Tluukt Ideas

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+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
+20% Income from Vassals

Honouring the OldGnolls share a long history with Bulwar. In 984 BA gnolls have invaded Bulwar for the first time, establishing several kingdoms there with the greatest of all being the All-High Kingdom of Zehia, centered around Sur mountains. Zehia's core land occupied roughly the same territory Tluukt holds in 1444, and many of our gnolls are direct descendants of the first invaders. The gnollish rule over Bulwar continued to wax and wane through centuries, until eventually being ended by the elves under Jaher. Defeated by Jaherian legions, gnolls ended up pushed into the hills and deserts on the outskirts of Bulwar with almost no city centres under direct control.\n\nAnd yet, we remain and remember. We remember the glory of the past, we remember the successes of the Xhazobines, we remember the Age of Monsters. We do remember it all... but Bulwari humans seem to be forgetting, and the time has come for gnolls to remind them.
-10% Foreign Core Duration
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Cleaving the NewTluukt is a conglomeration of several disparate tribes of southern Bulwar, united in early 1400s by Tluukt, a powerful gnollish mage. Tluukt is saddened by the state in which gnolls of Bulwar are found today and she believes that the gnollish society should be reformed.\n\nShe wishes to restore the gnollish rule to Bulwar by modernising the structure of gnollish packs and ensuring both internal stability and total loyalty and support of subjects. Having already done so inside her pack, Tluukt now looks north towards Bulwar proper. The Cleaver of Realms shall make a new grand gnollish state, and none may stand in her way.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

Denying the Sun Its GloryThe fall of Zokka came to Tluukt as a shock at first. A powerful ally, he was slain in a single combat with the pack utterly collapsing. But then, Tluukt saw an opportunity. Thousands of gnollish soldiers willingly joined our pack, filled with zealous rage and fury against Jaddar and his elven kind. The Devourer of the Sun might have fell, but the sun has not seen the last of gnolls just yet.
+10% Morale of Armies

Indirect Gnollish RuleOur human subjects tend to get scared easily by our gnollish nature. While we are not directly opposed to it - it is nice knowing they fear their rulers - this eventually can get very tiresome and annoying, especially when trying to deal with them.\n\nLuckily, not all humans are like that and there are those that are able to listen to orders and execute them. Using them as our intermediates we can hold an indirect control over humans. Tight enough to hold them under control, loose enough to let them do their work.
-15% Liberty Desire in Same Continent Subjects

Hidden CachesWhile gnolls are primarily known as scavengers, we are also good at hiding supplies that might be needed later. When Jaher and his legions invaded Bulwar and ended gnollish rule, countless of hidden weapons, maps and pieces of armour were lost in the sands. Luckily for us, neither humans not elves were able to find those caches, allowing Tluukt armies to finally utilise them centuries later.
-10% Land Attrition

Reignited Bulwari SlaverySlavery is a large part of gnollish society, and our loss of control over Bulwar severely limited and practically ended the practice of slavery in the region. This changed when our Pack Mistress has managed to enfold the humans' into the pack's domain following invasion of Bulwar proper, bringing a large amount of potential slaves to the market. Citizens of humans were left in shock after our slavemasters started rounding up random humans, putting them in chains and sending south to Tluukt's palace. Let Bulwari slavery be reignited in defiance of wannabe gods and their blind followers!
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Last Stand In EkluzagnuFollowing the death of its founder, Tluukt faced defeat after defeat against elves and Bulwari humans alike, until eventually the gnolls were surrounded in Grixekyr. The pack continued to exist in such a state for the next few decades, continually fortifying their lands and deterring increasingly rare Bulwari attacks. Alas, all good things must come to an end.\n\nIn 1507 Tluukt's old enemies, the Jaddari, declared the final war against the gnolls in Bulwar. While some traitorous gnolls sided with the elves and accepted the Jadd, the loyal gnolls of Tluukt fought to the last soldier, but despite their ferocity were pushed back all the way into the recently restored Ekluzagnu. Here, the Jaddari led an extremely long and costly siege, fighting floor by floor to kill every single gnoll in the fortress. Ironically, the very same place destroyed by Xhazobine ended up being the site of last stand of gnollish rule in Bulwar.
+20% Fort Defence

+1 Diplomatic Reputation