Annaili Ideas

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+10% Naval Morale Damage
+10% Trade Efficiency

A League Forged in TinWhile gold and silver are the metals used for currency, in all of Bulwar there is no metal more appreciated than bronze. Used for weapons in antiquity, and valued as a material for the creation of art and ceremonial items in modern times, bronze needs tin, and the island of Annail, whose name means Tinmine, is the largest supplier of the Eastern Divenhal.\n\nTo monopolize this trade during the Age of God-kings, the cities of Šiyithum, Bar-kišad and Kiblilthar established the Annaili League, with a cyclical kingship between the rulers of the cities. For hundreds of years, the League prospered, and to protect themself from Castanor and Kheterata, in 273 BA the League was reorganized into the Annaili Republic, with a permanent assembly composed of the nobility of the three cities. In all its history, the island was only briefly occupied by the Damerians after the Day of Ashen Skies, managing to remain as the only Bulwari state independent from gnolls, harpies, and other powers of antiquity.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Last Ayabnati MetropoliThe wealthy Annail, the mighty Azkaeliš, the humble Utharat, and the bright Sar-bardyat were the homes of the Ayabnati, the People Born from the Sea. While their Bahari cousins are the best shipwrights, the Ayabnati are the best sailors, traveling the waters from the mouth of the Suran to the docks of Damucen, and beyond.\n\nIn ancient times, thousands of brave men and women sailed west from these metropolises, establishing cities of their own along the coasts of Sarhal and Cannor during the five Ages of the Sea, when the Ayabnati united the inhabitants of the Divenhal via trade. But with the destruction of the colonies at the end of the Fifth Age of the Sea, during the Onslaught, and with the fall of the other two Metropoli during the Day of Ashen Skies, only Annail remains, the last Metropoli of the Ayabnati.
+15% Galley Combat Ability

Amašuri, the ErbatrašiAmašuri, the Daughter of the Deep Waters, is one of the Erbatraši, the four beings to whom Surael entrusted the protection of Bulwar according to the Sun Cult.\n\nOf race and origin unknown, she has lived in Annail since time immemorial, taking the shape of a young girl. Despite being revered by the Ayabnati as their protector, she acts like a human child, playing with the children, making pranks, and most infamously, stealing cookies and cakes from the island’s many palaces.\n\nDespite her joyful and carefree personality, she can be serious when the island and its people are in danger, taking the shape of a great sea-snake to scare away or if needed even destroy enemy fleets, or using her magic to avoid Annail from being destroyed, as she did during the Day of Ashen Skies.\n\nWhile any child on the island can identify her, for adults it is almost impossible unless she wants it so. She usually reveals herself after a prank to show that she disapproves of a person (mostly rulers and other politicians), causing the end of the political career of the prank’s victim.
+1 Naval Combat Bonus off owned coast

Harpies of the SeaWhen Harpylen collapsed in 817 AA, thousands of harpies left the hills, fleeing the chaos that followed Firanya’s death. Many reached the highlands of Annail, weak and starved, and the Ayabnati, though they had never faced them before, had heard tales of the men-kidnapper monsters of the mainland; they assembled an army to kill them, and only Amašuri’s intervention stopped the massacre.\n\nShe extended her protection to the harpies, some say due to most of them being children, others say due to harpies being daughters of Surael like the Bulwari.\n\nNot wanting to defy their protector, the Ayabnati helped the harpies to survive, and both peoples intertwined. The Našrayabi, Harpies of the Sea, are the only harpies that don't organize themselves into flocks, but instead are considered part of Ayabnati families. The harpies of Annail are renowned sailors and merchants, and several of the oldest Ayabnati families have had at least one harpy as family head at some point in their history.
+33% Female Advisor Chance
+1 Merchants

Killed by a RooftileWhen the Reavers established their kingdom on the islands of the Diven, they had a diplomatic approach to Annail, mostly due to Amašuri’s presence in the island. Halfdal Henriksson was wise enough to not anger the Erbatraši, even after suffering one of her pranks during a feast, but not every Reaver was as wise as him.\n\nA group led by Stern Stonehelm took over the island of Iwanšah off the northern coast of Annail, after easily defeating the small garrison of the island’s only city. That was the Reavers’ only victory, since they soon discovered that Amašuri was on the island; she spent the following two weeks harassing the Reavers, killing them and terrifying them with her pranks. Her favorite method of dispatching Reavers was throwing tiles from the city roofs with speed and force enough to crack their skulls, even through solid iron helmets.\n\nOnly a few Reavers managed to flee the island alive, and "Do you want to be killed by a roof tile" became a common saying among the Annaili, used to indicate that someone was about to do a dangerous and stupid action.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Labyrinthian ArchitectureWhile the construction of palaces around a central courtyard is a tradition inherited from the Djinn and shared by all Bulwari, the palaces and wealthy residences of the Ayabnati nobility are built in a style known as labyrinthian, due to the confusion that it generates in outsiders from the way the rooms are organized.\n\nLabyrinthian homes are divided into three tiers, each with a small central courtyard; the first contains several colonnades, both roofed and open to the sky. The columns are painted in bright red or green that contrasts with the white plastered walls. These halls are used for public feasts and celebrations, both religious and secular.\n\nThe second tier, connected to the lower courtyard with a stair, contains multi-storied buildings used by the administration, with the upper levels accessible via massive outdoor staircases and colonnades.\n\nThe final tier, separated from the second tier by an apadana, is the residence for the monarch and his family, and is used for feasts and celebrations for the nobility.\n\nEach palace also has a small annex building called "Amašuri’s Hall", that serves as an orphanage for the city.
-15% Construction Time

Sixth Age of the SeaWith the discovery of Aelantir thousands of men, women, and harpies left Annail to find new homes in the west. With wood flowing back from the forests of Bahar to the restored sawmills of Kinvefirel, the shipyards of Annail built massive transport ships capable of crossing the Uelos’ Lament, and named their new cities after the old Metropoleis and colonies of their people.\n\nStarting the Sixth Age of the Sea, they founded colonies in the Dry Coast and the Ruined Sea, joined in their effort by their mainland cousins, who wished to start a new life away from the Jadd Empire.\n\nIn the Ruined Sea, the cities of Ar-šawad and Tharamit joined Saamiršes, combining their fleets to make a common front against the gnolls of Mykx, eventually formalizing their league into the Saamiršesi republic. In the Dry Coast, Hathiq, Barkhatiya, and Azkarta willingly joined the nascent Rezankand, as they were deeply intertwined with and dependent upon the Order of Exemplars for defense, and the elven cities of Jaherdin and Rezankaz for trade.
+1 Colonists

+20 Global Settler Increase