Estairey Ideas

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+2 Diplomats
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

The Chalice Woods'Twas the night before his coronation that the first King of Estaire heard the whispers and musings, beckoning him to the woods behind his castle. That's where he first met her: the woman with eyes green like gemstones and a dress as radiant as a woodland dawn, holding but a simple wooden goblet in her hands. She spoke of the coming ceremony and how she had come to give him a boon of her own. “Drink deeply and become mine champion, and thee shalt know youth a little while longer.” The man, though a seasoned adventurer, drank without a second thought.\n\nBy dawn and his coronation, a pale had been cast over Estaire, as news traveled quickly of this event, despite none being sure who they heard it from. Priests found their sermons twisting towards this ‘Emerald Lady’ being an avatar of Halanna; peasants left offerings to nearby woodlands in exchange for minor boons; and the nobles would find their oaths always capped with ‘And to the Emerald Lady’.
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+15% Average Monarch Lifespan

Love is WarAs a land brimming with chivalry renewed, Estaire is renowned for its spirit of knights and quests, and even love is not separate from this. The ladies and lords of the land are known to stage elaborate and dangerous quests for their hand in marriage, where suitors will have to battle monsters, solve puzzles, and retrieve rare items for their reward.\n\nMany of these suitors, however, instead opt for the rather different challenge of wooing an already-espoused target. This has led to many cases of spats between courtiers over affairs, scandals of infidelity, and the occasional illegitimate child or two. But is it not in the spirit of adventure, chivalry, and courtly love to battle against a rival for the heart of one’s dearest?
+50% Chance of New Heir
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Gallant TollsThe woodlands of Estaire are as abundant with wonders as they are cursed with terrors. The monsters of Estaire are larger and more aggressive than other places in Escann, which is why the knights of the realm still carry the tradition of questing, where they take on quests to slay these dangerous beasts for the peasantry.\n\nHowever, while the knights of Estaire are certainly competent, they have a tendency to focus on the spectacle of their deeds and hound endlessly for more prestige and glory, rather than focusing on getting the job done. As such, the King of Estaire took inspiration from the old knights of Castellyr to form ‘The Knights of the Emerald Eye’, an order composed of the bravest and most competent knights in all of Estaire, who are sworn to defend the realm and its peasants from threats both within and without. While they are not without their misdeeds either, whatever the challenge before them, the Knights of the Emerald Eye are always sure to accomplish their quest.
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability

The Joust Eternal‘I arrived here a fortnight ago at the behest of the Grandmaster to seek out whether Estaire would be on Corin’s side or Adean’s, but I fear they are neither.\n\nNot only do these people seem to cling to the worst customs from before the Greentide, they seem to take pride in them, brandishing their excesses for the entire world to see.\n\nAt the tourney I attended, I saw two opponents kill each other in a duel over an affair, to the roaring applause of everyone but me. I saw a mystery knight enter a joust, best his opponent, and then cause an uproar at the banquet afterwards, all while barely showing his face. And then there are the priests of ‘the Emerald Lady’, who I once suspected was some regional variation of Halanna or The Dame, but I now fear to be something much, much worse.\n\nI shall be riding for Vernham at dawn, and that is not soon enough, as I feel the debauchery and smut beginning to cling to my spirit.’\n\n - A letter from Sir Osric síl Grannvale to the Corintar, 1567
+1 Yearly Prestige

Raised for SuccessThe royal family of Estaire has long held a rather curious tradition, where the princes and princesses of the house are encouraged to play in and near the Chalice Woods, always alone, and always before they reach the middle of their childhood. These children, of course, have a tendency to go missing, with half of them never being found at all. It's never considered too much of a tragedy, though; it's always those who were rude or indignant, who even the Emerald Lady would surely lose patience with.\n\nHowever, for those who do return, they return blessed by the Emerald Lady herself, strong of body, wise of mind, pure of heart, and with the skills to rule. They seem to have been blessed with luck as well, because they do indeed rule, always.
+1 Land Leader Shock
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

The CoisinórThe court of Estaire is perhaps the most complex and sophisticated in Escann, if not Cannor. Every courtier and noble, of which there are several thousand, has their own unique role and rank in the court’s hierarchy, whether that be the Chancellor of Table Settings ensuring the right utensils are used for the right meal, the Grand Custodian of Jester Garb managing the royal jester’s daily outfits, or the Royal Ornithological Enumerator keeping track of the number of birds within the royal gardens.\n\nDue to this courtly culture, however, there is no shortage of advisors to the realm, as every member of the court is exquisitely practiced in - at least some aspects of - matters of office and the realm. Additionally, nobles sent on diplomatic missions often find dealing with foreign courts and governments trivial; being used to dealing with thousands of different nobles every day, each with their own titles and manner of address makes all foreign customs seem simple-minded and dull in comparison. By the Lady, they don’t even have advisor-advisors!
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
-10% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Kindred Revolt’Upon the order of King Berandor síl Estaire, chosen of the Emerald Lady, lord of the...\n\nIt is hereby declared that the following mandates must be followed by all of Estaire’s populace:\n\nAll peasants are to hand over any owned weapon to their local lords, including but not limited to swords, spears, daggers, axes, sickles, and any other tool deemed to be a potential hazard by the relevant authorities. Any concerns about safety relating to bandits or monsters should be relayed to the local lord or to questing knights, who are being mustered to keep the peace in these times.\n\nAny non-royal individual claiming to have been a part of the Estairey royal family, to have been lost in the Chalice woods as a child, and/or articulating anti-Estairey or revolutionary rhetoric is to be reported to the local lord immediately and should not be allowed to leave the area until knights have arrived. This is of utmost importance.’\n\nBerandor’s Decree, 1645
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

-20% Culture Conversion Cost