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Primary Culture

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+15% National Tax Modifier

ög-UtExcerpt from the Journal of Ruben Carneter ‘The far north’ pg.13:\nBusy city streets have given way to vast steppes, great forests and rolling hills inhabited by those such as the Oinukhudi. Us and our expedition leader, Trystayne, were invited by one of the local herders to their ‘ög-ki’ or Self tent. The ‘ög-ki’ is built with the principles of Geomancy or ‘Kumalak’ in such a way so it will please the spirits of their ancestors or of those who live in the area. The herder called himself Sachak Toka showed us how his tent faced the hills, towards his flock and away from the local stream to signify his profession. His tent was decorated with the heirlooms of his ancestors, a sword from a war long ago, leathers tanned by his father and a small band of silk, very rare for this region, apparently gifted to one of his ancestors by a Qh’an whose name has been lost to time. The Tent smelt of old leather and cured meat, his bed is covered in various sheepskin blankets and a small troll figurine is sitting at the head of it; a piece of his childhood made by his late mother. Sachaks tent is just one of many in his village, each one unique in shape, design and in the direction it faces, reflecting the various unique individuals within this nomadic village.
-10% Construction Cost

KoshmaariThe Koshmaari are horses born with special coloured tails which is a sign they’ve been inhabited by a spirit. These horses are often the leaders of their herd, often attracting other herds, bringing them under the Koshmaari’s yolk. These abilities and their tails ornate colours have made them highly desirable to the Oinukhudi, where aspiring warriors venture out to try and tame one as a rite of passage, only the most capable of warriors are given the chance by the Koshmaari’s spirit. The Koshmaari riding warriors and the horses under their command are feared across northern Haless.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Qh’an PalacesThe various familial houses of the Oinukhudi live in great wagons, decorated to reflect their glory and the various exploits of their ancestors. These wagons can be moved by horse or, for the very wealthy and influential houses, carried by troll servants. The most notable piece of moving architecture is the Qh’an Flowing palace, which is the home of the Cheqh’ans. It is carried by a group of Hill Trolls which is given an honourific name in their language which roughly translates to ‘Palace Carriers’. For the Trolls, being a Palace Carrier is seen to be as prestigious as being in the Cheqh’ans Honour Guard. This mobile form of governance means the Cheqh’ans court and the noble clans are seen throughout the realm, responding quickly to various issues of the day in settlements across the land.
+10% Governing Capacity Modifier

Heavenly CouncilUn Khudai was decentralised and not under one central authority until the Cheqh’ans brought them under theirs, making them a protector of the practise, which has seen them become a great religious leader. One of the ways it has been centralised is through a bi-annual council which sits at the centre of the Cheqh’anates territory, where participants would discuss the current events and affairs of the realm in their great conference. One such regular high topic was those of spirit-human-troll relations which was of special importance within the Cheqh’anate. Through the meetings of the Heavenly Council the Cheqh’anate is able to quickly adapt to emerging cultural and religious trends.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1% Missionary Strength
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+1 Yearly Republican Tradition

Protector of the KhudiThe Mighty Cheqh’an is the protector of all under their watch. From the Anarkhudi peoples living high in the mountains to the trolls that inhabit the hills and the spirits that call the territory home. The unique relationship between them has seen them fight of foreign invaders together like the bird riders that plague their land. The Oinukhudi see’s all of them as integral parts in their great Cheqh’anate where even the often reviled trolls are considered honoured warriors and troll servants are often seen wearing the finest of furs and sheepskin clothes.
+10% Fort Defence
+10% National Manpower Modifier

Elemental ActivitiesIn Un Khudai the elements are given high status and everything can be explained through them. Therefore when something relates to an element it’s considered best practice to be close to the ‘home’ of the elements. Forges are often built underground to keep it closer to the earth the metal is born out of, carpenters often build workshops within the forests themselves, fishmongers will set up their stalls by the local streams and rivers. This belief that practising activities in an environment adapted to their elements has led to our supply chains being simple rather than complex allowing greater efficiencies within our realm.
-10% Idea Cost

Benevolent OverlordsThe Qh’an are renowned to be particularly benevolent to the various people they conquer. The wholesale razing of settlements is strictly controlled and even prohibited at times and only used in the most dire of circumstances lest they create new angry spirits that seek to torment their people or anger the old ones that have long inhabited the land. Each general in the Cheqh’anate is assigned a group of geomancers and priests who are tasked with making the newly annexed settlements liveable for spirits and appeasing the old ones that live in the area. The new peoples who swear fealty to the Qh’an have little to fear; especially compared to how indiscriminate violence is in other realms.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+2 Diplomatic Relations


