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Primary Culture

-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
-10% Construction Cost

The SkytowerThe abode of the Bommak monks is not a regular monastery; they live in their eponymous Skytower, the highest structure in all of Xianjie. For centuries the monks have been cutting out massive stone blocks from the nearby mountains, carrying them to the tower and lifting them to the top as new floors or adding them to the existing floors in order to support more weight. It is said that they won’t stop their work until the tower finally lives up to its name and reaches all the way to heaven.
+1 Yearly Prestige

School of the High TowerThe School of the High Tower was founded by a monk who felt frustrated with the insular nature of the school he followed, ignoring the outside world in favor of solitary meditation and strength exercises. Setting out to reach enlightenment in a way that benefited the world around him, he would wander the land performing various tasks until he eventually joined a construction crew. He came to appreciate the act of working together to achieve something greater, of training his body in a way that led to something lasting and useful, and he even came to regard the act of building upwards to the sky as a way of literally getting closer to the divine. When he returned to Xianjie, he shared his dream with those who would listen, and together they set off to begin the great work.
-15% Construction Time

Architects of South HalessThe School of the High Tower stresses the importance of good deeds through labour, and many of its adherents don’t content themselves with just working for their temple. The monks of the High Tower can often be found wandering through foreign lands, aiding those who need their help. They most commonly work as architects, lending their strength and expertise to farms needing an extra barn or villages damaged by fires and earthquakes, but most are willing to help wherever there is need of an extra set of arms.
+20% Improve Relations

Strong as a BoulderThe Xia are host to dozens of different fighting styles, many focusing on speed, finesse, and manipulating the elements themselves. As far as the School of the High Tower is concerned, simple strength is all you need. With bodies honed from cutting and carrying massive blocks of stone, the monks of Bommak are among the most muscular in the Xianjie, able to overpower fighters from other schools with a single punch or deadly grip.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Tower of BabblingThe construction of the Skytower attracts volunteers from Xianjie, Bomdan, and the various other lands of Haless, each wishing to contribute to this great work in whatever way they can. This can be more difficult than it seems, as many of these volunteers speak neither the Bom nor Yan language, greatly complicating the project’s worker organization. Bommak’s administrators and taskmasters make sure to learn as many languages as possible, so that everyone can be included in the construction without the resulting linguistic chaos causing the project to collapse.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

The Other ResidentsAs the size of the Skytower grew, it soon became far larger than what was needed to house the monks. But instead of inviting new residents to fill the extra space, the old ones just declined to move out. When a master of the High Tower died, their spirit would often be found inhabiting the upper floors or the deeper parts of the tower’s lower sections. In time, the dead became as natural a part of the complex as the living, and going deeper into the tower to consult with the masters of old became as natural as conversing with the living masters.
-5% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

Slay the TowerWhen the Command conquered the Skytower, they saw the project as pointless and wasteful. The construction was abandoned, and only escaped dismantlement due to fears of structural collapse and angering the local spirits. It wasn’t until the Rending of Realms that the newly-independent Yodashikyu lifted the ban on entering the Skytower.\n\n Yet the building they entered was nothing like the glorious stories of old. A strange shadow hung over the abandoned hallways, an unnatural silence enveloped the endless corridors. The spirits they encountered were not the wise and friendly masters from times past, and the number of explorers that left the building never seemed to be the same number that went in. It did not take long until a call was sent out for any adventurers who dared to brave the haunted tower and face the darkness that lay within.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium

-10% Development Cost


