Bwa Dakinshi Ideas

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+15% Infantry Combat Ability
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Baptized By Blood And BronzeThe era of warlords is over. The maps no longer depict the Dakinshi peoples as a scramble of independent warlord states, jumping at each other's throats at the slightest misstep. The forts of Bamaliwuni no longer endure endless siege and unstable governorship, as they can finally rest from the barrages both physical and magical. A farmer managing a patch of land near one of the numerous rivers can finally sleep safely, without fear that a local vagabond may raid her village and turn her livelihood into ash and loot. \n\nBut here, witness a soldier, excitedly anticipating a signal to march on another campaign. There is a general, drafting a new assault plan with his adjutants of a scale none present has yet encountered. There is a carpenter, repairing the walls of a neglected fort, doing everything in his power to shore up the crumbling stone. While even such people as these appreciate the slower pace of peacetime, their life was long ago defined by war, and it would be a fool’s errand to make them forgo their ways. After all, their experience is much better spent in service to the ambitious war machine of Bwa Dakinshi.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Rejuvenation of the RealmWith schemers, dissenters and agitators no longer plaguing the countryside, the lands of Bamaliwuni have a chance to heal from hundreds of years of anarchy that left it poor, barren and wasted. \nThat said, the warlord era did not devastate everything. The ruins of the old Bwa Dakinshi still litter the landscape, some of them acting as bases for hasbeen vagabonds, some maintained by the local peoples to this day, some simply forgotten and left to crumble on the side, but they remain dispersed and disconnected.\nIt is in the utmost interest of the state to rebuild them to its prime state, quickly and with ruthless efficiency. \nLuckily, many displaced people are willing to serve the state to earn a living for themselves. The natural riches of Bamaliwuni also attract many investors, interested in the newfound opportunities caused by our recent stability. With so many hands eager to aid, it’s little wonder that construction sites dot the newly established Bwa Dakinshi.
-15% Construction Cost

Warlords No LongerIn a world where only one can be Nagomo, there exist innumerable sore losers, unable to cannot reconcile themselves to the unfortunate reality that their lifestyle can no longer be maintained. While many of our loyal subordinates successfully made the transition into the new order, some of them showed their true colors and tried to rise up as independent warlords, making a last stand for a passing era. \n\nThese uprisings turned out to be a perfect opportunity for the new order to test its strength, weeding out the disloyal and the incompetent in the process. After the last of the rebellions were dealt with, the Nagomo restructured the social hierarchy. \n\nThe warlords that had remained loyal became part of the new Yagomo class, based on the nobility of the first Bwa Dakinshi empire. The positions of the new state were assigned to each according to their contribution and preference in a way that not only satisfied most, but also made a statement that the social mobility of the warlord era was here to stay.
+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Of Beasts and GunsWhile the animal shifters of the Beast Memory faith were always a dangerous enemy on their own, they became a great deal more lethal as gunpowder was fully integrated into the military doctrine by the resurgent Bwa Dakinshi. \nThe leopard shifters were quick to adopt firearms, prizing the ability to pre-load, an advantage their traditional bows did not possess. Darting directly at the enemy line, the leopard-shifters fired off devastating volleys and retreated to reload, entirely unhindered by the low effective range of these early guns. The adoption of cannons also dramatically increased the effectiveness of Elephant Shifters on the battlefield, who no longer had to risk the melee, instead serving as artificial high ground for mounted long-range cannons. \nThese new tactics fared greatly in the initial campaigns conducted by Bwa Dakinshi, as their unique approach greatly surprised adversaries who either lacked shifters amongst their ranks or had yet to adopt firearms.
+10% Land Fire Damage

To Look Inside YourselfSarhal is a land very different from Haless. Many new, undocumented factors proved to interrupt normal chi cultivating methods. Whether it is about the powers of shapeshifting, the silent temptations of dark powers or the rare elemental influences, there is a need for new methods of controlling one’s chi to be discovered and established in the new monasteries beyond the gulf.\n\nIt has been noticed as well that most inhabitants do not cultivate their chi, even less know about its existence and even less care about acting on it. Their spirituality is mostly focused on the already established religions, most of them folk beliefs about their own pantheon of gods, with some rare exceptions that still cannot be deemed similar to the faiths of Haless.\n\nNeedless to say, few philosophies place greater importance on venerating one’s spirit than the Righteous Path. Indeed, this land is in need of masters that would guide people to the faith, ones that would pass down the basis, establish the first monasteries and educate the first generation of Sarhali disciples, who would go on to establish the schools much more adapted to the environment and connected to the local communities.
+1% Missionary Strength
+1 Missionaries

Dreams of DominionThe nascent Bwa Dakinshi isn’t the first of the empires to emerge from the reaches of Sarhal. Many have come before them and it would be naive to state that they would be the last one, yet despite their already prestigious position they always weren’t fully content with just taking hold over themselves, with the odd warlord state going on a conquest spree outside the region. \nNow united in one ambition, the new Bwa Dakinshi is looking strong and capable to expand their territories in every direction, looking to become the ones who unite all of the East as the mightiest empire that will ever grasp the jungles of Sarhal.
-15% Province War Score Cost

Gold For KnowledgeWhen the new trade routes from Cannor reached Bamaliwuni, so did their connections to the lands past what the Dakinshi were aware of. The abundance of novelties that came with it, presented many opportunities as the local population was eager to try and fail to implement many of the newcomers' materials and methods in order to gain an edge over the competition. \nWhether these were successful or not, after a few decades the Cannorians and the Dakinshi emerged with an exchange that seemed to satisfy both sides' needs. The latter would provide large stockpiles of the metals, including the highly desired gold to the former, who would exchange knowledge about the most novel military designs from the distant corners of the world. This allowed Bwa Dakinshi to stay ahead of its competitors, including other Cannorians, who kept their supply rolling not only because it was incredibly profitable, but also because it was too risky to let anyone else take hold of the market.
-10% Military Technology Cost

-5 Years of Separatism