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Primary Culture

+20% Garrison Size
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The City in the Caves with Roofs of LapisAccording to legend, a student of the God-king of Elusadul, Ušlawa, found a crack in the mountains while hunting on the banks of the Zamatir. Inside he discovered a massive cave, with a tall lapis ceiling supported by massive dwarven-made pillars, all seemingly guarding an ominous, sealed door.\n\nAfter returning to Elusadul, he started the construction of Lawaššar in secrecy, sending people and resources down the Zamatir at night for over ten years until the city was completed. Then he abandoned his master and became God-king Ušlawa, the Shadow of the Mountains.\n\nMillenia have passed since, and Lawaššar has never been breached, as its walls are the slopes of the Serpentspine itself. But a mystery remains within those walls, as not even the wisest of the dwarves know who constructed the pillars that hold up the lapis ceiling, or where the collapsed corridors behind the dwarven door lead. Some believe that it was one of the primaeval entrances to the Dwarovar, from before Shazstundihr was built; others that it was a Hold whose construction began, but never finished. Nevertheless, while the dwarves may have dug the caves, it was Gelkar who built Lawaššar, the City in the Caves with Roofs of Lapis.
+15% Fort Defence

Heart of LapislazuliLawaššar is famous for the quality and quantity of its lapis. From the quarries that are found throughout the country to the solid lapis Mount Lazzaward, this precious blue stone is omnipresent in the Gelkar kingdom.\n\nDown the Zamatir river is the region known as Peruškam, the traditional border between Lawaššar and Gelkalis. Both kingdoms have fought for control of the region since antiquity, not only for strategic reasons, but also for the riches their mountains hold. While lapis can be found in all of Lawaššar, in Peruškam lies the greatest mine, Zaginhurlib, the Heart of Lapislazuli.\n\nDiscovered after the Day of Ashen Skies, when a vein of lapis was exposed due to earthquakes in the region, it quickly became the main source of the precious stone. Lapis is highly prized by the Bulwari, who use it for the manufacture of ultramarine pigment, pottery, statues, and wall decorations. But those that value Lapis most are the Kurešimi, the mages and artisans who use lapis powder in the crafting of powerful magic items.
+10% Production Efficiency

Cheese Blue as LapisCheese is one of the most beloved dairy foods in Bulwar, a gift from Surael through his son Pinnagar, god of Cheesemaking. In the lands of Lawaššar, cheese is produced in former or active mines of lapis lazuli, the fresh cheese aged for six months. This results in a creamy, slightly moist, rindless cheese filled with blue veins. Legends say that this cheese was accidentally discovered by Ukdan Manad, a shepherd forced to abandon his lunch of ewe's milk cheese and stale bread in a cave after being attacked by a harpy. Upon returning, he found blue cheese instead of milk.\n\nWhile many regions in Bulwar produce blue cheeses, only the cheese made in Lawaššar has veins of the same colour as the lapis found in the many mines of the kingdom.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The WisemasterIn the northern reaches of Lawaššar lies the sacred Mount Lazzaward. The mountain, believed to be the result of Wish magic, is formed entirely of Lapis Lazuli, with large veins of pyrite inclusions that give the mountain a dim glow during daytime. The top of the mountain is permanently covered by snow, but the middle sections of the mountain allow the contemplation of the mountain's true colour.\n\nMillenia ago, the Erbatraši Lahmaš, one the four beings to whom Surael entrusted the protection of Bulwar, made his residence near the top of the mountain. Some say that he chose the sacred mount because of its magic, others that the remains of the Serpent-king were buried deep within the mountain, with Lahmaš his eternal jailor.\n\nLahmaš the Wisemaster, as he is called, is the Elder of the Lamassu, a master of arcane magic that trained the first generation of Bulwari magi alongside Brasan the Emancipator during the revolt against the Djinn. Since then, many mages have travelled to his home with the hopes of being trained by him, and only those who complete the trials of the Mount are considered worthy of his teachings.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Land of InscriptionThe oldest of the four schools of Bulwari magic, Ereš-Malthar (the Knowing of Inscription) is the art of carving a single complex enchantment into an item instead of imbuing it with spells. Established by the Bulwari magi as a replacement of Kurešim, the art of creating Wish-based artefacts, Inscription allows the creation of objects of better quality than items enchanted normally.\n\nStudying under Lahmaš, the Wisemaster, the Lawaššari are masters of the Ereš-Malthar. Every object they produce is a masterwork, thanks to their knowledge and to the abundance of resources for the fabrication of Sihariš, an alloy of bronze that allows the crafting of high-quality Inscripted items.\n\nThe most famous creation of the Lawaššari is the Dame’s Chariot, a Flying Platform given as a gift to the Damerian Republic and one of few platforms to come into the possession of a non-Bulwari country.
-3% All Power Costs

Zakkur the WindwraithZakkur Veharzuir was the most famous son of Lawaššar. Born in 1382, his father was a human scribe and his mother a retired elven adventurer. She trained him in the sword and magical arts after he successfully passed the Mišari trials at the age of 14. He then escaped from the monastery and travelled to Lahmaš’ temple, gaining the favour of the Erbatraši in the process.\n\nAt the age of 18 he became an adventurer, and in the Dungeon of Suhuškar found the twin šamšir Wishblades that earned him his nickname. Wielding these, he managed to unify the several adventurer factions of Bulwar into a reforged brotherhood. Under his rule, the brotherhood experienced a golden age, delving into countless hitherto untouched dungeon floors and ruined palaces, new adventurers flocking to join after hearing Zakkur’s legend. In Suhuškar, his true heritage was revealed: the elemental energy in the ruined city turned him into a Mirzizig, a Ghost-demon of the Stormwinds, an Air Planetouched with grey eyes and lapis horns.\n\nIn 1528, after living for almost 150 years, he entered the Dungeon of Suhuškar one last time, armed with his Wishblades. He never left, and he has yet to be found by the Kigkasil.
-15% General Cost

Last Stand of Ariyasari VIIThe Gelkar kingdoms were caught by surprise by the second wave of the Exodus Goblin invasion, with the kingdom of Elusadul completely overrun in early 1435, while most of its army was away fighting for the Dartaxagerdim rebellion against the Lawaššari, who had remained loyal to Birzartanšes.\n\nAriyasari VII of Lawaššar stationed his army in the city of Kihayambar on the border with Elusadul, and there they resisted the assault of the Greysheep tribe while waiting for reinforcements from Gelkalis. The reinforcements arrived too late.Ariyasari and his honour guard made a heroic last stand to allow civilians to flee to Lawaššar. When King Uman of Gelkalis finally arrived, the remaining Lawaššari nobles elected him king in exchange for his army and the adoption of Allaniwiya, Ariyasari’s daughter, whom Uman named his heir.\n\nAfter Uman’s death, Allaniwiya became queen of both Gelkalis and Lawaššar, and due to Birzartanšes’ weakness made a deal with Matriarch Ištara of Ayarallen, pledging vassalage in return for the Matriarch’s formal recognition. With the reconquest of Elusadul, Ištara crowned Allaniwiya as Allaniwiya I Šawarhassa, queen of Kelharssara, the Land of the Gelkar.
+100% Army Tradition From Battles


