Green Flame Ideas

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+50% Army Tradition From Battles
+20% Land Force Limit Modifier

Death by the HoofThose that oppose us know not to face us in the plains, for they shall be trampled 'neath our hooves.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+1 Land Leader Shock

Chosen of IrdaeosEven as our kind were unjustly expelled from our past homeland, we did not relent. We fought, struggled and survived. It was no coincidence that after many years of struggle, we arrived in this new land. Irdaeos, god of the sky, in admiration of our endurance, perseverance, and fighting spirit, led us to its domain so that we could prosper once more.\n\nNow, it falls to us to protect Irdaeos' domain, and show the same perseverance that we did in the past in fighting those who would seek to take our new home.
+10% Morale of Armies

Dreams of the CaehnateIrdaeos’ domain, its gift to the centaurs, remains fractured. To the west, the ogres prepare their resurgence, and the humans of the Federation, emboldened by their victory against the Wild Hunt, are sure to try to push into the plains. We centaurs, however, remain divided. Only a new and strong Caehnate will be able to defend centaur-kind against these new threats.\n\nNow, however, after the catastrophic failure of the Wild Hunt, a new opportunity arises for another clan to rise above the others, uniting Irdaeos’ domain and centaur-kind under their rule and vision.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

A Harsh Way of LifeIn the harsh deserts and mountains of the eastern Forbidden Plains, the terrain is treacherous and resources scarce. The Desert Centaurs, however, have adapted to this. Their knowledge of these lands is near-absolute, the best locations for herding and hunting long mapped by all. This has allowed the Desert Clans to build smaller and more dispersed camps, improving resource efficiency. Such camps come with the added benefit that they are both easy to build and also to pack up when the time is right or in case of foreign invasion.\n\nDue to this, the Desert Centaurs are hard to catch, stranding those who seek to invade their lands alone in the harsh desert, outmanoeuvered and vulnerable to attack.
+10% Fort Defence

Nuzurbokh CroftersThe higher concentration of rivers and fertile land in Nuzurbokh had made the centaurs there develop small-scale agriculture along Nuzurbokh’s rivers, where a tiny group of families split off from the main horde and develop a croft to consistently provide food for the Ordyswin and their cattle whenever they pass by.
+10% National Manpower Modifier

Sharaag and ShamakhNuzurbokh extends to the northernmost point in the Forbidden Plains, making it much colder and the winters there harsher than what most centaurs are used to. Notably, this climate has made Nuzurbokh centaurs adept in food preservation techniques. Foods like fermented milk and salted beef jerky, locally called Sharaag and Shamakh respectively, are commonplace in a Nuzurbokhi army.
-15% Land Attrition

Speakers of the SkyThe Malu sect believes that the shamans are messengers of Irdaeos and that He communicates with them and blesses them with magic. The shamans hold much respect among the Malukhuga and are pillars of centaur tribal society, offering stability and mediation among the people.
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

-10% Core-Creation Cost