Vrorenmarcher Ideas

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-20% Land Attrition
-10% Shock Damage Received

Tragedy at Bal VrorenThe dragons devastated many of the citadels and kingdoms scattered throughout the world during the Dragonwake. Many refugees came seeking shelter inside Bal Vroren's walls one night but, unfortunately, all of them froze to death come morning. Many foreign conquerors from then on avoided Bal Vroren due to superstitious belief about the cursed land and the freezing temperatures until the Greentide, and subsequently the recapturing of Bal Vroren from the gray orcs.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Learning from the Giantsbane PhalanxFrom the time of Ancient Castanor, Vrorenmarch was the imperial northern province that defended against threats from the frigid north. The greatest of these threats came during the giant invasion of 400 BA and Vrorenmarch took the brunt of the attack. The Giantsbane Phalanx, named after Castan Giantsbane, was a rigid and sophisticated elite infantry legion that was able to successfully repel and exterminate the last of the true giants. In more recent times, Vrorenmarcher generals studied their techniques to replicate core ideas used by the Giantsbane Phalanx for the nation's own army to utilize.
+5% Discipline

Protect the Bal Vroren MarketVrorenmarch is mostly a rural and poor area with most of their neighbors being richer and more influential. To grow the nation's market and protect it from outside influence, Vrorenmarch traders helped enact a law in 1568 that centralized all trade in the country to Bal Vroren's markets, allowing more goods to flow into the capital and increase profits for the nation instead of rival traders.
+15% Domestic Trade Power

The Vrorenmarcher HelmsmenDuring the Age of Unraveling, Vrorenmarch's population grew due to an influx of adventurers and refugees escaping the religious conflicts in Anbennar, which meant more talented workers. The most successful improvements that happened due to this migration occurred in the previously underpowered navy. The Vrorenmarcher Helmsmen was an expert shipbuilding group created to modernize and enhance Vrorenmarch's naval prowess. The Helmsmen were best known for improving the power of galley ships while also making them more affordable to build en masse.
-10% Galley Cost
+15% Galley Combat Ability

Rule with a Frozen FistA famous description commonly used for warlords in charge of Vrorenmarch during the waning days of ancient Castanor. Due to the lack of central power, warlords were practically kings in all but name, and their authority was absolute from creating their own laws to fielding their own armies. These ideas were studied closely by kings in the early 17th century, and eventually were reintroduced to Vrorenmarch granting kings absolute power not seen since the days of old.
+1 Yearly Absolutism

The Royal VrorenfleetThe Age of Witch-Kings saw the Vrorenmarcher navy expand into a large and proper fleet to project their power overseas. Dubbed "The Royal Vrorenfleet", these ships fought naval battles from the Vrorensbay to the Serpent's Maw. The fleet gradually grew in power soon becoming Vrorenmarch's greatest defense against raids by sea and the greatest pride of Vrorenmarcher civilians.
+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Bulwark Against Northern BarbariansSince the beginning Vrorenmarch had defended Escann from northern threats. The province defended and assisted Castan's Empire in eliminating the true giants. While the giants faded into memory, new savages rose up to take their place like the Reavers and the Alenic peoples. In response to these growing powers, Vrorenmarch had their forts expanded and their conscription laws modified throughout the 18th century to repel these barbarians from stepping one foot onto Escann soil.
+10% Garrison Size
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

+15% Reinforce Speed