Pearlsedger Ideas

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+15% Infantry Combat Ability
+10% Morale of Navies

Sons of Henrik DivenscourgePearlsedge was founded by the infamous reaver Henrik Divenscourge, who utterly broke the Tretunic Kingdom and established the Kingdom of the Pearl in its place. Though we have changed and adapted since that time, the blood of Henrik still flows through our people. With the dawn of a new age of exploration and the rediscovery of Aelantir, our path remains clear: We are the sons of Divenscourge! Adventure awaits, new lands must be conquered, and conquest flows through our veins!
+1 Colonists
+10 Global Settler Increase

The House of TrísferThe Trísferian Dynasty is unlike its predecessor. Founded by an erudite bastard son returning home with the enlightened ways of the elves, his scions would go on to conquer Pearlsedge, but not through fire or axe; but through life-pearls and matrimony.\n\nWhilst a young noble house, the family's political influence across Cannor is far greater than the extinct House of Pearlman’s ever was, with links to many of the most noble, venerable, and most importantly powerful houses within the empire and Lencenor.\n\nUpon the death of Emperor Lothane III, Caylen V of Pearlsedge used this network to present himself as a 'third option' between Rose and Moon parties, and the option of peace. He was elected with the votes of Beepeck, Damescrown, Pearlsedge, and the Magisterium (after giving a substantial donation to the restoration of Castle Vinerick). His ascension to the Imperial throne would mark the beginning of the rise of Pearlsedge in the 15th century.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+20% Improve Relations

Paying for a Pearl NecklaceWhen Pearlsedge was subjugated under the Kingdom of Dameria, the practice of reaving was outlawed. As part of their new role within Dameria, the dukes of Pearlsedge were ordered to level tariffs and issue licences to non-Damerian (later Anbennarian) trade ships that wished to pass between the mouth of the Pearlywine and the shore of the Pearl Island. The lion's share of this went to the ruler of Dameria, much to the chagrin of the Pearlsedgers exacerbated by the fact that vernman ships also being part of dameria were exempted. Over the years, this increased to an extortionate level and became a rather unpopular tax. It was referred to by grumpy foreigners and traders as 'paying for the Dame’s necklace'.\n\nSo extortionate were these tithes that they prompted Duke Caylen III síl na Trísfer to eventually defect from the Moon Party to the Rose, supporting the claim of Lothane síl Wex. Emperor Lothane’s dissolution of the Grand Duchy of Dameria liberated Pearlsedge from its obligation, but unfortunately for the traders, the tariffs remained as high as ever, and now applied to Vernmen ships as well. And thus the colloquialism muttered by quietly irate merchants changed; now they were paying for the Pearl Necklace.
+20% Embargo Efficiency
+10% Domestic Trade Power

The Pearls in our NameEver since our ancestor’s discovery of pearls in the shallow waters off the coast of Jewelpoint, they have defined our culture. Although the control of this market was always lucrative, the drive to acquire such a prestigious commodity was never just avaricious; our people are simply fascinated by pearls.\nSo pervasive is this fascination that, ‘diving for a pearl’ is a common colloquialism for both coming of age and a trial being endured for great reward (especially when referring to courtship). Each Pearlsedger is known to keep a life-pearl—the very first pearl they collect themselves which symbolises their true nature. During marriage, partners exchange life-pearls to further deepen their bond as significant others. As such, our people are willing to work harder and go farther for the acquisition of wealth (in whatever form, but especially in pearls), and with the rumours of a giant pearl-filled lake far to the west in Aelantir, we must go farther than ever before.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Bald Heads Glistening in the SunAllegedly originating from early reavers shaving their heads due to the southern climate, Pearlsedgers are well-known for their tradition of having shaved and bald heads. In traditional Pearlsedger customs, men who were married would shave their hair. This eventually translated to men who dedicated themselves or saw themselves as warriors, leading to the epithet for Pearlsedger warriors as 'Bald Heads ’In some rare occurrences, women also followed this tradition, and it was eventually syncretized into the practices of the Silversea Temple.\n\nBy the end of the Lilac Wars, the act of shaving one's head after marriage became something for only conservative Pearlsedgers, as it was seen as unattractive amongst the elvenized customs pushed by the House of Trísfer, though shaving one's head as a dedication to the martial craft was still common.\n\nWith the coming of the Lilac Wars and later the Corinite Wars, the sight of a thousand bald heads glistening in the sun once again became a symbol: that of the strict discipline, fervent Adeanism, and loyal dedication of Pearlsedger soldiers.
+3% Discipline
+5% Morale of Armies

Vintage and ModernWhile the ducal vineyards of Pearlsedge were never able to compete with the sheer production of the Wine Lords, but they did so by innovation: by creating wine that fizzed, or in Pearlsedger terms… sparkled. Known for its light and dry taste, Pearl Vintage came to become one of the most prestigious products on the market.\n\nThen, in the year 1474, a bizarre grey-coloured fungus was accidentally introduced into the wine, at the same time as an unusually wet winter. The result produced a uniquely sweet wine that was excellently received across the whole of the Empire. Once the conditions had been identified, the process was perfected, and Pearl Modern also became a sought after beverage throughout the world, especially paired with sweet desserts, bringing great prestige to the rulers of Pearlsedge.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Adeanic EmperorsThe ascension of the Trísferian Emperors coincided with the rise of the Corinite heresy and the great conflict for the soul of Anbennar. At the heart of this struggle were the three Galien Emperors.\n\nIt was Galien I who began the Counter-Reformation in 1547, uniting the floundering Regent Court into a more structured dogmatic religion under Adean. Despite this, he fell during the War of the Elensbridge and the Corinites were allowed a foothold within Anbennar.\n\nWeakness only continued as the Trísferians were ousted and the First Corinite War soon began, only to be ended when the empire finally realised its mistake and Galien II ascended the throne in 1627, ending the war and confirming the Adeanic Regent Court as the true faith of Anbennar.\n\nBut turmoil begets turmoil, and Anbennar could not enjoy the Adeanic peace. Galien III's election saw the last chance to put the empire back to the true path, and as such he threw it and much of Cannor into the Second Corinite War. Galien III's holy mission was frought with many troubles, such as the secession of Arannen under the síl Vivins, but his greatest foe was one invited by the cowardly Corinite princes: the Witch-King of Núrcestir... the pretender Camir Silmuna. Together with his Arannese allies, Camir finally killed the dream of Adeanic peace at the battle of Diohmmórin, as the Anbennarian army burned as they crossed the chemically choked river at Varainé, and with them Galien III.\n\nWith the defeat of the Adeanic Emperors, Anbennar would fall into absolute rule under the Camiran Silmunas, where the divine right of kings descended not from Adean’s blessing, but from magic itself, eventually leading to the Blackpowder Rebellion and the collapse of the empire. But Pearlsedge and the Trísfers remain, for as long as they exist the idea of a true Adeanic Empire of Anbennar still lives."
+10% Imperial Authority Growth Modifier

+2 Tolerance of the True Faith