vrorensbay, is shielded from waves of frigid Giant’s Grave Sea by a short peninsula. Calm waters of the bay were only sometimes disturbed by Gerudians, who raided the coasts of Rivsby. To fend them off, nobles of Rivsby petitioned the king to enclose the bay by building two sea forts on the opposing sides of it. Nicknamed “Pillars of Rivsby”, these two forts from the late XIVth century proudly stood against each other and created a gate of cannons that blocked off the entrance into the bay, shielding the western side of the city from enemies and allowing the city western bank to be more easily defended. This safe location was later used by Gray Kings of Grombar to construct the naval headquarters of Half-Orcish Kingdom. Called Rudyar Arsenal, it was where the first flagship of Grombari Navy - “Ahtoyar-o-Brasûr” (“Will of Brasûr”) had been launched.
+10% Fort Defence
-10% Sailor Maintenance


