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Tier 1: Tribe Organization

Icon Name Effects Description
Chiefdom We must embrace the traditions of our people. A chiefdom allows our elders to spread their valuable knowledge.
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
Together we are stronger. By becoming a Federation, the support that we get from our allies is not only one based on diplomacy, but on kinship.
Clan Council
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +1 Diplomats
It is important to spread trust among our people. By electing a council made up of those willing to sacrifice everything for the interests of our tribe, we will be able to ensure that not a single person holds all the power.
Hereditary Rule
  • -33% Stability Cost Modifier
Those who came before us know what we seek. They have already gone through times of war and peace, through times of prosperity and hunger. Our rulers must follow their sensible guidance, and their blessed bloodline.
The Kinah Federation
  • +500% Province War Score Cost
  • +30% Reform Progress Growth
The Kinah Federation is a political entity uniting all of the great and minor Houses of Haraf. While the Houses have to answer to the decrees of the ruling House, they are fairly autonomous, governing their territory and determining their own foreign policy. The current Kinah Federation is the third of its name, created in 1178 by House Alas’gasidi, and is living through the aftermaths of the Period of the Decadent Chiefs, a period of unrest in the 14th and 15th centuries.

Tier 2: Story Tradition

Icon Name Effects Description
Martial Tradition
  • +10% Infantry Combat Ability
Into the wild, we must fight for our lives. Mother Nature is as dangerous as she is generous, and we have learned how to protect ourselves against her beasts and those who want to take her land from us.
Oral Tradition
  • +25% Monthly Reform Progress Modifier
We are our stories. What has happened in the past teaches us what may happen in the future.
Land Tradition We have always been here. We were here when the land was made and the earth was shaped. We will be here when the land is burnt and the earth vanished.
House Leeti'haàt
  • +10% Trade Efficiency
House Leeti’haát concerns itself mainly with the exploration of the great desert and the sale of the various buried trinkets of the dunes to the other Houses and ruinborn tribes. A specialty of this House is the breeding, taming and riding of sandworms from the great Haraf desert. Sandworm riders develop the skill of ‘wormwatching’ over many years - being able to detect the subtle differences of the worm’s behavior when coming into contact with hidden Precursor relics underneath the sands. Most relations with the Fograc are also put on the shoulders of this House, as the amber-eyed elves live on the other side of the sands, requiring grand expeditions to contact.
Appease the Khet
  • +20% Improve Relations
  • +1 Max Promoted Cultures
  • +0.1 Yearly Corruption
Our state is technically not the owner of the lands of the Sorrow, technically it is just a steward which manages the lands and river in the name of the Khet. The Khet, feline-human hybrids, demi-gods, and true owners of the lands and river have named us the stewards. This gives us the right to subjugate and control the lands of the Salahad and the authority to do as we please, as long as we praise, worship and serve the Khet in any way they please, no matter if it is moral or debaucherous.

Tier 3: Agricultural Revolution

Icon Name Effects Description
War Band
  • +15% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +5% Morale of Armies
Feeling safe is the most important thing in life. By focusing on warfare, we will be able to ensure the welfare of our tribe.
Settle Down
  • +20% Institution Spread
  • -25% Governing Capacity Modifier
Sometimes following the storm is not as important as finding shelter for it. The time has come for us to settle down and build more permanent villages.

We will lose §R1§! Stability if this reform gets replaced.
Seasonal Travel
  • -25% Migration Cost
As the world changes throughout the year, so must we. If we follow the seasons in their journey, we will find prosperity.
House Datai'tsel
  • +10% Cavalry Combat Ability
House Datai’tsel is the most martial and hawkish of the Houses and its chiefs are often great military leaders. This House is most known for being home to a majority of the Neàn’auvulin and to have an army almost equivalent in size to the Alas’gasidi. They are also one of two Houses to ever defy the Alas’gasidi militarily in recent history: a failed coup in 1369 to seize control of the Federation. Despite having a rebellious history, the Datai’tsel chiefs often see eye-to-eye with the Alas’gasidi in terms of civil governance. However, the Datai’tsel view the Alas’gasidi as having grown weak and complacent in their long rule and seek the conquest of the Mayte and Kooras - along with the active extermination of the Silent Watchers
Settlers Of Effelai
  • +20% Institution Spread
  • -200% Monthly Reform Progress Modifier
With Effelai's blessing obtained, our lives have been transformed: the jungle is the farm, the farm is the jungle. Once you are able to take care of Effelai to the point that you can live in the same place all your life without going hungry, it comes naturally to apply those methods whereever you go. The farm simply keeps extending throughout Effelai, as the tribe builds new paths and villages into the depths of the jungle.

Tier 4: Legal Basis

Icon Name Effects Description
Codified Power
  • -2 National Unrest
There is nothing above the law. It makes the world a fairer place and it equals the lives of everyone in our tribe.
Diplomatic Ceremonies
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
It is one thing to be together in the government of our people, an important, but aseptic task; and it is another thing to share the same food, the same water, the same rituals as the sun goes up and down and we sing.
Trading with Foreigners
  • -10% Core-Creation Cost
The arrival of foreigners to our land has allowed us to gain access to new technologies that have changed our way of life, both in times of war and peace.
House Hoila'kosu
  • +5% Goods Produced Modifier
House Hoila’kosu is a relatively easygoing House, rising to prominence through the sheer agricultural output they produce and ending the anarchic period of Western Haraf concurrently. Herding, hunting, farming, and fishing are all common professions here, and the House excels, thanks to the ancient knowledge of Tselayos. In what’s seen as strange and nonsensical to the other Houses, the Hoila’kosu are the only House to elect their chiefs - and by a council of the most agriculturally productive of the House.

Tier 5: National Identity

Icon Name Effects Description
Not all those who wander are lost Some spirits can never be tamed. There is nothing more reliable than our own souls when it comes to the government of our nation. We shall never lose that freedom.
Dynastic Lineage The lineage of our rulers is a blessing from the gods. Their royal blood has made them suitable to guide us towards prosperity.
Rule by the Public To ensure a just government, the power must be democratically elected. By choosing our leaders we choose the fate of our nation.
State of Faith Allowing mortals to decide over such an important issue as the fate of our people is not something that can be done without spiritual guidance. Our ruler must be the voice of the gods.
Tribal Identity
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +5% Movement Speed
Civilization, be it a monarchy, republic or any other kind, has brought only destruction for nature. We cannot allow us to follow these vile steps and stay on the ways as nature has intended for us.
House Keiin'achi
  • -3% All Power Costs
The power structure within House Keiin’achi is one of pure practicality, ungoverned by regular morality - if one is capable of stealing or killing to seize power and defend it, then they are its rightful ruler. Many in the House are gifted with strong magics, especially that of fire, and mages often become chiefs through use of their powers. They were responsible for an extremely destructive Di’iikunail heretical revolt known as "The Flaming Sorrows" that plagued all Haraf between 1400 and 1403. The revolt was eventually crushed and the chief of Alas’gasidi chose to extend mercy to many of the Keiin’achi - much to the protest of the other Houses and Elder Singer. A group of Keiin’achi who felt great guilt from their revolt would split off from the main House and found House Diyof’dianiil.