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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Shock Damage

Of Body and SoulIt is a simple fact that the soul and its vessel serve a complimentary role, the mind commands the body to achieve tasks while a healthy body provides an environment for the mind to thrive. Conversely, a poisoned form would bring its soul down with it.\n\nThe Ashhana in particular were inflicted by the blood curse centuries ago; to be forever tainted by the dark magic of the hags. While arts like music and pottery have helped subside their dark impulses, it is clear that this is only a temporary solution - evident by the simple fact that they need to consume more art to simply live with a clear head.\n\nWith both of these ideas in mind, the lizardfolk of Rshak came up with a more permanent solution. By shedding and hiding their visage, they will finally be freed from the curse. This has resulted in the Rshak to specialize in clothing, masks, body paint, costumes and even transmutation magic all in order to transform their body in some way. They are renowned among their kin for their bold and strange, yet spectacular, appearances, granting them immense prestige among their peers.
-1% Prestige Decay

The Wildkin DanceAnother name for reptiles in Rshak is \"Wildkin\", they have gained a belief that these creatures are primordial lizardfolk of a simpler time. The most condemned and hated of the wildkins are the crocodiles, being seen as no more than vile creatures that have been corrupted by the hags like the lizardfolk were, forever living a life of deceit. It is believed that by integrating their forms into one’s image, the corrupted form of the crocodile would be stripped.\n\nThe height of this tradition is the wildkin dance, where all of the lizardfolk within the community dress up to mimic the appearance of a chosen wildkin, those who are dedicated to the dance make elaborate disguises and even transform themselves into a reptile and act like these creatures for all to see as a display of entertainment, although particularly violent actions are shunned, believing it to be a manifestation of the curse.
-2 National Unrest

Competing CladesThe druids of Rshak hold significant sway over the tribe’s politics, they are those who have dedicated their lives to connect with wildkins and can grant anyone the faunas’ form temporarily. This has resulted in the tribe being divided into several so-called "Clades" led by druids but can be joined by anyone. They are those who believe that a species’ or group of species’ particular lifestyle has untapped potential if applied to their own society. While some Clades focus on the soft swiftness of swimming in the water, others might pursue those traversing the mountains or jungle. This would all lead to many of the greatest innovations in Rshak, allowing them to create technologies based on animalistic body parts or social organization taken inspiration from their behaviours.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

Searching for the GigantickinOne of the druids was researching frogs in the swamps when they stumbled upon a giant bone, instantly, the sage felt a primal connection with it. After being helped with pulling the skeleton out of the fetid wetland, the druid spent day and night reassembling the creature’s dead remains, the villagefolks were astonished by the sheer size of the creature, with its alive appearance being projected by the druid.\n\nNews of the creature quickly spread around the country, inspiring many others to seek other creatures akin to it. These were deemed the gigantickin, although the search for them has yet to end until a living and breathing one is discovered. Our military, using their skeletons for molds and inspiration for armour and headpieces, believed that the strength of the ancient creatures could be transferred to their bodies by emulation.
+10% Morale of Armies

NashahaeyA special magical equipment of the Rshak is the Nashaheay, or "magic face" in lizardfolk tongue. They are carefully crafted masks, molded on the skulls of reptiles to be as precise as possible. It is made from ivory as it was observed this material has higher magic potency. This allows the masks to be enchanted by druids which, once worn, the Lizardfolk will be instantly able to transform into the corresponding reptile the mask represents. While the rarity of ivory and craftsmanship to make these artefacts has made mass production a distant dream, the few of them are in the hands of the chiefs and high ranking tribesmen of Rshak. This in the eyes of the average tribesperson, legitimizes their rule as they have shedded the accursed bodies given to them by the hags thousands of years ago.
+1 Yearly Devotion
-0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Demanded MasqueradesThe detailed and intrinsic masquerade of Rshak is comparable to none, crafted from the zealous dedication of Rshak’s artisans. Although the Ashhana’s reputation as bloodthirsty crocodile men has made trade with any other culture nearly impossible, a pioneering, ambitious and most importantly shady merchant named Zamr Brightface attempted to change this once and for all. Using his nefarious contacts, the masquerades would quickly catch on in other regions, becoming popularly used in ceremonies and rituals. One could even find these as far off as the court of Corvuria or the deserts of the Sun Elves.
+10% Production Efficiency

Gulkin TreadingBy studying the wildkin and scouting all of the hidden nooks and crannies within the jungle, Rshak would gain a deeper understanding of the natural world itself; knowing which food is safe to eat or how to prepare them. This would prove beneficial for their warriors who could easily adapt to the harsh jungle environment that is often a folly for others.
-15% Land Attrition

+20% Improve Relations


