He Preahsang

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He Preahsang

Primary Culture

-15% Construction Time
-10% Reinforce Cost

Mercenary OriginsIn 1181AA, under the command of legendary tournament fighter Ang Thom, the “Heavenly Armours” company departed from their home in Lot Dekkhang and arrived in the lands of the Xia. They came seeking a new test of martial strength, and over the course of a decade would move throughout the Xia, challenging the various Xiaken to war games and duels. In 1190AA, Ang Thom himself dueled with the Wulin in Xiadao, besting them in three rounds of five. Impressed by both Ang and the company’s success in beating many of the Xiaken, in 1191AA the Wulin granted them the province of He Preahsang to settle in, as one of the Xiaken.
+25% Mercenary Manpower

Way of the Heavenly ArmorContrary to the ways of many of the Xia, armour has always played a pivotal role in our style of fighting. Heavy armour is the most effective way to ensure one survives combat, but its weight will exhaust and slow those who wear it over time. This drawback kept it from being used by most of the Xia until 1287, when a local dwarf known simply as “The Greybeard” made a powerful discovery. With his knowledge of both dwarven craftsmanship and Xia chi manipulation, Greybeard was able to imbue armour with chi sensitivity during its crafting. Such pieces, called Bai Xhou, granted unparalleled advantages to one skilled in chi manipulation, turning the steel into a second skin no lighter than a feather on the combatant’s body, no matter how heavy it was in reality. This combination of defense and speed offered the wearer was limited only by one’s ability to manipulate their chi, and the monks of the Heavenly Armor train relentlessly to master their chi and the mighty armour that gives them their advantage on the battlefield.
+15% Movement Speed

The Dwarves of XianjieOur people have long lived alongside Nephrite dwarves, and they form a significant part of our population of craftsmen. It was the dwarves who first created Bhai Xhou armour and it is only they who are trusted to create this holy relic. This responsibility propelled dwarven craftsmen into the upper echelons of our society, and they are highly respected among our people.
+10% Production Efficiency

Tournament FightsDespite our people's exodus from Lot Dekkhang, we still feel a strong feeling of kinship with the Teplin warriors and dauloph warlords of the city. Monks of He Prehsang regularly travel to fight in the arenas and tournaments of Lot Dekkhang, winning both prizes and scars in the process. These fights have helped us hone our skills even during peacetime with minimal risk to our soldiers and champions.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Clockwork RepeatersIn 1438, a dwarf by the name of Thorgrim Blazehammer created a new type of rifle not previously seen in the Xia. These muskets used a series of gears and levers to fire multiple rounds at a time, and were loaded with a small feed hopper on top of the rifle. These prototype weapons, known as “Ticker Rifles” for their characteristic sound, proved incredibly effective and deadly, despite their propensity to get jammed. Thorgrim had reportly also been developing a much larger size repeater for use in sieges; however, the Command would sweep over the Xia in 1452 and the secrets of Thorgrims designs would be lost forever, as he chose to destroy the designs rather than let them fall into Moguwan’s hands.
+10% Artillery Damage from Back Row

Adopt Foreign StylesWhen the Cannorians first arrived in Haless they brought, among other things, tactics and fighting styles we had never seen before. Many of the styles and tactics revolved around their use of powerful gunpowder weaponry. While our soldiers still primarily used a mixture of spears, hammers and shields, there were still elements to adopt from the Cannorians - most notably, their command structures and messaging relay systems enabled both swifter responses in war and facilitated the spread of ideas in peacetime.
+20% Institution Spread

Bhai Xhou ArmourWhile it was no secret that Bhai Xhou armour was exceptional in the mobility it granted the wearer, little was known about its ability to counter gunpowder weaponry. It was only in 1721, when a gnomish artificer purchased one of the few remaining sets that it was discovered the Bhai Xhou could mitigate the impact of many common gunpowder weapons. This appeared to expend the Chi imbued within the set, however, and with the techniques to make the armour lost to time, perhaps the true strength of these mythical armours may never be uncovered.
-10% Fire Damage Received

-10% Military Technology Cost


