Hinediu Yulas

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Hinediu Yulas

Primary Culture

+1 Colonists
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

One Form…even still…\n\nIt is undeniable that we came from one source, one being. Kusa, the progenitor of life, created life in perfect installments. We came from one of those sources, and so did the rest of sentient life. So is the story of our creation as a people, and how the Amadians came to separate from their brethren.\n\nWhile others may have forgotten, we remember. Amadian peoples, as much as they have fought and killed one another, are forced to constantly remind themselves that a death is more than just a death; one loses a part of themselves, the piece of a greater collective. Now that we are united, all under one banner, we may practice what we preach. Violence shall be quelled, and we may celebrate our shared origins as one. If anyone wishes to join us, then we shall let them. We hold no prejudice to our own brothers.
-2 National Unrest

Determination of The SoulOne thing that is an unfortunate reality though, is that although we may extend kindness to others, they may not extend that kindness back. They may instead choose to take up arms, and draw their blades.\n\nIn this world, where we have managed to succeed against all odds, this may not stand. We must instead look to the teachings of Sipo:\n\n“To live, one must be free. Find who is your oppressor, and relinquish yourself from their bonds. Then, you may truly live.”\n\nHer words of wisdom could never be more true. In this age, we face greedy men with ugly faces, who dare say that our land must be theirs. Vitriolic cousins who dare go against the teachings and lessons of every one of the gods, and instead choose violence. We will not lose ourselves against them. While every Amadian man will have differences with one another, we can settle, we can make peace.\n\nAgainst those who choose not to, we shall rally in full force, and decimate them.
+15% Morale of Armies

The Blessed RichesAmadia is a land of many riches. Gold and silver gilds the land, many eat well every day, and many ordain themselves with the finest of gems. While we ourselves may have taste for these items, we have learned ourselves through exposure that treasure is both finite and plain. They never change, Minerals nor excess crops will not give you true happiness. It is what you use these tools and items for that rends success. When the colonizers came to our lands, it was clear that they had yet to learn this lesson. They begged and pleaded for our gold, they got on their knees to grovel for all the goods we had. When we denied them this pleasure, they became furious, and began to encroach on our lands.\n\nThose who were evil we banished from our lands. Those who showed remorse, or were kind from the start, we heard out. When our distant brothers told us of the other possible uses of these items, alongside the possible tools for our lands, we began to investigate. Farms grew larger and more organized, mines grew to become grand operations, and woodcutting became widespread. We began to realize that even we, despite all of our time spent with these items, had more to do with them.\n\nBlessed be Tarpláñaq! Succeeded by Haq, Lañáq, and Pamiyuk, his world of green rends us new discoveries every day. Blessed be Uma! Succeeded by Humu, Sonquo, and Soi, the mind she has gifted us allows us to see that knowledge isn’t rigid, and letting us be open to new ideas.
+10% Production Efficiency

Time is MoneyAs many ideas came to Amadia, and began to be adopted by families, systems became more formal. Especially with economics, what was once just simple trading became part of an intricate system of banks and corporations. One thing we weren’t able to avoid thus, was the fact that established companies, offering wealth and prosperity, stifled the growth of other Amadian corporations for the longest of times, making our country forcibly dominated by them.\n\nFortunately, us Amadians are cunning, and wise in our strategy. We are thankful for the Banche, who had come up with the strategy of giving loans to one another for cheap, if not simply giving money, allowing for Amadians to profit off the back of one another. We did not grow as the singular, but as a group. Before one could blink, Amadians were back on top, as a people. We did not need greedy minded people in our country. We only needed those who were willing to share, work together, and find pride in Ñawsayachaer’s world.
-0.5 Interest Per Annum

The Gods of AmadiaAt first, there were few gods. Ñawsayachaer had created the world as such. They encompassed all there was in a few beings, and that was that. Everything was rigid, one way. That was the nature of things, the gods being one.\n\nThen, of course, the Fracturing happened. The few beings there were split apart into many peoples, and so did the gods. When they awoke, a new world had been forged: the present world. In this world, the gods had become many, each embodying something new, each with their own emotions, contradictions, vices, and abilities. In this world, the Amadian grew to have many options as to how they wanted to live. Now, in the current day we seek to explore all of them, and enjoy the freedom that we have been given to the fullest.
+1 Free Policies
-10 Change National Focus Cooldown Years

Unifying TraditionIn the years before unification, Amadians found themselves having different identities. Chaqanel, Faelte and Banche men would come to odds with one another. Chamullach and Quchamár families would struggle over lands. Not to mention, the extreme persecution of the Quruwei for using magics. In unification though, we came to realize that these issues stemmed not from traditions, but from borders and fear. Under one banner Chamullach and Quchamár peoples has nothing to fear, as there was no risk of lands being raided or stolen. Chaqanel soldiers put down their weapons, and would enter Faalte lands not as enemies, but as lost brethren. Even the Quruwei were finally, truly accepted, as more people began to come to the understanding that not even the chaos of magics could truly hold them back.\n\nThus, in what seems like disunity, with a plethora of different styles and cultures in living, we became united. Everyone is free to live as they liked.
+15% Governing Capacity Modifier

The World Around UsHere lies a world in ruin, fragmented, splintered. We were born into this world of chaos, thrown into the wind to fend for ourselves.\n\nIn the end… we bested the wind. We conquered the land. Bested our mortal desires. Settled our differences even. Where there were once craters and fire lie houses of gold and diamonds. We did the unthinkable multiple times over, a dream made reality.\n\nAs we consolidate what is left to consolidate, a network never seen between communities is established, with roadways and travelers across the region. Families come together as communities, and people help one another in the face of our intimacy with the wild magics that once troubled us so.\n\now all that is left, is to conquer the sun and stars, and continue to prosper in the beautifully fractured lands of Amadia. Our land, impossibly whole.\n\n”Look upon the world, and thrive as you will. Know that it is yours, children of Ñawsayachaer.”
-10% Core-Creation Cost

-10% Development Cost


