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Primary Culture

-15% Construction Time
-2 National Unrest

AnardongaAmongst the other Khudi, we are known as the Kin of the Mountain, and our cities reflect this fact. Homes, cut and carved into the mountains, stack atop each other. While terraces produce bountiful (if hardy) crops, all in terrain that many others would consider to be inhospitable. Our markets export great wealth in the form of gorgeous cloth and bring in merchants who carry goods from far beyond Gozengeun. None of this would be possible without the aid of the geomancers, who shape the earth while ensuring that it is done in such a way to appease the spirits of the land.n/n/Unfortunately, this process takes time, leading to significant overpopulation in many of the larger Anardonga.
-10% Development Cost

Gates to GozengunWhile it was long considered possible among the Anarkhudi that other humans lived beyond the land of the centaurs, said horse men made any hope of contact impossible. However as both ourselves and the Triunics began to achieve victories on the plains, safe exchange of goods became possible. Considering the Triunic’s penchant for spiritualism and similar city-state structure to the ancient Anarkhudi, many suggested they may be descended from one of the ancient stone ships of legend. This, and jealousy of Zurkanrek’s Treasure Fleet by other members of the Lake Federation, led trade to grow quickly, making the Anarkhudi rich as goods passed through the Iron Gate of Shoran to Gozengun and beyond.
+20% Caravan Power

The PushThe Anarkhudi have always been a people requiring balance. The last centuries of peace have seen our Anardonga increase in size and scale, whilst we are forced to house more people than our cities can contain. Thus, decades ago our leaders came up with a plan; to settle the Forbidden Plains and alleviate the strain on our homeland. Initial successes saw sweeping settlements established beyond the Iron Gate, though by 1444 this had slowed to a crawl as policy shifted to settle what had been claimed. The Talda’khudi however would see this policy require a different approach; Oinikhudi and Hill Troll refugees during the civil war and conflicts after would be hired to protect the settlers. This arrangement was highly successful, and eventually individuals from all three cultures would arrive seeking new lives, helping settlements and outposts push further into the plains.
+15 Global Settler Increase

Spiritual InsightsWhile scholars across the world can agree that another’s eyes can improve a work, we often go one step further; to have our treatise and thesis reviewed by spirits. Inspired by the consultations of the geomancers over matters of architecture, many mages, and academics of all types often use rituals to acquire the assistance of spirits and their vast wells of knowledge for their works. On occasion a spirit can be extremely knowledgeable about a given topic, giving invaluable information that greatly increases a scholar’s well of knowledge and thus our society as a whole. On occasion however, a spirit may be erratic or uncooperative, but even in these cases, making use of an outside perspective can provide some insight for scholars and mages alike.
-10% Idea Cost

Fearsome FireThe savage centaurs of the plains have long menaced us with the terrifying thunder of thousands of hooves. Though historically we have held them at the Iron Gate,with the advent of cannons, we now have a proper response. While gunpowder is a terrifying weapon, when combined with magic, and the strange relics of the mystical lands of Nomsyulhan allows us to have our weapons emit a fearsome roar and gout of fire alongside their projectiles. Aside from terrifying the centaurs, who have no great knowledge of firearms, it also convinces foreigners that we bind dark spirits to our weapons, which is a useful fiction if nothing else.
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

The KhudikylExisting on the fringe of civilization and relying heavily on trade, our situation has always been precarious. While the centuries-long stability of the Oinukhudi Cheqh’anate gave us access to far distant realms and their goods, its decline and the subsequent rise of banditry via opportunistic Taishi bannerlords has driven us to the risk of economic collapse. This needs to be addressed. By assembling a special council of merchants to manage the Khudikyl, or Wealth of the People, we can continue to ensure that our nation’s resources are managed effectively for the interest of all Anarkhudi.
+0.05 Yearly Inflation Reduction
-0.25 Interest Per Annum

The Iron Gates of ShoranIn ancient days, millennia before the Day of Ashen Skies, our ancestors arrived from across the Frozen Sea, and disembarked on the cold shores of Moduk. Venturing south they found the Iron Gate waiting for them. A massive fortress beyond compare in both scope and scale, it boasts walls as high as the mountains that bar the one passage to the lands of the centaurs. As well, it possesses gates enchanted with ancient magics, and layers of interlocking defences. All of this assisted by an absolutely massive trench in front of the walls, reaching so deep the heat of the earth melts the stones. It has held the centaurs at bay for more than a thousand years, and while we cannot hope to match its size or grandeur, from it we can still learn valuable lessons about how to design fortresses today.
+15% Fort Defence

-10% Construction Cost


