Karashari Ideas

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+2% Missionary Strength vs Heretics
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

Liberation of BulwarBulwar has suffered under the yoke of conquerors for many years—first the Gnolls and now the Sun Elves as well. Unlike those races, we have no intention of enslaving or deceiving the local people, but on the contrary, we want to help them prosper under the light of Surakel.
-15% Province War Score Cost

Half-orc OutcastsHalf-orcs are a shame for our people, and a grim reminder of the dark primal instincts which still live deep inside our hearts. If we ever hope to be forgiven by Surakel we must shun any breeding between orcs, humans, and their off-spring. The children of Surakel must not be corrupted by our vile blood.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The SunguardiansFollowers of Surakel in Bulwar have had an uneasy fate. Enslaved by the Gnolls, deceived by the Elves, devastated by our own invasion several decades earlier— the people of Bulwar have suffered throughout their history. Now, however, everything will change. We, the Orcs of Karashar, will become the Sunguardians, an order, dedicated to protecting Surakel faithful in Bulwar from the forces of the Darkness.\n\nWar and the machinations of government bring nothing but sadness and despair to peoples' hearts, so it should be left to us creatures of the Darkness, who have accepted the light of Surakel. Through our honor and courage, our dedication and humility, we will earn Surakel's Forgiveness and acceptance among His children.
+15% Morale of Armies

Sacred WivesThe Sacred Wives are Bulwari noblewomen who agreed to spend their lives with the Khodash-Bozorg in order to pacify his wild nature and give his soul the opportunity to go to Surakel after death, rather than being dissolved in Darkness and reincarnated by another monster. They never share a bed, but spend time talking, traveling, creating art, and praying to Surakel. The Khodash-Bozorg provides his wives with everything they want and need, and they remain faithful to him, not sharing a bed with anyone else throughout their lives. Such chaste marriages are one of the conditions under which we will earn Surakel's Forgiveness.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Promoted FestivalsFestivals and feasts in honor of Surakel are a crucial part of the Sun Cult. They help humans keep their hearts full of love and happiness. That concerns our people too, since Surakel wants everyone to be happy, no matter how corrupted by Darkness they may be.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Bulwari SagesWhile it is we who must bear the burden of government and war, to allow Surakel's children to peacefully glorify the sun god, there are many sages and thinkers among the people of Bulwar who have suggestions on how to improve the rule of Karashar. If these people volunteer to join the government and help us, we must not discourage them.
-10% Advisor Cost

Restore Surani Irrigation SystemsDuring the constant wars between Karashar, the Sun Elven states and the Gnolls, the ancient irrigation systems of Surani were badly damaged, and many fields and villages were abandoned. Now that we have finally been able to bring peace to the Suran Valley, we must start restoring what, unfortunately, we ourselves have served to destroy. However, this time we will be sure that the Suran valley and its inhabitants can flourish under our reliable protection.
-10% Development Cost

+1 Diplomatic Relations