Mossmouth Ideas

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-2 National Unrest
-5 Years of Separatism

Our SwampThe flooded lands of the Serpent’s Vale are a nightmare to trudge across, but not for us Mossmouth, as we have adapted to the terrain of their great swamp. Orcish raiders would often try to invade, yet the terrain bogged them down enough to let us easily club them to death.\n\nWe created pits of sharpened logs that lay across the seemingly safe paths, enough to fool any invader that would dare to follow us Mossmouth back to our homes. We cover ourselves in dirt and moss to lay in ambush as well, pretending to be rocks or mounds, yet our smell could be the only giveaway.
+10% Fort Defence

The FernmunchersThe one exception we have to the interlopers within the swamp are the goblins of the Fernmuncher clan, whom the great Chief Shrakk integrated after his efforts to unify the Mossmouths. They were at first slaves to the orcs, kept around as scouts to navigate the swamps, utilising their small stature to sneak by traps and ogres.\n\nHowever, as the goblins could not turn the tide in invading the ogrish lands, they began defecting to the Mossmouth to escape being lowly slaves to the orcs. With goblin cooperation and vows of servitude without chains, they taught the mossmouth the art of extortion instead of direct raiding. With this, the goblins would go and threaten surrounding enemies with ogre clubbing if they didn’t depart with all of their riches.
+10% National Tax Modifier
+25% Income from Vassals

Fen FloraThe Mossmouth ogres are unlike their neighbouring kin, thanks to their connection to the nature of the land. Where the swamp land would be impossible to cultivate by the more technologically advanced nations, we have discovered rare poisonous plants we use for trapping and fighting.\n\nWhen ground to a paste, it is spread on our cleavers and traps to ensure any wounded enemies could never escape, and to slow down any potential trespasser daring to approach our lands.
+10% Production Efficiency

Bigger is BetterScattered throughout the valley we call our home are the ruins of ancient dwarven infrastructure and relics of their empire. We used the scraps of the ancient weaponry to replace our simple clubs with cleavers, maces and many other crude metal works, which are much more effective than our weapons of old. The dwarves made tiny weapons for tiny hands which led to their demise. Never will we make such a mistake. The bigger the club, the better.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Sinking Swamps of the ValeWhen we first arrived in the Serpent’s Vale, the land was littered with minor dwarven contraptions. The ogres saw many pipes and valves snaking through their swamps. Irritated by their presence, many ogres started destroying the pipework only to discover that their destruction only led to more flooding. What began as wrecking turned into the study of the various mechanisms to further expand our swamp and grow our clan to new heights.
-10% Development Cost

Layered DefencesWe are masters at constructing inexpensive yet highly effective fortifications, layering our walls and palisades to keep any damage sustained during a siege from affecting the rest of the fort, and allowing our bastions to be repaired and maintained with far greater ease than a fortress of another race. Forts across the vale protect us from the trolls in the north and orcish stragglers spilling from the Serpentspine, showing that we are a force to match, rather than a disorganised mass of ogres.
-15% Fort Maintenance

Chosen by the MireBy Mossmouth tradition, to become the next leader of our clan, an ogre must first travel around the Serpent’s Vale and eat the various plants that grant visions, to gain immunity to disease and poison. One such vision as described by Shrakk described him travelling alongside a donkey to rescue the princess of a kingdom far away, while others showed him expelling trespassers from our swamp. After their travels all across the Vale they must return to Mikhvakral and bathe in the swampland to be truly chosen to lead by the Mire.
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

+1 Administrative Free Policies