Cara Lafquen Ideas

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+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier
+10% National Tax Modifier

The FederationIn the olden days, the survivors of Ñawsayachaer’s fragmentation heeded the words of great powerful mages. These mages, five of them in total, collectively lead a small group of survivors to what remained of the old city of Cara Lafquen. Left in ruins, the mages would begin to reconstruct what had previously been, and forge a home for their followers. In time, the five mages, their names lost to time, had their followers encompass the entirety of Lake Chakantu. Thus, the Onisqado Confederation was born, and the many survivors of the disaster became the brothers of the lake, the many Quchamár. \n\nDespite its own separation at the hands of civil war and tremendous storms, the legacy of the Onisqado Confederation lives on in the many who inherited its lands.
+10% Production Efficiency

Enter, Cara Lafquen!Cara Lafquén, greatest city of the Amadian peoples. The city of the tri-confederation. The site where our ancestors arrived during the Fragmentation. Found in ruins, the people rebuilt the city, resettled it, and made it glisten once more. Thus did it grow as the golden center of the peoples of our land. Over hundreds of years, we have facilitated peace as stewards of the capital of the Onisqado Confederation.\n\nThis Quachamárian Peace lasted until the last leader of the confederation, Dethrisa, came to rule. She was one of the most respected diplomats amongst the Quchamár, and one of its few powerful mages. She had an indomitable will to do what was right, and thus worked tirelessly to keep cohesion amongst the many cities of the great lake. Under her mandate, many great things were achieved, but due to her uncompromising attitude she came to have many enemies, most prominently Udra the Battlemage. In one of their many conflicts, Udra slew Dethrisa, throwing the confederation into chaos and bringing upon decades of violence and civil war.\n\nCara Lafquén itself stood mostly untouched through the conflicts, but the Quchamár’s rule is a shell of its former self. The people of Cara Lafquén yearn for the days of old, of cooperation along the water, instead of isolation and fear.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Securing our HomelandCara Lafquén is the only true fortress amongst the Amadians. The ancient mountain walls dwarf any other fortification along Lake Chakantu, a relic of the times before the confederation. We have strengthened them to be as durable as can be, using only the finest of materials to improve this symbol of our heritage. No Chaqanel raids nor Udralach invasion could ever break these great symbols of the people, not as long as the walls stand.
+15% Fort Maintenance

Center of AmadiaPolitics within Amadia are difficult; politics amongst the Quchamár even more so. People struggle to approach in peace in a land lacking any forms of it. The diplomats of Cara Lafquén, representatives of a time long gone, are oft considered the only who retain any chance of bringing peace.\n\nCara Lafquén diplomats started out as simple messengers voyaging across the water, helping with communications. Eventually, the hassle of slow decisions from weeks of travel lead to nations simply acting without a response, resulting in conflicts becoming more widespread. Thus, a policy was implemented by the 8th confederation leader, Chavo Chúncas, to allow for messengers to act for the confederation by their own will. Thus, they were taught to be biased towards the will of the confederation, always looking out for its best interest. Despite the collapse of the confederation, these diplomats remain a great facilitator to end conflicts and establish strong ties with others through the more hopeful lens of a peaceful era.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Abundant WealthGold, silver, rubies, emeralds, copper, pearls, and more. While the mountains across the lake may contain the most of these, we deal in their trade. Everyone who wishes to sell their goods will come to our city, and their worth will be evaluated here. Banche feathers, Quruwei wool, Chamullach skins, and our minerals. This trade is both literally and figuratively the source of our city’s glittering glow, and what separates us from those who dwell in little more than huts.
+10% Trade Efficiency

God RelicsDeep within the basin of our lands, surrounding the ruins of the elden times, lie relics of old. Godly relics, decreed to be of heavenly origin, of a time before the Fragmentation. Many debates have been held over their nature: whether they are lost tools of Ñawachsayaer, of other gods, or fragments of our universe. For sure, none can say. All we can know is that they are truly divine relics, each capable of uniquely massive powers when brought into the vicinity of the chaotic white stone.\n\n When placed thusly, they spark alight, spewing magic in orderly beams of opal before devolving into the chaotic mess so familiar to us. Perhaps in elden times they functioned , but now they too are dysfunctional reminders of the Fragmentation. In the end, the people still agree that they are a clear sign of our past as perfect versions of ourselves, and what existed before we split apart into a million pieces.
+2% Missionary Strength

The Divination'Have you ever had nightmares? Do you remember them at all? What did it feel like? Chaotic, sure, but in the end, they end up with the tranquility of waking up, and being able to find peace in the fact that they weren’t real. For the Amadians living in the 12th century, this was not the case.\n\nYou see, the Onisqado Confederation’s great civil war ultimately devolved from an ideological conflict into a barbaric slaughter. The Amadians believed that the lingering chaos that had chained the land since the Fragmentation had finally faded into the background, and that, against the common sense of the elders, great magics could once again be brought to bear against their foes.\n\nThey were wrong. The destruction unleashed by the wild magics wielded during the war was impossible to comprehend. From what was once a flourishing civilization, millions died, and the Amadian continent was left scarred with wounds that would fester for centuries. Only the people of Cara Lafquén, who held true to the wisdom of the elders and the Old Divination, refrained from calling on the magics that scoured the land, and was only they thus retained their honor.'\n\n - Cass of Verne, Cara Lafquén, 1835.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

+2 Tolerance of the True Faith